Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Or. Moore Speaks Saturday
On 'Two Books of 1543'
An illustrated public address on “The Two Great Books of
1543,” one by Copernicus on astronomy and the other by Vesa
lius on anatomy, will be given this evening, May 15, at 8 o’clock
in Gerlinger hall by Dr. A. R. Moore of the psychology depart
ment. The address, which is being sponsored by Sigma Xi and
Phi Beta Kappa, university scholastic honoraries, will follow
the annual spring initiations of
the two societies and a joint din
ner which they will give in hon
or of the initiates.
Dr. Moore, who has studied bio
logical sciences in this country,
E Ape, and the Orient, now has
chOTge of University instruction
in the history of science. He will
deliver the lecture in celebration
of the fourth centenary of the
publication of the two great
works of Copernicus and Vesa
lius, which appeared within a few
weeks of each other in 1543.
The first, “De Recolutionibus
Orbium Coelestium,” the founda
tion of modern astronomy, was
brought to the Polish Copernicus
on his deathbed May 24 of that
year. The other, the Belgiam Ve
salius, “De Humani Corporis Fa
brics,” the foundation of the
modern science of anatomy, was
published about a month later.
Dr. Moore will relate the history
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of these works, explain their sig
nificance to modern science, and
illustrate his address with re
prints from Vesalius’ book and
with slides. The address will be
given in alumni hall.
Immediately preceding the ad
dress Sigma Xi and Phi Beta
Kappa will hold their annual
spring initiations for members
newly elected to the respective
organizations, and will then join
in a dinner honoring the initiates.
The Phi Beta Kappa initiation
will take place at 5:30 in the rec
reation room in Gerlinger hall,
the Sigma Xi initiation at 5:45
in the men’s lounge, and the din
ner in the sun room at 6:30,
Special Honor
Two events will take place at
the dinner. Sigma Xi will confer
a special honor on Dr. Morton E.
Peck, emeritus head of the biol
ogy department at Willamette
university, for his outstanding
work in botany and particularly
for a manual on the flora of Ore
gon which he has recently pub
lished. Dr. John C. Merriam.
president emeritus of the Carne
gie Institute of Washington, D.
C., will deliver the charge to Sig
ma Xi initiates. Dr. Merriam, one
of the country’s outstanding pa
leontologists, has long been
known in this state for his sci
entific investigations of the geo
logical deposits in the John Day
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Across from Sigma Chi
■—Photo by Ted Hush
. . . Emerald heads are shown at the annual Emerald banquet with faculty advisers. From left to
right, June Tailor, news editor for the coming year; Professor George Turnbull, adviser; Mrs. George
Turnbull; Jack L. Billings, retiring editor; Eric VV. Alien, dean of the school of journalism; Betty
Schrick, retiring business manager; Marjorie Voting, managing editor for the coming year;
Elizabeth Edmunds, business manager for -48-’44; and Marjorie Major, Emerald editor for ’43-’44.
Athletic Petitions Due
Petitions for managership of
athletic card sales next fall
should be in the hands of Jean
Page, vice-president of ASUO,
by 4 p.m., Monday. Petitions
may be left at Susan Camp
bell hall.
Applicants will be interviewed
in room 1, Johnson hall, at 4
p.m., Tuesday.
tewiN If Emerald
Night Staff:
Carol Cook,
Roger Tetlow,
Co-night editors
Lorene Flower
Louise Montag
Jill Ames
Night Staff Thursday:
Jan Settle, night editor
Fred Weber, Asst, night editor
Thursday Copy Desk Staff:
Fred Weber, city editor
Carol Cook, assistant
Courtney S wander
B. A. Stevens
Edie Newton
Roger Tetlow
Jon Snillib
Det Shub
George (Last memoriam)
UO to Greet Trainees
(Continued from pac/c one)
in charge of the assembly. The
committee of army men working
with her on the assembly are:
Private Sumner Walters, Califor
nia, chairman; Private Dick An
derson, Iowa; and Private Bill
Deskin, Missouri.
A number of girls were select
ed from each woman’s living or
ganization according to the size
of the house to attend a dance
to be given at the training de
tachment barracks this evening
from 8:30 to 12 p.m. The women
will Wear name tags and draw
names for the first dance. Mix
up dances such as John Paul
Jones will be used extensively
and refreshments will be served.
Both the soldiers and the girls
will put on entertainment during
In charge of arrangements for
the training detachment for the
dance is staff sergeant Marvin
M. Smith who will work with
Marion Harris, campus represen
tative in charge of arrangements.
The executive council also ap
pointed Jean Frideger, freshman
Art Holman
and his
75c Per Person
Dancing 9 'til 12
Every Sat. Nite
in liberal arts, as chairman of
the campus war board to replace
Len Barde. She will take office
Martha Jane Switzer, junior in
business administration, was ap
pointed chairman of the Oregon
13th and Pearl
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