Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1943, Image 1

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UO Reserve Status
March 15 Named as Deadline
For 17 Year-Old Enlistments
Dr. Carl F. Kossack, campus armed forces representative,
issued a statement Thursday which included a resume of the
status of all men who are in the enlisted reserve of any ser
vice arm.
In his statement Dr. Kossack warned all men who have not
reached their eighteenth birthday that if they plan on enlist
mcnt in any of the service
branches which are now cpen to
them they must do so before
March 15. Such students should
see Dr. Kossack before the end
of this term. If they do not sign
up before that time they will be
unable to enlist in any class vol
Army Air Corps
All men in the army air corps
are subject to call at any time
following the end of the term.
. . . no use registering—”
However, they are advised to re
turn to school for spring term in
order that they may complete as
much pre-induction training as
possible before being called to
active duty.
The University has agreed that
men who are called to active ser
vice before the completion of the
term will be refunded their fees,
or, if it is sufficiently near the
end of the term, and they so de
sire, they may petition for their
Navy and Marines
If the credits are granted, no
fees will be remitted.
JJjMen who are in the navy and
'marine reserves will return to
school for spring term. Unless
the unforseen happens, they will
not be called' to active duty un
til after June 1, and then will be
sent to training stations follow
ing induction.
Unassigned Air Corps
Men who are in the army air
Corps, unassigned, are subject to
call to active duty after April 1.
Following their call to duty they
receive 13 weeks’ basic training
and then are assigned officers
training schools if found to be
fitted for such service.
The officers' candidate schools
•elude college specialized train
programs and regular army
officers’ candidate schools.
Exempt From April 1 Call
Advanced course ROTC men,
/'Phase turn to page eight)
Ski Troop Talk
Billed Saturday
Prospective members of the ski
troops who wish to talk to Fred
B. McNeil, l’egional representa
tive of the National Ski associa
tion of America, do not have to
have an application blank filed
previous to their talk with him
while he is on the campus this
weekend', Dr. Carl F. Kossack,
armed services representative,
announced Thursday.
Mr. McNeil will discuss the
mountain troops with interested
men at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb
(Contini'icd from page six)
A SX s Goat;
Meat Scarce
“No. it isn't a lamb,” Sigma
Chi Paul Basche expostulated in
“Well, what is it?” inquired
four staring bystanders.
Paul looked down at the small
creature with the smashed-in
features, dangling hoofs, and se
ductive eyes, announcing tri
umphantly, “It’s a goat, and its
name is 'Bedroom-Eyes’.”
He further related that it was
found Tuesday by the Sigma Chis
in the alley near their house . . .
but, in a loud whisper, he fur
tively asked, “Do you want to
know the TRUTH?” He took a
quick glance over his shoulder.
“Well . . . Hal Martin bought it
for his nephew who is reading
goat stories, and now the little
nephew doesn’t want it.”
So, Paul was taking it for a
stroll in the library the other
night, “only it wouldn't stroll.”
He revealed that the drastic meat
curtailment program is going to
make life difficult for “Bedroom
Eyes” in the future.
UOChera! Union, Orchestra
Prepare for Monday Concert
The University choral union and symphony orchestra will
combine musicians Monday night, March 1, in McArthur court
to present a choral fantasia from “Tannhauser” by Wagner
and the anthem “America” from the symphony “America” by
Block. A third number, selections from “King Arthur,” an
opera by Purcell, will be sung by the choral union to piano
accompaniment piayea Dy i^eonc
LaDuke, senior in music.
The choral union was organ
ized in the fall of 1939 by Dr.
Theodore Kratt, dean of the
school of music, who had just
come to the University of Ore
gon from being dean of the school
of fine arts at Miami university,
Soloists with “King Arthur”
will be Marie Rogndahl, soprano;
Barbara Bentley, mezzo soprano;
Lee Ghormley, tenor, and Ray
Leonard, baritone. Soloists with
the “Tannhauser” fantasy will be
Margaret Zimmerman, soprano,
and Ray Leonard, baritone.
“King Arthur” was composed
by Henry Purcell in the seven
teenth century to a set of lyrics
written by John Dryden, English
poet. Later some parts of the op
era became lost, so that only cer
tain sections are available to mu
sicians today.
Oregon Resident
“Tannhauser” was composed
by Richard Wagner in 1844. The
parts to be sung by the choral
union include the pilgrim’s chorus
from act three, the march from
act two, song to the evening star
from act three, Tannhauser’s
song of love from act one, and
“Elizabeth's Prayer” from act
Ernest Block composed the
“American" symphony in 1926.
Ernest Bloch is a resident of
Agate Beach. Oregon. He has
been director of the San Fran
‘ . . . choral Fantasia—”
cisco Conservatory and was
founder of the Cleveland Institute
of Music. lie has been a national
ly recognized composer since
April Fool, Nyaah
The Emerald says that on April
the first
The reservists will leave school.
Some fellas are gunna be terribly
If it’s just an April Fool.
Marty Beard Out Ahead
In New Cover Girl Race;
Entries Due Saturday
With Spring “just around
Girl contest is getting swiftly
leading the contest with 9,250
Howard, 1875; Peggy Klepper,
Six Fraternities
Pledge 10 Men
New pledges announfled this
week by the dean of men's office
include Roy Walker, Roy Carl
son and Herbert Holland, Delta
TJpsilon; Marion Rushing, Beta
Theta Pi; Roy Baughman, Theta
Chi; George McCormick and Wal
ter Peterson, Phi Kappaa Psi;
Douglas Donahue and Stephen
Stewart, Delta Tan Delta: and
Gregory James. Alpha Tau Ome
Harp Records
Played Sunday
The Mu Phi Epsilon recorded
concert will feature a group of
harp solos this Sunday in the
browsing room of the University
library at 4 p.m. James E. Gib
son, junior in law, will be m
Records which Mr. Gibson will
present from his collection of re
corded music include a largo by
Bach, Toccata by Loiellet, “Si
ciliana’’ by Resphigi, Impromptu
by Faure, and “La Source" by
Zabel. These are all harp solos.
Negro Spirituals
Other numbers include the vio
lin concerto in D minor by Sibe
lus and a group of Negro spirit
uals, sung by Marion Anderson.
Spirituals to be sung include
"Deep River,” “Trampin’," “Were
You There,” “Go Down Moses,”
and “Sometimes I Feel Like a
Motherless Child.”
A request number which will
be played at the conclusion of the
regular program for those who
care to remain is Schubert’s “Un
finished” symphony.
Hostesses for this week’s con
cert. will be Mrs. Leslie Schwer
ing from the Mu Phi Epsilon pa
troness group, Mrs. George Hop
kins from the Mu Phi alumnae
group, Miss Helen Luvaas from
the Mu Phi active group, and Mrs.
William Chilcote from the library
The Mu Phi Epsilon patroness
group has announced that the ser
ies of recorded concerts will be
resumed Sunday, March 21, of
spring term.
the corner,’’ this year's Covet
under way with Marty Beard
votes so far. Next is Virginia
1S75 ; and Mary Jane Dunn, 26,
Saturday Deadline
All houses must turn in their
candidate’s name by Saturday
noon at the Emerald business of
fice. This is positively the last
day for candidates to be named,
according to Zoe Quisenberry,
chairman of the contest.
The following' are a list of can ■
didates and the houses sponsor
ing- them:
Jean Brice, Sigma Nu; Shirley
Hicks, Delta Upsilon; Phyllis Van
Petten,. Alpha Tau Omega; Vir
ginia Howard, Phi Gamma Delta;
Peggy Klcpper, Chi Psi; Marty
Board, Pi Kappa Alpha.
Laura. Ca.sc, Theta Chi; Peggy
Allison, Delta Tau Delta.; Virginia.
Wright, Sigma Chi; Mary Arkley,
Beta. Theta Pi; Mary Jape Terry,
Sigma Phi Epsilon; Frances
Johnson, Sigma Alpha Epsilon;
Mary Jane Dunn, Sigma Alpha
187,> Initial Votes
Houses’ monthly bonds can be
'[‘lease turn to paeie enjht)
UO Offers Extra
Senior Credits
Seniors lacking only six hours
or less of credit for graduation
at the end of this term -may reg
ister spring term and receive
graduate credit for all hours
above the six required, Mrs.
Clara Fitch, secretary of the
graduate division announced this
Seniors wanting to receive this
credit must petition for it within
the first two weeks of spring
term. The petition form will be
given by Mrs. Fitch to all seniors
wishing one and must be filed
within the first two weeks. This
petition is the request to reserve
graduate credit that will be used
either toward a teaching certi
ficate or an advanced degree.
Seniors who have completed all
their requirements for gradua
tion can apply for admission aa
a. graduate student spring term at
the graduate office on the sec
ond floor of Johnson hall.
Only ten hours may be taken
in addition to the six needed for
'Until Maxell 16 .
Today's Emerald is the last of winter term. For several of the
staff, it is the last Emerald for the duration. Next term’s staff will
be smaller, their job will be tougher, but the student body will still
be able to count on having its Emerald.
The students can count on an Emerald because of a handful cf
loyal workers who enjoy getting out the new.-, who get a kick out of
working at the “shack."
These workers, not the editorial board, not the upper news staff,
but the reporters, the night staff, and the city desk workers, ate tho
real backbone of the paper. You never hear about these workers for
they're practically unsung, so perhaps it's right they should get a.
paragraph or two in this last issue.
Perhaps some of them, the ones who don't get down to the jour
nalism building quite as often, think they aren’t appreciated, but they
should know that if it weren't for them, despite all the efforts of the
upper news staff, the average student wouldn’t have an Emerald each
morning with his coffee.
On a great many college campuses all over the country, there
won't he any paper next term, but here at Oregon, with the nucleus
of workers who will come back, the Emerald will continue to be ; ib
The next issue will be out the morning of March 16. To those who
have worked hard and long this past term or two to make the Emerald
the top college paper it is, we feel we express the sentiments of tho.
entire student body when we say, simply . . . thanks.
—G. D. W.