Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1943, Image 1

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Photo by Lyle Nelson
. . . as campus Red gross workers June Grant/., Carol Wicke, Leslie Brockelbank, Anne Graham, and
Betty Laurence help a group of unidentified volunteers make bandages in the Red Cress drive. Houses
compete for top honors in this war inductry.
Army Seeks Snow Men *
‘Prospective'Mountain Boys’
Consult Advisor Saturday
Fred B. McNeil, regional representative of the National Ski
association of America, will discuss the mountain troops with
prospects among the Oregon student body at 3 :30 p.m. Satur
day, February 27, Dr. Carl F. Kossack, armed services repre
sentative, announced Wednesday.
Mr. McNeil stated in a letter to Dr. Kossack last week that
he would like very much to talk to the Oregon students be
cause many Oregon men are al
ready serving with the mountain
troops and this alone makes the
organization desirable.
Some 25 students have already
obtained enlistment forms and
ghese must be completed and
Rrned in today, Dr. Kossack
stated. It is possible to transfer
from the ERC to the mountain
troops, or to enlist voluntarily.
Mr. McNeil will explain age, edu
cational, draft, and other’ require
ments Saturday in room 202
The mountain troops are a
combination of skit paratroop,'
cavalry, mounted artillery, shock
troopers, and commandos, accord
ing to their publicity men.
An ex-mountain trooper will
be an expert mule skinner, skiier,
rifleman, mountain climber, and
cook. Their training camps are
located in the snow caps of the
"ascades and Rockies. Interested
students are invited to hear Mr.
McNeil Saturday,
Formerly called ski troops,
this arm is similar to that used
by the Finns and Russians.
Begins at Co-op
Voting will begin today to de
cide the winner of this year’s
Emerald Cover Girl who will be
featured in a full page picture in
the first spring term paper.
All voting must be done at the
Co-op where war bonds and
stamps which are used for votes
will be on sale. Houses monthly
pledges secured from Mr. Mervin
Vater, head of the Bresse-Warner
system, will also count in the
Bond Queen Contestant
This year’s contest is not only
to find the fashion queen of the
campus but to sponsor a candi
date for the National Collegiate
Bond contest, the winner of which
will receive a $50 war bond.
The picture of the winner with
the list of the number of votes
(P.lease turn to page three)
Self-Winding Watches
I like self-winding watches
Except I’ve always found,
I never can be fully sure
How much the thing's unwound.
I never know if it is low
Or if it’s wound up tight,
So I shake my wrist 'most every
To be sure the thing is right.
And every other hour or so
Without my hardly knowing',
I put the watch up to my ear
To be sure the darn thing’s go
I like self-winding watches
More than any other brand,
But it really is much easier
To wind a watch by hand.
J. W. S.
Program Set
For 8:15 p.m.
Ten soloists, a special chorus,
and four accompanists will pre
sent an all-operatic program to
night 8:15 in the music audito
rium. The program has been ar
ranged by Sigurd Nilssen, pro
fessor of voice at the University
school of music.
The program includes arias and
ensemble numbers from 14 dif
ferent operas, ranging in time
from 1775 to the twentieth cen
(Flense turn to page free)
Spring Registration Taboo
For Unassigned Reservists
Some 160 men are advised net to register for spring term
because the unassigned ERC reservists will be called about
April 3.
Dr. Carl F. Kossack, campus armed services representative,
made the recommendation after receiving a telegram from the
ninth service command yesterdav. The text: "Reservists will
Bandage Output
For a full year and a half the
students of the University have
been putting their time toward
producing surgical dressings and
garments for the soldiers and
personnel of war-time hospitals.
Since the campus unit’s open
ing they have rolled over a mil
lion bandages and made child
ren's clothes, hospital robes and
pajamas, utility bags and foot
Because such fine work has
been done by the women, and re
cently the men too, a new loca
tion opened last week in the store
next to the College Side. With
work being done every afternoon
and all day Saturdays, the out
put has been nearly tripled.
War-time army regulations
make it impossible to know the
exact destination of the bandages,
but all indications show they
have most likely been used in field
hospitals or marine hospitals in
Alaska, Africa, the Solomons and
other fighting areas.
Some of the garments made by
the sewing unit were used direct
ly in cases near Eugene during the
flood months. Others have been
sent to the Lane county chapter
and sent out to other points upon
iiotice from the army or national
Red Cross chapter.
be called approximately April T.
Students physically unfit should
forward affidavits of attending
physicians stating physical disa
bility. Kenyon A. Joyce, Major
General, U.S. Army, Fort Doug
"Don't Register"
Since the tentative induction
date, April I, or thereabout,
falls within three weeks of the
spring term registration, it is
advised that only those stud
ents assigned to a definite train
ing program register.
A list compiled by Dr. Kossack
includes the following who should
register March 16.
Chemistry major: Clarence J.
Atkins. Psychology majors: Rob
ert W. Archibald and Clifton Wil
cox. Physics majors: Walter Gil
bert, Donald Hunter, Selwin Wis
dom, and Lawrence Thompson.
Math Majors
Math majors: John Emerson
and William Galloway. Pre-mod
majors: Paul Basehc, Don Beards
ley, Vernon Bowman, James Day,
John DuMont, Walter Enclers,
Donald England and James Ev
More pre-mods are Gordon Gel
Iatly, Warren Holbrook, Thom
Kinersly, Ivan Kirschman, Ver
non Kisaberth, Roy Koske, David
Mooers, William Nicholson, Jack
Pennington, William Reed, Mor
ton Reiehart, Richard Ftheingolc!,
Richard Rogers, Forrest Simmor ;
and Curtis Spongier,
More Fre-Meds
Still more pre-meds are William
(Please turn to /'age eight)
Whither Mankind’ Falk
Slated for Igloo at // p.m.
Dr. E. Stanley Jones, the man Time magazine has called
the number one missionary of the world today, will speak to
University students twice today as part of his program in Eu
gene in connection with the Christian Mission being held here
this week.
"Whither Mankind?” is the title of the talk Dr. Jones will
give at the 11 o’clock assembly in McArthur court, and in the
New Play Started
By Guild Theater
Aiming at one of Broadway's
current housepackers, the Univer
sity drama division is negotiat
ing for the right to produce
Thornton Wilder’s latest play,
“The Skin of Your Teeth” for the
next Guild hall theater play, ac
cording to information received
from the drama department
Efforts to secure the play were
announced on the program for
i Flense turn to pane three)
Emeralds Cease for
Winter Term Friday
Friday’s issue of the Emer
ald will be the last for this
term, according to an announce
ment from Hay Schrick, editor.
First issue of the Emerald for
next term will be Tuesday,
March 16. registration day.
evening he will speak to students
again at the inter-faith banquet
in Gerlinger hall on the sun porch
at 5:30.
Dr. Jones has served as a mis
sionary in India for 35 years, but
has been unable to return for the
past two and a half years because
of war conditions. During his time
here he has traveled through all
paits of the United States as a
member of the Christian Mission
Author #
He is the author of nine books,
the best known of them being
“The Christ of the Indian Road.”
In Lucknow, India, Jones found
ed the first Christian “Ashram”
(from an India word meaning a
forest colony for spiritual fellow
ship and meditation.)
At noon today Dr. Jones will
address the Eugene service clubs
at a meeting at the Osburn hotel.
Tonight he will speak at another
assembly at 7:30 in the Fiist
Christian church.
Friday the missionary will ad
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