*140 Alumna la Speak. At tf-tUday Sanauei By CAROL GREENING Details of a vagabond career in journalism will be told by Mrs. Lucile Saunders McDonald, ‘19, a widely-traveled and ver satile alumna of Oregon, at Matrix Table, annual dinner honor ing women pro.minent in journalism, literature, music, and the arts, which is scheduled for April 16, 6 p.m. at the Osburn hotel. Mildred Wilson, president of Theta Sigma Phi, national pro fessional honorary for women in journalism, which sponsors the dinner, will preside. Mrs. George .Turnbull, adviser for Theta Sig bna Phi, national professional honorary for women in journal ism, which sponsors the dinner will introduce Mrs. McDonald. Latest development on Matrix Table arrangements is a letter from Marian Miller, of The Ore gonian staff, who sent regrets to her invitation but w'ho also sent $1.50, the admission fee, to pay for someone who had been invit ed but could not afford to attend. The problem now' faces the invi tations committee: who will re ceive the money? Honored guests at Matrix Ta ble will be Marjorie Young, soph omore in journalism, and June (Please turn to page eight) America's best-loved NAIL ENAMEL... Your beloved “stay-on” Revlon Nail Enamel (regu lar size), plus Adheron, superb base coat (cub size), the famous two some that busy Ameri cans hands cry out for these days. Get them now in this charming “Double Feature” case. Complete, 75c or separately, in regu lar size bottles, 60c each. i COMPLETE previewed means that every single color of Revlon Nail Enamel is pretested 160 times > on busy fingertips, t. before it i9 bottled 'S' lor you! COSMETICS DEPT.—MAIN FLOOR “It's Our Pleasure to Serve You'’ The right lipstick shade will give your whole costume a "lift" and make its colors “sing." In the Elizabeth Arden Lipstick Color Chart you will find a lipstick shade for each spring costume color. Let the Elizabeth Arden Consultant tell you how to apply your lipstick...show you the complete make-up keyed to your spring clothes. i.QO and 2.00 Fi.stoxe. Good Taste Misplaced } | By MARY ANN CAMPBELL ^rtll!ll!lllllllimilllllllll!l!:illlli«l[ll«l!lllll!l!lllHII!llll]llllIll!llll!illl!IN!l]llll!ll!|lllllllfi5 By MARY ANN CAMPBELL Tra-la, tra-la, tra-la . . . Who wants .to study ? ? ? Who wants to sit in the library ? ? ? Who cares about being sensible and constructive ? ? ? Fiddle-dee-dee, it's SPRING!!! And if three-quarters of the campus population doesn't react this way to the weather, the nice, sweet, generous, kindly weather, there is something definitely wrong. Note for the Lenteri Season: One charming, but vague lady, who lives nearby, wandered into a local bakery not too long ago and inquired tenderly if there’ were any Red Cross buns avail able. As a small reward for those . noble characters who got up ear ly Sunday morning, a bit of drammer occurred on the campus, or at least an out-of-the-ordinary happening. The word suddenly got around that a horse was wan dering on the lower campus. The beastie took notions to prowl around the infirmary and behind the art school, which gave those chasing it plenty of chance for exercise. Finally Dan Scott joined the procession, and when last observed, the horse was at the University press somewhere. A scout reported later that it was tethered to a telephone pole, so it must have been cornered eventually. The owner of said horse in formed any interested spectator that he had only recently bought it, and it had been scared by something so took to its heels, which led to very complicated re sults, because no one could get within five feet of the thing. They probably had to resort to hypnosis to capture him! Spring has more hazards than (Please turn to {'age right) 'IcLtittedGoedi. By LOIS HULSER Picnic tans are making coeds glamorous for six dances this weekend. Slated as the big event is the one o'clock Saturday for the Frosh Glee. Black Magic will feature Ray Dickson’s band and Four Knights and a Dream. Skull and Dagger men will be tapped. Short silks will be worn for this, the first big campus dance since the Military ball of winter term. The only formal of the week end is Phi Kappa Psi on Friday night with Ray Dickson playing. Sigma Phi Epsilon and Kappa Sigma spring dances are informal at their respective chapter hous es. Colorful chintz, pique, and seer sucker dresses will be featured at Susan Campbell’s Cotton Cud dle Friday eve. Delta Upsilon’s Beachcomber’s Brawl completes a varied pro gram to the weekend with a costume occasion. Alpha Xi Delta alumnae will be guests of the active chapter at a coffee on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of their nation al fraternity. Coed cooperatives will cele brate their seventh birthday on the Oregon campus with a tea for co-op girls in Gerlinger Sunday at four. Desserts were cancelled this week because of the coincident date with Nickel-Hoppers. at FOR YOUR Easter Bonnet • Sailors! • Pompadours: • Berets! A new liat is just the right tiling to lift your spirits! You'll find life brighter the minute you see these lovely new sailors that are crisp and shining . . . the tin\' calots that are a mass of dow ers . . . and the pompadour types that sit gayly on your head to show off your new hair-do! You’ll find discreet berets and conservative off-face styles for your suits! Grand choice of colors, too! Look Your Prettiest in Your New Easter Bonnet Excitingly prett v hats that will catch all eyes in the Easter parade! Perfect atop your suits, your dress es, they do wonders for your pretty good looks. Come take your pick from big brimmed straws, crisp lit tle pique pillboxes in all colors for that bandbox fresh look. All with plenty of eye-appeal—plenty of budget-appeal too! At $2.08, $5.00 and up. B£flRD7 inicnvf A^AJia