^HiDHHmumHmHimimmKHHWiunnnnnnmmnKimmmHHuiiiHiiaimmnaine l WOMEN’S PAGE I I Marjorie Major, editor | Betty Ann Stevens, Mary Ann Campbell assistant editors Staff: | Arliss Boone Betty Lu Siegman | Marty Beard Betsy Wootton Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitinuiiiniiiiuiinini&miiiuiiintiiiimiimui!iiiu!ii!imnniiunimiiiiiip •AtyJS Noted, This meek, bleak, and shall we say sleek ( ?) freshman is in a lew pair of shoes (discarded by one B. A. Stevens, a member of "hat alumnae of AWS reporters) and although they’re kind of tight, they'll be broken in soon. In plain English, you did a good job of it, B.A., kid, and it's hoped that your "standards” can be continued during '43-44, Now that we all know each other, you avid worshippers of that organization of all organi zations, AWS, let’s get down to business. A "super-duper” bowling party for members of Phi Theta Upsi lon and Kwama will hold the spotlight Saturday p.m. when coeds from the two women’s hon oraries meet at the Eugene Rec reation center from 2 to 4. “Please be there” is the dou ble cry of Co-chairmen Connie Fullmer and Barbara Lamb, who promise a "luscious” time. Part ef this undue insistence is be cause they have guaranteed to have at least 20 members there. P.S. Don’t forget—it’s Dutch treat. Congrats to the new AWS, YWCA, and WAA officers who have a new year ahead of them to show their stuff, on this good old wartime campus. Also a pat on the back for those pretty swell gals who ran against them. Micki Campbell, new AWS prexy, promises a full year with no dull moments, what with all the work that’s just waiting to be done that can help the war effort. Now that we’re all in the same boat starting with a newly cleaned slate—see you next week. —By Betty Lou Siegman ■ Dartmouth college is opening ~ separate department of geog raphy, in recognition of the glo bal character of the war. Penciilf Baakt, <]&x£bo®kl QafUuSie (lemcUrtitUf, l/UeehewH Now is the time for all good textbooks to come to the aid of their owners, to put it flatly and tritely. Now is the time that date rationing doesn’t need to be enforced . . . when closed weekends are sure enough closed . • . when the bitter reality of an uninspiring “C” kicks you in the teeth. J\leinzfi Attain! ScufA Malty B Having observed at innumer able basketball games and gone the way of all basketball observ ers, we are developing a training period for all spectators—espe cially after the two games last weekend. . . . Friday night we went to the game at Oregon State. We sat down on a milking stool and waited for the game to begin even though we couldn't see the court. Pretty soon everyone started to leave. Good Game? “What's the matter, an air raid alarm ?” “Nope. Game’s over.” “Oh,” we said blankly and swallowed our gum. Good game—someone told us. Oregon won—someone told us. We clapped vigorously, gave three cheers, and whistled through our teeth. The Next Night So the next night we went to the game at McArthur court, flashed our orange athletic card to the president, the vice-presi dent, the dean of women, thQ draft board, and all the BMOCs, and showed our registration card, our library card, our driver’s li cense, our draft card, our Co-op receipts, and our laundry bill—then entered. All the freshmen were there playing bridge and knitting. One had been there for hours and was embroidering a sampler with “Home, Sweet Home” to tack on the seat. “Saved” We marveled at the freshman who was sprawled over four rows. “Saved,” she said determinedly and pointed a gun at us. Hastily Jlooh at the £ltap& for SPRING'43 We have just the. bra and girdle for you. Also some tine seam-proof slips . . . . panties .... and gowns. EUGENE QoHasui SHOP Phone 1710 110 East Broadway’ me social activity of Ore gon has truly died and been put away in the closet awaiting spring term. The four-pointers, who are all caught up on assign ments and sleep, are objects of reverence. Hibernation The rest of us go into hiberna tion in our closets with a box of do-doze and the latest copy of “A Handy Guide for Unscram bling Notes.” For the time being we studiously ignore letters, phone calls, and coke dates. This is total war. We walk up to the man in the reference department. ‘‘Hello, Joe,” we say. We remember his name is Joe because wc met him at this time last term. We notice that the Side instead of the li brary has deep, silent echoes. The only sound to be heard is the crunch-crunch of aforementioned no-doze tablets. Quiet Reigns The sidewalks in front of the library are minus skating Pi Phis. Up sorority row there is a noticeable absence of baseball playing Kappas. Above the deep breathing heard on sleeping had a wink of sleep for three nights,” and ‘‘When does your train leave?” So, opening up another handy little booklet, "How to Get Through Exam Week Without a Nervous Breakdown” we read the directions carefully. 1. Get plen ty of sleep. 2. Eat right. 3. Have an optimistic attitude. Get-plen ty-of-sleep . . . get-plenty-of-sleep . . . Etu Brute and no-doze tab lets. —By B. A. Stevens signals to locate our freshmen. We found them, and crushed ten coeds in an attempt to reach the top row. Once the game began we. re solved to do-or-die for dear old Oregon and screamed our heads off, picked them up, screamed some more, took a cough drop, and kept on screaming. Scream We were stared at. We were pointed at. We were whispered about. And we decided that it was because people around here just weren’t accustomed to school spirit. But we were proud of our selves—readjusted our halos, and screamed some more. After the game came the prob lem of getting out of the gym. We tried battling our way through the crowd with coke bot tles. We were knocked down. We tried squeezing our way through. We were knocked down. We tried military strategics. We were knocked down. Hastily, we made a lightning decision and formed a football eleven to reach the door—three of us made it and left the other eight for victims of the first aid classes. Oh There You Are! We had arranged to meet our date by the Ford with the tires, but we were carried by the out going tide of the crowd three blocks away. Then we rushed back to wait for our date who was somewhere in the mass, prob ably now down by the Side. Even tually he staggered up—a bloody and unreasonable facsimile of his former self. . . . All of which are the rea sons why we arc tuning in on station KORE for the next game. Amen. —By Marty Beard Hiqh spirited and sparkling... Mori Imaqe Coloqne is sure of welcome • Lucien Lclong Las a way with cologne that women go wild about. I "Mon Image” is one of Lis Lest — warm-hearted, spicy, unforge tabic. Give it with pride! = ' *2. ' TIFFANY - DAVIS DRUGS Ken Classics This is the name that has come to mean everything fine in a tailored dress— fabriii, workmanship and stylings. This spring's shadings are gorgeous in both prints and solid Kenalure. $12.95 to $16.95 CONSERVE YOUR COSMETICS BUT...a __ / don’t economize on beauty! Your glowing beauty is your shining badge of courage. Don't economize on that! Cherish and guard it well with preparations of highest quality, which, in the long run are the most economical. Our DuBarry Beauty Preparations are co-related by Richard Hudnut to blend chemically for greater effectiveness. A little goes a long way... saves in the end. Exclusive at Dry Sfcln Clcomlffg Ciecim ti j Speciol Skin Cream „ i . 1.50 i Fcunrfotion Lot‘on. . . . f/Jff | Fcce Powder « « , « . 1.—2, I