Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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Guile- Goedi- jboH, Heaalia
@12)elen&e, AfuMed-' Aid
From shipyards to dusting
bulls in a china shop . . . from
prosaic occupations to the high
ly unusual, Oregon’s coeds will
be slaving this summer in the
main, toward the war effort,
from all indications.
Time was when Miss Coed
About-Town vacationed a la
summer resort, catching up on
knitting, light reading, and sun
tan. ’Tis a new era . . . replete
with persons like an unnamed Pi
Phi and Delta Gammas Helen
Johns and Gene Lockman, who
will drive trucks on a pea farm.
With "We're the Women Be
hind the Man Behind the Gun”
as their guiding light, mayhap,
feminine riveters and females are
taking over everything in sight.
Civilian defense and nurses’ aid
ing will find Alpha Phis Pat
Stanard and Toni Sutton prac
ticing first aid in crisp uniforms.
Uniforms attract, as the old say
ing goes, and Nancy Dunkelburg
er, Ainha Gam, among other peo
ple, is attracted, too. It's dark
blue WAVES uniform.
Among those enjoying a "fac
simile thereof” of old, pre-war
summers are Phyllis Evans and
Martha Hoch, who will counsel
girl scouts amid scenery and sun
shine, while Phyllis Foster and
Eetty Lu Siegman, head for the
borderland “Como le va, senori
tas?” Phyllis and Betty Lu are
a couple of exchange students to
More patriotic-minded coeds
with an eye to profits too, may
be found preparing for more dras
tic point rationing in the canner
ies, and then there’s the studious
type and summer school is at
tracting many of the more seri
ous-minded this year, and more
uniforms, hmmm.
By Betty Ann Stevens
Thank You
Thank you for the past years that you have patron
ized our store. Thank you, too, for your contagious
enthusiasm which has instilled in us an eagerness
to satisfy those that follow you.
Congratulations! May your future repay you for
your conscientious work during the past four years.
B£fl RD7
| Mary Ann Campbell, editor |
| Staff: |
| Carol Greening,
3 Betty Ann Stevens,
Assistant Editors
| Betsy Wootton
| Mildred Wilson
j Betty Lou Siegman §
| Joanne Nichols J
| Doris Chapler
; Jody Hume [
' Barbara Bealer
9wUde IdJ-Adl
All the stars were out on the
baseball field Thursday afternoon,
disguised by dark glasses and gym
suits, to play off the All - Star
Whatta game, whatta game!!
Tough fight for both teams. And
gals wasting energy striking at
rain-drops, mistaking them for
the ball . . . only kidding, of
Star pitchers—alias captains—
Mildred Thomas and Mary Alder
son really had their balls under
perfect control, aiming for that
certain space right above the
home plate, between the batter’s
knees and shoulders . . . but, nev
ertheless, Dotty Gullette, catcher,
and Miss Petroskey, umpire
seemed to have a tough time, re
ceiving the ball right in the stom
ach and in the face.
Not Spitwads, Either
And it's not funny what a little
wad of rope covered by some
white stuff and stitched all
around can do to a face without
the protection of a mask—with
no reference whatsoever to Hal
Mildred Thomas and her Bat
ting Nine won the Bat Battle by
a broken bat. Jeepers, what a
tongue twister! Well, if we can
write it you can read it.—Maybe.
Members of the WAA cabinet
are getting in condition for their
stand tonight with Stay Up Stan,
The All Night Record Man. All
I want to say is that tonight big
things are cooking on the WAA
home front, for they are planning
their entire program for next
The servicemen on the campus
are going to be included in this
program, in such affairs as Rec
reation Night and mixed intra
murals with the girls. Sounds
good to us!
We’re promising a very detailed
program and a very good pro
gram to evolve from this meet
ing. . .
Thank gosh,
Ain’t froze.
Really, we get very tired of
continuously dragging the weath
er into this column, but we feel
Commemorate Her
Graduation Date
acmgrsBc jrr -
/''\UR Lovely Bouquets
are designed to add
glory to the commence
m ent celebration. Place
your order now for your
Graduation Gift of Flow
ers. ^
58 Hast Hroadxvav
Phone 4240
very smug', for the tennis match
es and baseball games have all
been played off in spite of it all.
And that (by “that” we mean
the conclusion of the season's
baseball and tennis) facilitates
the turning in of the check for
WAA initiation which is going to
be held next Tuesday, May 18.
’Bye for this term, but next
fail we’ll be back with more IN
SIDE NEWS!!! . . .
By Marty Beard
Registrar's Checkup®
Anyone contemplating a.,
change in his major course for j
fail term should inform the
registrar of this as soon as pos
sible. In this way it will be pos- f
sible for the summer checking !
of requirements'Jto be made in
the light of the major require
■ Eugene's Ou)n Score’
u s s e
We have just the thing
von will really like Sport
sets complete with full
flareel^ skirts in prints and
solid colors in cotton pique
. . . chambray . . . pefcales
. . . rayons. Sizes 10-20.
$9.95 -
Bring in Discarded Washed Hose ol Silk or Nylon lor Uncle Sam
| T* O J=*
*r m
When you're on your feel a lot—and who isn't now?—
gossamer webs won't do. You need extra-strong stock
ings as well as shoes. And you'll like good-looking,
oeat-fitting V-35 for the duration — and for its dura
tion, too. With sturdy cotton-plaited foot and better
lifting, exclusive FI extoe*. J J J