By PFC WILLIAM M. STRATTON (a victim of circumstances) After spending several months in the services of our beloved uncle and coming home on a short furlough, naturally the first place any devoted Emerald worker would shoot an azimuth Is the “shack.” That is what we did and before a firing line could be estab lished, madam editor has us parked behind a typewriter in stead of a gun pounding out a column instead of noundino on Jpe sons ot heaven and their buddies. Of course, it is good to be back on the beam but when you are expected to predict the coming football season after being out of touch with the civilized world for a number of months, it creates an embarrassing situation. No Predictions; Just Hopes Nevertheless—here wer go. As far as we know, there are few returning from last year's team and if Oregon does have a football team, it will be mostly freshmen unless the army gets on the beam and allows the students stationed here to compete in varsity sports. However, when anyone starts pr^ftcting what the army is going to do they are getting into deep water, so we will not prognosti cate—just hope. If army students were allowed to compete, ' some pretty fair players could probably be found, but on the other hand, they seem to be so busy with these ASTP courses that whether EVERY NIGHT TO SEPT, 2 with FREDDIE SLACK And His Famous ★ ★ SWIM “CRYSTAL POOLS” g Open Daily from 12 Noon to H Sunset (Weather 'H Permitting M SWIMMERS, please bring "your own SUITS, CAPS/ Jand TOWELS, if possible. | Thrill Rides - Games - Fun HOpen 7 p.m. on Week Days “Jantzen Beach Is Easy to Reach” they would have time to compete in varsity sports is questionable. On second thought, we know nothing about the physical struc ture of the present military stu dent body, but the law of aver ages should find a few guys that could be developed to play a little football. Doesn’t sound like a very logical conclusion, does it?. Well maybe it isn’t, but with the manpower situation such a de plorable one, it seems to us like every conceivable angle should be thought of. -Deadline Material We haven’t talked to Warren because they have such a thing they call a deadline on this rag, and we haven’t been here long enough to establish communca tions, so the specific amount of potential freshman material is not known. However, hearsay has it that some freshmen have in tentions of enrolling fall term and play football. Therefore, regardless of the team’s strength, there will prob ably be a team, because they have a schedule to meet and it isn’t polite to break a date—especially so many of them all at once. All Hard Up Thus far, all we have done is talk about the lack of material at Oregon. Probably most of the other schools are as hard up for men as the University so maybe there will be an even battle for the pennant after all. However, there is a catch to this one, too. The University of Washington is packed jammed with naval students and the war department has issued orders that allows them to compete in varsity sports. If the army doesn’t kick through with similar orders, it seems obvious that Washington should walk away with the flag because they are the only school in the northern division that has catered to the navy to any ex tent; Schedule Arrives After taxing our limited men We Specialize in College SH s; \ ^ \ Let us fill your ~~r' campus needs s’ Collegiate Styles for Beauty and Comfort ALUMNI OWNED AND MANAGED S28 Willamete St. Phone 3428 tality to no end with nothing in particular to write about, a pen pal finally brought a schedule, so now we can make it the topic of conversation for awhile to fill space. There are three games at home, two in Portland, and one in Cor vallis. Such a schedule is certainly keeping traveling to a minimum. Portland isn’t a very long hop and there are only two trips to the state of ignorance—as you were —soldier—should have said the state of Washington. After reading this mess over, it is quite obvious that your col umnist knows practically nothing about the coming football season. The only consolation is that this issue is supposed to be sent to ex ducks wherever they may be and that we have enlightened a few that may have lost contact with the civilized world although they may still be in the United States. Greening Editor Carol Greening was named edi tor of the student directory and Joan Dolph business manager at a meeting of the educational ac tivities board late this spring. Betty Ann Stevens was appoint ed assistant to Miss Greening. Work on the pigger’s guide will begin after fall term registration and the guide will be published during fall term. It is not known as yet whether army students on the campus will be listed in the directory. Pre-Met Furloughs Commence August 21 as Screen Exams End Main Street—whether you are in Texas, Utah, Florida, or Missouri—here we come. In twenty-four painfully long hours, the dormitory, home of the air corps pre-meteorology detach ment here on the campus of the University, becomes “the de serted village" as furlough week begins. August 21 approaches with the enlisted personnel of this detachment preparing to meet all that it holds with various emu auuuiciuuuuus. a, mail but is somewhat afraid of that date and its accompanying screening tests, for the full 245 of them realize the importance of those perhaps fatal, certainly potentially lethal tests. But is worry, fear, or doubt overshadowing the pleasant cells of the barracks ? Not on your life! Not with the first furlough in many months coming hand-in hand with the tests. They are studying harder than ever before; they are learning (and remem bering) more than ever before; and still they are doing more con centrated day-dreaming and high powered anticipating than the hall has seen since its feminine occupants were dispossessed. A remarkably large percentage of the men are planning to leave Eugene the afternoon of the twenty-first, 85 per cent to be exact. But yet, is it remarkable: Is it strange that men whose home-ties have been broken only with their membership in this man’s air corps should do every thing but try to walk home if the opportunity affords. And those of them who aren’t bound to a painted home have a desire to be back in the old habitat once more, roaming on familiar streets for a change. A lot of sincere thanks goes to detachment commander, Lt. Ca ble for all of them are looking to the furlough—not just those who can afford, beg, borrow, or steal their railroad fare home. Boys from the Bronx, and similar bits of inaccessible wilderness, are be ing presented with the opportun ity to spend a week in the moun tains. Arrangements have been made for the detachment to take over a scout camp located on the Blue River, near its joining with the McKenzie river, 45 miles from Eugene. 19tk 6}all Ofietti&ify for Oregon Fellows DeNEFFE’S Is as much a tradition with Oregon men as the "hello walk." Upper classmen all are old customers at DeNeffe's and will tell then fresh man brothers—"it's the place to go for style, quality, and smartness at reasonable cost." You'll find old friends, and make new ones at DeNeffe's • Hollywood Suits • Manhattan Shirts • Knox Hats • Interwoven Sox • Jarman Shoes • Alligator Raincoats • Can’t Bust ’em Cords • Finest of Sweaters We Make It Easy for the "Frosh" Along with various courses first year men will take a course in social values. Professors may grade your the sis, but Tom, Dick, and Harry, Mary, Jane, and Irene will grade your appearance by your clothes. So play safe, by supplying your every campus, and dress wear needs at DeNeffe's. Plan to make your headquarters at DeNEFFE’S MEN’S DRESS WEAR STORE It is your Down Town Campus Shop 1022 Willamette St. McDonald Theatre Bldg.