I I Ration Problems Hit Campus Anew —See Column 1 MERALD Three Seniors End UO Basketball Careers —See Page 4 VOLUME XLIV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1943 NUMBER S6 fmerald Features Cover Girl On Spring Term’s First Issue With the beginning of spring term Emerald readers will be greeted by a full page picture of this year’s cover girl. The combination of the cover girl contest with the National Colle giate Bond contest will make the winner not only the fashion queen of the campus but a candidate for Collegiate Bond queen of the United States. Today is the final day for men’s living organizations to hand in their candidate’s name to the Em erald business office by 3 p.m. Absolutely all entries must be turned in by that time. Ad Models Runners-up will be pictured modeling spring outfits of Emer ald advertisers in the mammoth, spring edition of the Emerald, Mgrch 19th, according to Zoa H-isenberry, chairman of the contest. All voting must be done at the Coop where bonds and stamps may be purchased, as each 1 cent spent for war bonds will count as one vote. Each candidate must have 1875 initial votes. Houses’ March bond pledges will count, although any other bonds and stamps must be purchased Tuesday, February 23 to March 6. Beauty, poise, figure, and pho togenic qualities will be used as criteria in chosing the winner. Judges are Lyle Nelson, head of the news bureau, Fred Brenn, sec retary of the chamber of com (Please turn to page eight) aliening Brings lew Food Plans By MARGARET MeGEE A willingness to “cooperate in every way possible” was express ed Tuesday by living organiza tion managers and members in regard to the rationing of canned goods beginning this week with registration in Eugene public schools. Each house will register as a unit with the amount of can ned goods received depending on the number of members in the organization. As expressed by Mrs. Lela Haines, house mother for Alpha Chi Omega sorority, “It will mean extra work, but when we get it down to a system we’ll get used to it. We’ll all try to cooperate.” tHouse managers agreed that nned food rationing was neces sary to the war effort. “We think it’s worth it,” was the opinion of Alpha Chi Omega members. The planting of campus victory gardens was described as “a good idea” excepting for the small amount of space available. “Noc much chance of a garden unless we plow up the back yard,” com mented the Kappa Sig vice-presi dent. “Next summer, maybe,” said members of Pi Phi. Delta Tau Delta will “get along all right,” according to President Wayne Phillips, who added that “the neighbors have a victory gar tn in their back yard and we’ve en ‘borrowing’ vegetables all year anyway.” Girls’ houses expect a new crop of slim waistlines as a result of rationing, according to Alpha Phi (Please Ini'ii to payc six) Cover Girl Rules 1. Each men’s living; organi zation sponsors one candidate, whose name must be submitted to the business office of the Emerald by 3 p.m. to qualify. 3. Only two girl's from one house may be put up. 3. No two men’s houses can choose same contestant. 4. First house to register girl with her picture at business office will qualify. 5. Each girl that enters must have 1875 initial votes. (Houses monthly bond will count). 6. Candidate can tya from any class but must be able to furnish eligibility slip from dean’s office. 7. All voting must be done at Co-op, where bonds and stamps may be purchased. 8. Each 1 cent spent for war bonds will count as a vote. . 9. Final' six candidates judged for cover girl by Lyle Nelson, head of news bureau, (Please turn to page eight) Loan Deadline All student loans must be paid before spring term regis tration, J. O. Lindstroni, Uni versity business manager, an nounced Tuesday. Loans should be paid at the loan window on the second floor of Johnson hall. 'Movers' Petitions AH students planning to make a change in their place of residence for spring term should turn in a petition to the housing secretary, Mrs. Evan geline Morris, in Johnson half as soon as possible. Deadline for all such petitions is March 3. Cash or Credits Decreed by UO With a feeling of uncertainty many University men wonder if they should return to school next term in the face of the fact that they may be called into service and thus be unable to finish the term. To answer the questions of these men, the University has es tablished a definite policy as re gards men who drop out of the University to enter military serv ice. Official legislation covering the term when men leave the University is as follows: "Stu dents who file with the registrar official documentary evidence of conscription or enlistment in the military service of the United States, and withdraw from the institution before the last four weeks of the term, shall be al lowed no credit, but shall be re funded fees for the term. . . .” Choice Offered Students who file with the reg istrar official documentary evi dence of conscription or enlist ment in the military service of the United States, and withdraw from the institution within the last four weeks of the term, shall be allowed one of the following options: (A) Fees shall be refunded for the t^rm . . > but no credit for (Please turn to pai/c six) Renowned Missionary Opens Three Day Visit By EDITH NEWTON Dr. E. Stanley Jones, who has spent more than 30 years in India as a missionary, will arrive in Eugene this afternoon for a three-day mission here which will feature him in two appear ances on the campus especially for students, in addition to six other meetings in the city. E. STANLEY JONES . . . “—beg intervention ...” Thursday morning the famous missionary will be the guest speaker at an all campus assem bly in McArthur court, and Thurs day evening he will speak at the student inter - faith supper at 5:30 in, Gerlinger hall. He comes here following a three day mission in Corvallis. While there, the missionary, who is well acquainted with the political sit uation in India, wired President Roosevelt urging intervention to prevent the death of Ghandi lest the allied cause in the east be en dangered. Issues Unavoidable He stated that the Indian na tionalist leader has “called our hand” in the matter of freedom, and that the only wray to get rid of Ghandi is to meet the issues he raises. (Please turn to page eight) Service Course Service Men Draw Credits In Approved War Courses University men who enter the armed forces may receive academic credit for technical and extension courses taken while in service, according to plans announced by Chancellor Fred erick M. Hunter this week. Chancellor Hunter's announcement followed a Portland meeting of last Wednesday which was attended by college and Too Much of a Good Thing The classic ol’ gen'ral Montgom ery Put aside all the British dum dum mery. Put Rommel to flight With such terrible might As to scare all the E—gyptian mummery. But Rommel in flight so gigantic Is driving our soldiers most fran tic For despite all entreating He insists on retreating All the way to the blasted Atlan tic. —J.W.S. university officials from Oregon, Washington, and Montana. The plan, which will operate through the Armed Forces Insti tute, will mean that seniors re moved from school with only a few hours required for gradua tion may pick them up through extension or technical service courses. It also will mean that some underclassmen or juniors can continue progress toward a degree while they serve fighting; forces. Registration Students interested in this pro gram can register with the Aim ed Forces Institute soon after they enter service. From that time forward, the Institute will keep a complete record of all courses the student takes, of subjects cov ered, of his accomplishments, ami intelligence rating. When a student leaves the arm ed forces, he will receive a reco: .1 (Please turn to (’age right) University Talent Show Wins Audience Praise By ROSS YATES Throughout Odeon's entire 32 inches of program, students and faculty members of the University and Eugene townspeo ple listened to the first annual student talent show with atten tion and amazement, breaking their trance only once, when they changed theaters- from the music auditorium to Gerlinger hall. Odean was presented last Monday, beginning at 8 p.m. and lasting until almost midnight. ucieon s 4-nour program opened in the music auditorium with the presentation of musical, literary, journalistic, dramatic works, and style show. At 10:45 it shifted to Gerlinger hall, where the Master Dance group presented, its pro gram of dances. There also the audience viewed literary displays and the art exhibition. Professor W. A. Dahlberg, fac ulty chairman of Odeon, opened the program with an introduc tory speech. Dr. Robert D. Horn followed with an introduction of guest critics. Musical Talents Musical compositions by Bar bara. Crisp, Elizabeth Walker, and Eugene Bennett, all members of the University school of music, brought forth talents of which the majority of students and faculty members had hereto fore been unaware. Performance of the compositions by members of the school of music was a large factor in their success. Two short stories, “The Jour ney” by G. Duncan Wimpress and "I’ve Never Stopped Looking” by Barbara Hampson, read in their entirety, kept the attention of the audience from beginning to end, which is the test of a good yarn. Virginia Lippman’s one-act (Please turn to page eight) More Elections Net Officers While the majority of the men's living organizations postponed house elections until spring after the ERC has been called, wom en's houses and three fraterni ties proceeded with elections as usual in the second week of bal loting. The new officers are as follows. Alpha Gamma Delta: Shirley J. McLeod, president; Norma Ba ker, first vice-president; Marian. Saltness, second vice-president; Betty Lee Peterson, recording secretary; and Yvonne Umpb lette, treasurer. University house: Emma G. Hoffmaster, president; Marian Gage, vice-president; Oda E. Bali, secretary; and Fred Koehler, treasurer. Tri Delt: Mary Jane Dunn, president; Joan P. Woodward, vice-president; Kay Korn, secre tary; Betty J. Thomas, treasurer. Susan Campbell: Jean Page, president; Margaret Davis, vice president; Sally Pierson, secre tary; Phyllis Churchman, treas urer; Jane Webster, inter-dorm (Please turn to (aye six)