Congas and Rhumbas Latin American Way —See Column 1 VOLUME XLIV Batcher Located Aftei* Thrilling Hunt by Meds —See Page 3 NUMBER 121 Prom dongas into ^Weekend Spotlight ---- SEE STORY COLUMN’ 1 Photo by Ted Bush ROYAl> COURT . . . . . . in their royal costumes—Princesses Frances Johnston, Sue Sawyer, Mary Wright, and Kay Jenk ins, standing, and Queen Mary Bentley, seated. Igloo Goes South American; FlowersOut; Late Per Given By FRED TREADGOLD The throbbing, rocking rhythm of the conga, and the weird, haunting atmosphere of the jungle are all wrapped up together in a bright “South American Way” package to be delivered to campus dancers this evening at McArthur court’s ballroom Prom in the last big dance for the duration — the class of ’43’s Junior Prom. Dancing begins in the big domed pavilion at 9 o'clock and lasts till midnight. One o’clock permission has been granted for the dance, Bill Farrell, general fJiairman for the Prom revealed ^bterday. McArthur court has undergone almost a complete transforma tion. The bandstand has assumed the appearance of an ancient In dian temple of the sun with a huge staircase leading to the top of the temple. Multicolored spotlights play on the temple, fashioning an inter esting effect. The light in hues of the color spectrum are prom inent in the foreground, gradual ly blending back into deeper shades until darkness closes al together. A huge 40-foot black backdrop laoms in the background with a Sparkling white map of South America standing cut in marked contrast. Colorful flags from the 21 Lat in American republics decorate the walls, while completing the (Please turn to payc seven) Science Meet Set for Today Eleven delegates from the Uni versity of Oregon will read pa pers at the ninth annual session of the Oregon Student Science conference, to be held on the University campus, today. Prizes are being offered for the best papers by graduates and by undergraduates in each of the divisions — biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, and phy sics. Two of the awards are be ing made by the American Chem ical society and the American Association of Physics Teachers. Talks Scheduled Especially interesting talks, Arrnin H. Gropp, president of the conference, said, will be Cather ine Young's “Minnesota Clerical Tests’’ and Dr. Warren D. Smith’s “Life in the Tropics,” both in the {Please turn to page three) Two Win Sing Cups First places in the third an nual all-campus sing- contest went Friday night to the Alpha Gam ma Delta chorus led by Jane Partipilo singing “The Night Will Never Stay,’’ and to tlie com bined chorus of Campbell club and Kirkwood co-op led by Lee Ghormley singing “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.” Alpha Delta Pi singing “In the Still of the Night,” led by Bar bara Bentley and Delta Upsilon singing “Sweet and Low” led by Ray Leonard took honorable mention. The two organizations placing first will sing at the prom tonight. Each of the win ners received a silver loving cup. The judges were Dean Melvin H. Geist, Willamette university school of music; Miss Evelyn Gibson, head cf the Linfield col lege voice department; and Em ery Hobson, dean of the Pacific university school of music. While the judges were out, the audience, sparked /by choruses grouped below, sang the army, navy, marine, and air corps songs. W’ith spontaneous enthu siasm the well filled McArthur c»urt swelled to the melodies of college and folk songs, climaxed by the rendition of a harmonious breakfast food ad. The Sigma Nus drew a round of laughter and applause by sing ing the bald statement that they were sorry they had no song. Men to Arrive May 10-17 For Meteorology Program By EDITH NEWTON Soldiers will arrive on the campus between May 10 and 17 to start a 12 month basic pre-meteorology training course to be given here, it was announced this week by Dr. Will V. Norris, acting head of the physics department, and member of the central faculty committee responsible for the organi zation of the program. Crowns, Roses Highlight Sing Mortar Board, senior women’s honorary and goal of every ac tivity-minded girl on the cam pus, Friday night tapped 10 out standing junior women and Miss Mabel Wood, head of the home economics department, at the all campus sing. Queen Mary Bentley and her four princesses, Kay Jenkins, Were installed in the coronation ceremony of the fifty-third an nual Junior Weekend. Prime Min ister Bob Koch read the proclam ation and Class President Roger Dick crowned Queen Mary. The songs in the contest were given before the throne in the form of a serenade to the queen and the audience later joined in with “Mary.” Women receiving the red rose of Mortar Board were: Nancy Ames, ASTJO president; Marilyn Campbell, AWS president ; Marge Curtis, Phi Theta presi dent; Sue Sawyer, house presi dent, Kappa Alpha Theta and active in Phi Theta; Beverly Padgham, YWCA president; Helen Johnson, Oregana editor; Marjory Major, Emerald editor; Helen Holden, president of Hen dricks hall and member of ASUO (Please turn to page eight) Seventh Li be Day Opens on Campus Featuring special book exhib its, the seventh annual library day will be held on the campus today to celebrate the anniver sary of the new library which was occupied on May 3, 1937. Recent gifts to be exhibited will include Ethel Sawyer's gift of 558 volumes and books pur chased with the $1,012.50 which she donated for this purpose. Books on dance and drama pur chased with $50 donated to this fund by Phi Beta, music and drama honorary, will also be ex hibited. Books purchased from a $74.85 gift by the interfraternity coun cil for the house library collec tion and those purchased by Mu Phi Epsilon, music honorary, on music for the browsing room will also be shown, (Please turn to page three) Arne flights of 25 men each, will arrive for the Class C pro gram . May 17 has been set as the tentative starting' date cf the specialized program. Second Ijoutenants The program to be given here entails a year's training. When the soldiers leave they will be sent to an "A” school for six months’ additional instruction. When they graduate from that they will bo full-fledged meteor ologists, each with a rank equiva lent to a second lieutenant in the army air corps. Army instructors will teach military and physical education to the soldiers while faculty mem bers will teach other subjects. Courses to be taught to the me teorology men include general physics, vectorial mechanics, five mathematics courses ranging from algebra to calculus, geog raphy, history, speech and Eng lish composition. Weekends Off Classes for the soldiers will bo oO minutes in length, with 10 minutes between classes, and in struction and study will be from S a.m. to 6 p.m. on week days, and from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on. Saturday. The meteorology stu dents will have Saturday after noon and Sunday off each week and seven days’ furlough every 12 weeks. Each week night the. soldiers will study, and the up per division reading room and newspaper reading room in the li brary will be used exclusively by meteorology students. The soldiers will be barred from •taking part in college ath letics, but they have permission to participate in University "So cial activities during their free time. The men will be housed and fed in University dormitories. Mrs. Genevieve Tumipseed, di rector of dormitories, is in charge of housing. It has not been announced in which dorm the men will live. Spinach Hoers Head For Farm at 8 Weather permitting, students Mho want to earn 60 cents an hour hoeing spinach are ashed to report to the employment office this morning at 8 o’clock. They are to bring a runch, and old dothesand gloves. The employment office is lo cated at 11th and Willamette, next door to the city library.