Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1943, Women's Edition, Page 6, Image 6

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    flwfal Cited*. . . .
PhmceMel Sue., fC. fj.
State JlaueL, Pan Rain
"You might say, over and over again, that we hate rain,”
emphasized tall, humorous Sue Sawyer.
"Yes, over and over and over again,” echoed piquant “K. J.”
The two Junior Weekend princesses, newly-elected Greek
Moc politicos, and Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Phi presi
dents respectively, sat side by side, watching the clock in the
College Side warily, one with a
package of Luckies, and the oth
er with Chesterfields.
Both are out-of-stater3, Sue
T)etvg from Wenatchee, Washing
ton, and K.J, from Pasadena,
California, besides both being
members of Phi Theta Upsilon
and receiving offices in the Tues
day elections. K.J., who was a
Kwama last year, was elected to
the second spot as senior repre
sentative, and Sue, senior class
Ha, Food!
The “box luncheon" is what
the royal duo look forward to
most during Junior Weekend.
“Of course,” Sue remarked with
an engaging frown, "Don't count
the campus luncheon if it's going
tO’ rain!”
Caps, gowns and
should be
ordered at the
Co-op at once.
All orders must
be in by j
next Friday,
April 30th
RECORDINGS made of voice
or musical instruments Call Clay
Pomeroy, 2068 or 3G10J.
WANTED Part time waitress.
Experience preferred but not nec
essary. College Side Inn.
Women’s Page
Mary Aim Campbell, editor
Carol Greening-,
assistant editor
Marty Beard
Betty Lu Siegman
Lois Hulset
Betty Ann Stevens
An absorbing conversation con
cerning the South American way
of dress followed. “Have you had
your dress fitted?” Sue inquired
with enthusiasm. “I couldn't im
agine it, but they’re wonderful:
I'm just mad about them! . . .
Ooops, I'm sorry," she apologized,
returning to “being interviewed."
“Yes, we’re both in Red Cross,”
said K.J. “I just roll bandages
and do my little part, but Sue
was an instructor during fall and
winter term."
Likes and Dislikes
“I like clothes," Sue comment
ed unnecessarily.
“Oh, I iove clothes,” K.J. re
“I don't like continuous rain,"’
was another strangely familiar
Sawyer remark.
“Oh. I don’t either, but I like
all kinds of food."
:“I hate egg plant."
“I love egg plant, but I hate
lima beans."
“I love lima beans."
“I like people."
Agreeing perfectly as to the
advantages of traveling, however,
K.J. has been to Hawaii twice,
and Sue “went sightseeing" to
New York last summer.
“War work . . . drafting or
something" are the aims of the
art-conscious two, following
graduation, “definitely not riv
sjuM&i Weekend
. . . and for every
other occasion
this spring!
Smart looking' — w a s t'.
suits of cotton shantung;.
Hotelier linen. Those two
pieces are in lovely plain
colors, and some have tig
ered skirts.
$8.95 - $19.95
1004 Willamette
9*tM&e WAA
. . . Announcing the formation
of the Anti-Rain league, with
WAA, Jo Reginato, head of base
ball, and Phyl Root, head of ten
nis, as charter members, and
chief supporters.
We tried playing baseball- the
other day. The pitcher attached
a white sail to the ball and float
ed it towards the batter. . . .
We sailed into third on the rise
of a wave, but when we headed
off towards home, the third base
man started after us with a fast
And as for tennis,——!, we
used our rackets for water wings
and hauled in fish with the ten
nis nets. Nice game!
A few words on the Tennis
Court dance, which so far is a
no-name jive. Floss Hamilton,
head of the dance committee, is
all Enthusiasm over the plans
which really Show'.
. . . And a little bit of informa
tion that isn’t a military secret,
a campus politico secret, or any
other kind of a secret—the dance
has a circus theme, and the en
tertainment, being planned by
originality girls Joan Dolph and
Sally Spies, will be in the form of
a side show. Decorations are up
to Barbara McClung and Patty
Van Hoosear, which means we
can expect novelty!!!
Don’t forget to see the swim
min’ wimmin in the Amphibian
pageant—which is next Wednes
day and Thursday, the 5th and
6th. Honest, s'worth your time!!
S’ all for a rainy day. . . .
By Marty Beard
to Sun in
To swim in . . . to look your
prettiest in . . . cotton pique,
cotton seersucker . . . shark
skin in solid colors, dots and
Latin American prints. One
and two piece.
$2.95 to $7.95
& )
, v
No one should have to tell you what it is that makes
the men look twice. It’s a gown of shadow - light
jersey on misty starched marquisette to float in
while you dance through a long wonderful evening.