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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1943)
OGE YOUNG . . . . . . first vice-president of the ASUO. JEAN PAGE . . . . . . second vice-president of the ASUO. MARTHA JANE SWITZER . . . . . . secretary-treasurer of the ASUO. HELEN HOLDEN . . . . . . senior representative to tin executive council. AUDREY HOLLIDAY . . . . . . junior representative to the executive council. Annual Library Day Includes Displayof EarlyStudent Life By DOROTHY ROGERS Featured during the seventh annual Library Day confer ence, to be held on the campus May 1 and 2, are the articles and collections on exhibition in the library. Among these dis plays are pictures depicting student life at the University in early days, the Angelus collection of historical pictures, and recent books by Oregon authors, in the special collections room on the third floor. Pictures of the early days at the University, recently given to the library by Mrs. Arthur L. Veazie, Oscar E. Hemenway, and Flecher Linn, show the millrace as it was in 1899, picnic groups of the class of 1890, and the cam pus buildings of 1886 and 1890. Angelus The Angelus collection of his torical pictures, given by the His torical Records Survey, consists of photographs and; illustrations of the historic places and views in Oregon since the first settle ments. They include such repre sentative places as the Bridge of the Gods, the home of Dr. Mc Loughlin, the first flour mill, and old bridges and buildings. Recent books by- Oregon auth ors and the University of Oregon collection are being shown. The Philip Ranney Brooks me morial library, also on the third floor, will be open both days of the conference. Book Selection A selection of books received as gifts during the past year w-ill be in the circulation lobby. The selection contains books given by \V. W. Peake of New York city, and Mrs. Fletcher Linn and Mrs. Stella Maenum of Portland. Books from the estate of John Kauf man, given by Mrs. A. Kaufman of Eugene, and Victor E. Kaufman of Tacoma, and those from the library of Charles Baney, given by Miss Mabel Dodsen, are also included. The library w-ill be open Satur day, May 1. from 1 to 5:30 p.m., anti Sunday, May 2, from 2 to 5 p.m. r Seniors Caps, gowns and commencement announcements should be ordered at the Co-op at once. All orders must be in by next Friday, April 30th » Coalition Gets Majority Votes (Continued from page one) dates for president were tied with 101 votes each during at least six countings of the ballots. Finally it was discovered that two ballots had been placed in the wrong pile and Barbara Lamb took the class presidency by two votes. The Coalition had it cold in the junior elections while the Greek bloc took a slight majority in tile sophomore elections. Statements from the Coalition came thick and fast last night. Celebrations among a few selected sororities and all of the independ ent houses took the spotlight. For (he Press Said A1 Larsen, a Coalition front man who was right at the front all the time, “Every vote counted and we have everyone who worked on the campaign to thank for the results.” “The ones responsible are the voters themselves,” said Jeff Kitchen, man behind the men be hind the Coalition. “The turnout was wonderful,!’. The installation of new officers will take place Thursday at 11 a.m. in McArthur court. Robert Farrell, Jr, newly elected secre tary^ state, will address the as He will be introduced by L^B^Bperson, outgoing ASUO presuTFnt, who will be in charge of the assembly in the absence of Dr. Donald M. Erb, University president. Phi Theta Upsilon, jun ior women’s honorary, will tap new members at the assembly. BRINGING UP FATHER by George McManus mr jiees-LETs PL/*W WAR - AMD VOU BE 0*71 OP THE TANKS — NO, THANKS, I’LL JUST KEEP ON BUyiNS WAR f _ BONDS Festurf* Syndii CAMPUS CALENDAR Skull and Dagger will meet to night at 10 at the Phi Delta The ta house. Junior Weekend committee meets today at 3 p.m. in the ed ucational activities office. Between the Lines (Continued from fac/e tzvo) I was very pleased with the way I marked my ballot. I was so pleased, in fact, that I took it home and pinned it up on my wall. It is the kind of a wall you like to pin things on. It is easy to push tacks into. It is padded. University of Boston summer session offered more than 250 courses. Oregon W Emerald Copy Desk: Betty Ann Stevens, city editor Card Cook Flora Kitaier Vic Huffaker Darlene Fenton F. D. M. Patrick Broderick Night Staff: Bob Scott, night editor Carol Cook Betty Ann Stevens Marjorie Young Bill Linaley Prom Ups (Continued from page one) Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Jerry Vaw ter; Sigma Alpha Mu, Len Barde; Sigma Chi, Chick Chaloupka; Sigma Nu, Stan Skillicorn. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Americo DiBenedetti; Theta Chi, Bud Put nam; Canard club, Fred Breiden stein; Kirkwood co-op, Elwood Peterson; Campbell club, Bob Hall; men’s dorms, Jack Robin son and Norm Mannerheim. CHARLOTTE CALDER . . . . . . sophomore representative to the executive council. Helen Nahm of the University of Missouri is new director of the Hamline university school of Nursing. ---1 Your Last Chance Tonight TO SEE THE University Theater's Presentation ‘My SISTER EILEEN’ A Gay Hilarious Comedy Under Direction of HORACE ROBINSON ® PLAN NOW TO SEE THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE'S PERFORMANCE OF THIS STAGE AND SCREEN HIT SHOW! ADMISSION INCLUDING TAX PHONE 3300 EXT. 216 University Theatre