MOTION PICTDRE GDIDE By Bill Lindley, Motion Picture Editor, The Emerald Loretta Young and Brian Aherne are shown in a scene from “A Night to Remember,” which starts Sunday at the Heilig theatre. Palm Beach Story’ Due 'At McDonald Sunday Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art. —William Ralph Inge. THURSDAY thru SUNDAY mH*nr+ ■ F04IDA Lucille t BALL in PALLETIE . LEVcNE -.0 TWO MATOR FEATURES FRANKIE ALBERTSON BRUCE BENNETT Doors Open 6:30 P.M. The McDonald theater is due to rock with laughter when Pres ton Sturges’ latest comedy ven ture, “The Palm Beach Story,’’ hits the local screen. Claudette Colbert and Xoel Mc Crea star in this hilarious tale of a young wife who leaves her husband for a trip to Florida. Aboard the train she meets the members of the Ale and Quail club, Florida-bound on their an nual outing, and they adopt her as their mascot. During the night the private car of the club is disconnected from the train, and Claudette speeds on into the night. She meets a wealthy millionaire in the morning, and decides to take a trip on his yacht. Meanwhile her husband has begun a pursuit, which ends when he meets her on the dock after she leaves mil lionaire Rudy Vallee’s yacht. From then on the film pro gresses in typical Sturges fash ion to a slapstick climax which brings the picture to a surprise ending. Also on the bill is “My Heart Belongs to Daddy.” 'Heart of the Golden West' Next at Heilig Roy Rogers, the king of cow boys, is the star of "Heart of the Golden West,” a musical west ern which features laughs, ro mance, and songs. George "Gabby” Hayes and Smiley Burnette assist with the comedy, and the Sons of the Pio neers handle the musical back ground for Rogers’ songs. “Mug Town” completes the bill which starts Thursday at the Heilig theater for a three-day run. Rapper Will Direct "Rhapsody in Blue" Irving Rapper, who won high critical and audience approval for his direction of “One Foot in Heaven” and who recently com pleted “The Adventures of Mark Twain,” has been assigned by Jack L. Warner, the executive producer at Warner Bros., to di rect “Rhapsody in Blue.” Jesse L. Lasky will produce this story of the life of the late George Gershwin, thus re-uniting the producer-director combination of I the “Twain” picture. Heilig Books New Comedy Thriller Film : Comedy, mystery, and suspense are all combined to make top notch entertainment in "A Night to Remember,” which opens Sun day at the Heilig theater. Jeff and Nancy Troy (Loretta Young and Brian. Aherne) rent a basement in a Greeenwich Vil lage apartment where Strang‘s incidents have led former tenants to believe that the place was haunted. The housekeeper keeps mum- ] bling about monsters in the night and many of the tenants view the , couple with suspicion. Jeff de cides that'here is real material for his book. Then Nancy overhears a man ■ threatening someone to meet him at their apartment, and tells Jeff so he can investigate. In the course of the investiga tion the Troys become involved in a murder which takes place in the apartment. The unraveling of the crime not only makes good material for Jeff's book but ex cellent entertainment for Heilig audiences. The picture will be carried over to the Mayflower theater Thursday for a four-day run. Now Playing HEILIG Thursday through Saturday Mug Town Heart of the Golden West Sunday through Wednesday A Night to Remember Laugh Your Blues Away McDonald Thursday through Saturday Ravaged Earth Wrecking Crew Sunday through Wednesday Palm Beach StoYy My Heart Belongs to Daddy MAYFLOWER Thursday through Sunday The Big Street Underground Agent !, Monday through Wednesday Theater closed j REX Wednesday only Kitty Foyle Moonlight Masquerade Thursday through Saturday Gentleman Jim Henry Aldrich, Editor -Sunday and Monday You Can’t Escape Forever i Counter Espionage Tuesday and' Wednesday Love Affair Secret Enemies THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Dead End Kids and Little Tough Guys in "MUG TOWN" ROY ROGERS in ‘HEART OF THE GOLDEN WEST” CTiurgcu i.iitsi. roman tic* comeny, * i no rami reencii story," tarts Sunday at the McDonald theatre. C laudette Colbert, Joel Me* "rea, and Rudy Yallee are the featured players. IT STARTS NEXT SUNDAY! Something new in; merry quivers * <-V something new in eerie shivers AnMiS r.-.v.-.v.'.'.w.v.w, w TO REMEMBER co-starring iorettaYOUNG 88|*hAHERNE with (Miss) Jeff Donnell * William Wiighl • Sidney Joler • Cafe Sondergaard • Blanche Yiirfa TWO BIG LAUGH SHOWS ON AN ALL COMEDY PROGRAM . M WATCH ’EM BARGE S2* INTO THE BLUE BOOK ... SIRSCTLY RMHO’S wvm'M \% strict^ fROW