Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1943, Image 1

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Nancy Ames Elected President
Photo by Tetl Bush
CLUE ....
. . . in the mysterious ease of the disappearing Norman Batcher
' ^;iis photograph found in the catarrhal-fever ward in the infirmary.
See story below for details on the case.
Picture Affords Clue
To Mysterious Crime
By DON BEARDSLEY, Emerald Crime Reporter
The above photo may be the answer to the wierd disap
pearance of Norman P. Batcher, in the opinion pf crime experts
here. At least it confirms suspicions that foul play surround
ed Batcher, who, recovering from a nervous breakdown, mys
teriously vanished from his infirmary cell Sunday night.
This photo, overlooked by
searching police, was found yes
terday by our crime reporter in
the burglar alarm camera recently
installed in the women’s ca
tarrhal-fever ward.
•Vhen our reporter first ques
tOTied Briminna Vrang, shown
above in bed, Miss Vrang refused
to disclose the reason for giving
a weak squeak heard by attend
ants just before Batcher’s disap
pearance. After learning of the
discovery of this photo, however,
the lovely, but red-nosed little
patient finally sobbed out hoarse
ly, “All right, I’ll tell.”
Our eagle-eyed reporter soft
ened at these words, smiling, of
(Please turn to f>age three)
Libe Terrace
Provides Fun
Opportunity to relax and have
fun will be provided for students
the annual Junior Weekend
terrace dance which will be held
Friday, April 30, from 1:30 to 3
p.m., according to Dorothy Clear,
co-chairman of the dance.
Immediately after the Mother’s
luficheon, featuring the corona
tion of the queen and tapping of
new pledges of Mortar Board,
Friars, and Asklepiads, Ray Dick
son and his band will begin to
play, signaling the start of the
Terrace Dance.
The dance which will be he’d
on the terrace in front of the li
brary, is free to all students and
their parents.
“It will be simple but a lot of
said Miss Clear. “Campus
clothes will be worn, and there
will be a coke machine handy for
all who get thirsty,’’ she added.
Dick Burns, junior in business
administration, is co-chairman of
the dance with Miss Clear.
Dr. Erb Attends
Dr. Donald M. Erb, president
of the University, left the cam
pus Tuesday night to attend a
two day meeting of the council
of state governments at the wes
tern regional conference on post
war problems in the states.
The ' council, with representa
tives from nine western states,
will meet at the Palace hotel in
San Francisco April 30 and May 1
to consider problems of post war
reconstruction and development
in the state.
Dr. Erb will be the main speak
er Friday afternoon when h e
speaks on “Education in the Post
War Period.’’ The opening address
will be given Friday morning by
Earl Warren, governor of Cali
fornia. Warren is general chair
man of the complete two-day pro
Problems to be considered at
the conference include postwar
situations concerning unemploy
ment, resources development,
state legislature problems, busi
ness and government problems,
and organization and operation of
state agencies for post war re
construction and development.
Among the men attending the
conference are Grover Giles, at
torney general of Utah; A. V. Call,
president of Pacific Mutual Life
and regional chairman of the
committee for economic develop
ment; Lewis Mumford, Stanford
university; E. P. Carville, gov
ernor of Nevada; and C. S. Harley,
member of the Washington legis
The object of the conference is
to plan for the I(econstruction
Prom Ups
Tickets for the Junior Prom,
scheduled for McArthur court's
spacious dance floor Saturday
evening, are now on sale at all
campus living organizations, Jim
Thayer, general ticket chairman,
announced Tuesday. Price of ad
mittance to the “South American
Way" formal has been established
at 51.40 per couple, tax included.
Proper attire is once again in
the flexible classification. Fresh
men are requested' to wear dark
suits, while either tuxedoes or
white coats may be worn by
sophomores and upper classmen.
Bob Platner’s “Aristocrats of
Rhythm” is the band which will
play for the affair. The orches
tra, a Corvallis importation,
comes with many satisfactory
recommendations, including sev
eral engagements at Jantzen
Beach's golden canopied ballroom.
The band is built around thirteen
pieces and features a female and
male vocalist.
Junior Weekend Queen Mary
Bentley will be the honored guest
at the prom, along with her court
of princesses.
One o’clock permission for
campus women has been granted
by the dean of women for the
evening. The dance will last three
hours, from 9 to 12 o’clock.
The list of living organization
salesmen, as announced by Bill
Farrell, general chairman of the
prom are:
Alpha Tau Omega, Tom Ox
man; Beta Theta Pi, Dick Igl;
Chi Psi, John Busterud; Delta
Tau Delta, Bill Hoyt; Delta Up
silon, Bob Gray; Kappa Sigma,
Dick Brown; Phi Delta Theta,
Jim Griswold.
Phi Gamma Delta, Marty Con
lin; Phi Kappa Psi, Dave Stone;
Pi Kappa Alpha, Ross Withers;
(Please turn fa page eight)
South Seas Crash
Ends in Rescue
Lieutenant Robert E. Doug
las, former University of Oregon
student from Beaverton, has been
reported rescued after a crash
landing in the South seas, ac
cording to the war department.
Douglas and two other pilots,
were involved in a long aerial
battle with Japanese planes when
fuel ran out and his plane was
forced to land on the Papuan gulf
south of New Guinea. Spotted by
another American plane just be
fore dark, Douglas received hope
when supplies were dropped, but
landed out of reach.
The pilot then made a landing
with his transport in the sea, be
cause the beach was too narrow.
Later, the plane was pushed onto
the narrow beach and a take-off
attempted. Water splashed over
the wheels and wings and the
ship rose into the air after going
the entire length of the beach.
The flier was once Portland
AAU wrestling champion and
graduated from Stockton field in
Coa litio n Gets Majority V otes
In All But Frosh Elections;
Executive Council Splits 2-2
(See Picture?, page 8)
Nancy Ames, Coalition party candidate, will be installed
Thursday as ASUO president for the rest of this school year
and next year. Her party literally swept all elections Tuesday,
with a majority of votes on the executive council, class repre
sentatives to the executive council, and class officers, with the
. . . newly-elected president of
the ASUO.
'Sinners’ Pay
Order of 0
The wage of sinning against the
Junior Weekend tradition is on.c
hack, as the mounting total of
36 offenders will discover when
they face the collective swing
ing arm of the Order of the "O’’
on Fenton steps today at 12:30.
Failure to wear rooters’ caps
and walking on the grass com
prise most of the offense, accord
ing to Merritt Kufferman, who
announced that those who fail
to report for their hack will re
ceive a doubled punishment on
the next day.
In the upper-lower class tug of
war across the mill race Satur
day morning, Les Anderson, stu
dent body president, will lead the
upper class, while Ted Loud,
freshman, will pull at the head
of the lower class line.
Thirty-five picked men will
tug for each side, according to
Weekend offenders who must
report to Fenton hall steps today
at 12:30 are: Harold Haynes, Bob
Henderson, Bob Gilson, Harry
Miller, Fred Hancock, Ted Loud,
Dan Mindolovich, Bob Linstedt,
Jack Havens, Chuck Vanatta, El
vin Christensen, Lorin Clark, Duff
Kimsey, Jim Dunahoo, Bob Wat
son, Bud Johnson, Larry Stover,
Jack Landale, Dave Wright, Dave
Morris, Webb Peterson, Stan An
derson, Jeff Kitchen, Kurt Lind
ley, Marion Rushing', Paul Beard,
Herb Holland, Roger Dick, A1
Larsen, Don Frisbie, Frank
Smith, Hal Fredericks, Bill Brad
shaw, Dave Jahn, and Hal Saltz
'Moms' List Due
Each campus living organi
zation should notify Dorothy
Routt, executive secretary of
Mothers’ Weekend, by 5 p.m.
today, stating the number of
mothers and fathers the house
expects to entertain during
Mothers’ Weekend.
t puuu ui iK AL %vvai ct fujuur
more class. The proposed ASTJO
constitution was voted in by a
huge majority.
Other executive council officers
will include Oge Young, Greek
bloc, first vice-president: Jeanj
Page, Coalition, second vice-pres
ident: and Martha Jane Switzer;
Greek bloc, secretary-treasurer.
Senior representatives to the
executive council are Helen Hol
den. Coalition, and Kay Jenkins,
Greek bloc. Junior representa
tives are Audrey Holliday, Coali
tion, and Phyllis Horstman, Greek
bloc. Sophomore representatives
are Charlotte Calder, Coalition,
and Virginia Wright, Greek bloc.
Senior class officers are Bar
bara Lamb, Coalition, president •„
Sue Sawyer, Greek bloc, vice
president; Dorothy Routt, Coali
tion, secretary; and Bud Putnam,
Greek bloc, treasurer.
Coalition Class
Junior class officers are Mar
ian Gage, Coalition, president;
Ruth Van Euskirk; Greek bloc,
vice-president; Art Damschcn,
Greek bloc, secretary: and Ted
Klchmet, Greek bloc, treasurer.
Sophomore class officers are
Barbara Blair, Greek bloc, presi
dent.; Nancy Brownell, Coalition,
vice-president; Stan Williamson,
Greek bloc, secretary; and Esther
Quier, Coalition, treasurer.
Miss Ames was listening with
doubtless rapt attention to the
discussion of a play in Dr. Edward
Christian Allen Lesch’s reading
and conference honors class TucSh
day evening when the door burst
open and there stood Coalition
Sparkplug June Hitchcock. “X
don't wish to disturb the class,"
she lied, "but Nancy Ames has
just been elected student body
A little later when the Pi Phi
house massed outside Friendly
hall to serenade the new execu
tive, Dr. Leseh decided the com
petition was too much and dis
missed the class.
Among those filing out the door
was Ogc Young, also an honors
Said Miss Ames, "I am very,
very happy to have been elected
president and I want to thank all
who made it possible. I shall try
to see that next year the executive
council serves all the students.”
Unofficial estimates are that,
over four-fifths of the eligible
students on the campus voted
during Tuesday's elections.
No Landslide
There was only a 52-vote dif
ference between Nancy Ames and
Ogc Young for ASUO president.
Miss Ames tallied 764 votes to
Young’s 712. Helen Holden had
a majority of 78 votes over Kay
Jenkins. Audrey Holliday had a
majority of 25 votes over Phyllis
Horstman; and Charlotte Calder
had a majority of 19 votes over
Virginia Wright.
An interesting class vote wan
the senior group in which the
Greek bloc and Coalition candi
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