4 \ TEE the jbape Obuchd... Save youd Co-op receipts to exchange for cash. $1111 paid out last jear Were glad you're coming to Oregon ... and you'll be glad to learn about the Co-op. It's where you'll buy your text books (second hand if you come early), your cigarettes, mail your let ters, cash your checks, buy your war stamps, get that in-between-class coke, and meet Susie. You'll learn to depend on the Co-op for your needs. It s a fine part of Oregon tradition. GREETINGS GATE Greeting cards to send the appropriate word to the right person. MORALE BUILDER Eatons and Montag's station ery (none better) will give your letters the proper lift. LIVEXIBRARY Bestsellers and , classics to brighten, an dcnlighten your mind and to add to your library. A fine rental library will put the latest books at your finger's end. FOLLOW THE NEWS Knowing the. news is part of your class work. Keep posted with a map. WRITE IN STYLE The Coop has a limited sup ply of Schaeffer, Waterman and Parker pens despite the war. Lucky You. THE FINER THINGS Reproductions of famous - paintings and prints for your room. Good art for little money. Feggy Gordon tl Jack Pennington i Ed Gurney Jim Thayer '•y ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES Pencils, notebooks, paper, ink, and a limited supply of leather notebooks, artists sup plies, and all the little things so necessary to going to school are on hand at the Coop. OUTDOOR STUFF Ping pong balls,-tennis balls, tennis racquets, badminton cocks, available for the athleti cally minded. Expert racquet restringing. This ad was prepared by. Leith Brown and won for her a prize of 17.50 in a contest sponsored by the Co-op for members of the Retail Advertising Class STUDENTS Buy during registration and get good SECOND-HAND BOOKS 3