Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1943, EAX Edition, Image 1

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. . . is hardly the thing to use to play up the tennis court dance this
afternoon, but we hael to use something. The story of the affair is
right below.
WAA Frolics Today
The Open Air Way
Every day the Emerald has one big story that goes on page
one and has lots of black type on top, kinda like a chocolate
sundae. This, kids, is it!
Since there isn’t any other news like elections, fires, or stuff,
we’ll tell you about a dance. Hell, why don’t these women
stand closer to tne teiepnone.
It’s like this, the WAA (when
they finish school they get a C and
become WAACs) are having some
sort of a deal at the tennis courts
«jt doesn't rain. Should it rain ?
at’s for you to decide. Anyhow,
if it rains they will have it in Ger
linger. Don’t be confused, it has
to be either in Gerlinger or the
tennis courts.
As far as the program's con
cerned .... It does not! First
we’ll warn ya. It costs two bits
a couple (that means dates.) To
get back to the program, by the
way — no flowers. Anyhow the
program, well, the whole thing
starts at 4 and endures till 6. The
program will consist of dancing.
Dancing to the best records over
a good leather lung PA system,
like a desert at the Pi Phis
^Rere they use a hand cranked
Besides dancing, revelers can
see the side shows where Tex
Goodwin and Spider Dickson will
extole the qualities of the two
(Plcasc turn to page three)
Kwamas Tap
Choice Femmes
While two German divisions
were wiped out on Krpsktk River
in Russia yesterday, and while
the Japanese retreated to Fu Nu
Snak ugorge, 19 glamouh-girlies
got the green signal light from
the outgoing Kwama, (women’s
sophomore honorary) lasses, here
at Oregon.
Amid wild cheering and noise
making, bouncing belles Mary
Bush, Nancy Brownell, Mary Cor
rigan. Signe Ecklund, Phyliss Ev
ans, Dolores Hewitt, Patty Van
Hoosear, Anita Young, Barbara
McClung, Marilyn Holden, Mickey
McCandiess, Phyliss Miller, Sally
Twohy, Virginia Wright, June
Johnson, Maxine Hughes, Betty
Lawrence, Altha Paul, and Lois
Winsley were tapped for member
(Please turn to page three)
Some of the Boys Covered Their BeaL
Here's what they found...
About the BA School
Beta Alpha Psi, another na
tional professional honorary, this
time in accounting, initiated four
Thursday night in Gerlinger and
then adjourned to a downtown
cafe for dinner.
Those initiated were Clarence
Horton, Charles Martin, Orville
Marcellus, and Leonard Ray.
Hugh Muir is this year's presi
dent. Thus the armed forces
gained four new men for the fi
nance department.
Over in the BA school where
they grind out these individuals
by the score, Dean Victor P. Mor
ris is grooming for another sea
son upstate. A veteran commence
ment speaker, the dean is looking
forward to an extended tour of
the hamlets of Oregon.
■ In another instance the BA
school lost a man, Assistant Pr o
fessor L. M. Faust. A question,
“What if the University had re
jected his application for a leave
of absence when the draft board
said “Greetings”?
Snap It Up, Seniors
A lead to a story is supposed
to have everything important in
the story. This one doesn't, it's
got what a lead’s supposed to
. . . whose picture was run in yes
terday's Emerald, too.
have—but the next paragraph'll
have what this lead's supposed
to have but doesn’t have—if you
follow me. Keep reading, this
stuff’s - important (the editor
Ray Packouz, senior prexy, has
extended the deadline on ordering
caps and gowns until May 14
(place orders at the Co-op). The
Co-op says it hopes all men'll
know their status by then soz
they can order. Packouz sez
theze commencement exercises
may be very impressive—also
there are a few announcements
still available at the Co-op.
Well, I’ve did my duty (as Dr.
Lesch sez) although you proba
bly don’t know what I’m talking
I don’t either.
Alfa Fees Roll in First
Alpha Fee again becomes phe
The amazing Fees this week
came through, over overwhelm
ing odds, to nab first place in the
Red Cross bandage rolling con
test with the score of 60 hours
—and the girl, who gave me the
story of the phone said that was
" Hot on the heels of the from
now on sensational Fees came
Alfa Ci O, with 26\i> hours. (The
girl said that wasn’t bad). The
KiOs slaved for 24 hours. (That
ain't bad, either.)
I wish they’d work on me that
Oh, by the way, the gill said
to mention that Carolyn Holmes
is high lama of the deal. She
mentioned some other names too,
but I forgot them.
These"Kids are Sick
And now, vre turn to that blot
of civilization — the infirmary.
Our deepest sympathy goes to
Peggy Heitschmidt, Mary Jane
Terry, Rosyln Terry, Uno Lewis,
and Albin Sundstcn. The Grand
Order of the Lima Bean, With
Catsup, should go to Myron Spa
dy and Virginia Atchison (they’re
new patients) (poor kids).
Luckiest person on the campus
is Wally Clark (pronounced
Klark) who was dismissed yes
Aw, Hell, what a hunk of JunB
I hafta write—oh well, maybe
I'll be a foreign correspondent)
some day.
3>ea4, Mam,
That calendar that hangs on ;■).
couple of nails on the left wait ©?
my room (next to the Petty draw
ing) states that this Sunday is
Mother’s Day. And that is kind
of confusing, in a way. Last week
end seemed like Mother’s Day. II
was glad that you could get down
to Eugene and see this eollego
town. i
This year you and I have been
a lot closer than ever before, i.
suppose that the thought of th*>
war, and my entering the armed
service has had something to do
with the situation.
I can’t figure out why they
picked one day out of 385 to honor
you. Every day is Mother's Day,
or should he.
Many of the lads won't; he able
to communicate-with their moth
ers this year, because a little
thing like a war can be very trou
blesome. But their thoughts are
wending a path homeward, even
though that trail may he across
the searing sands of an African
dessert, or the endless blue ex
panses of the Pacific Ocean.
It has been a trying year for
all mothers. Many hoys have been
lost in the crimson conflagration.
But cut of this chaos lias come
a new spirit and faith born amid
the strife of battle. A closer unity
has been thus formulated, and
mother-and-son have been bond
ed together by sympathy, devo
tion and necessity.
The time is soon coming when
I. too, must depart for the battle
front, fortified with the conviction
that I'll be hack home again, and
the elapsing time will seem like
only a had nightmare. Von and it
can pick up the mundane strands
of life from where we will east
them shortly.
I can't improye on the old es
tablished sentiment. So, Mom,
here/s a kiss, two or three, and f
hope that tho roses arrived in
time. -F. C. B.