Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    Dr. Beck Sees Washington;
Reports Chaosand Efficiency
Eighteen cafeteries, five movie theaters, office space for
40,000 people—all in one building—is now an old story to Dr.
Lester F. Beck, associate professor of psychology at Oregon.
He is notv on leave in Washington, D. C., acting as a research
analyst of visual education.
In a recent letter to Bonnie Bailey, former Oregon student,
Dc, Beck described his daily habitat, the Pentagon building.
aruj, ms inaii ana mDuinuuna uu
his way to work. He says:
‘first and foremost is the
building where I have my office.
It iv incredible. I spent the first
w v «c putting my eyes back in my
head. The closest analogy is a
five-sided anthill. As the name
implies, it is built pentagonaliy.
The center portion contains six
acres. The outside of the building
is cue mile around. Office space
is provided for 40,000 people.
Some 18 immense cafeterias cater
to the hunger urge.
M. F, on Guard
‘ there is a bank (assets un
known) in a room on the first
floor. A military policeman is on
guard at all hours. Either he does
not trust us or the bank.
‘ One might extend the “ant"
anSSogy to the employes. There
are army ants, worker ants, slaves
and parasites. I think I am a
worker ant. Every one in uniform
is an army ant. The slaves are
those civilians who keep books,
type letters, and write reports,
only to have their production sign
ed Toy a major or a colonel in
charge. The parasites are the
numerous efficiency experts who
check to see that one is doing his
work the right way. Actually they
know nothing about what is right
and wrong; hence, they exist only
toe-muse a subordinate thinks he
Busses Crowded
Tv, Beck describes the bus sit -
Uatii m:
‘I ride to work about 5 mile3
•—on a bus. Fortunately, I live
about a quarter of a mile beyond
the end of the line so that in the
morning I can always find a.seat;
the bus begins with me. In- the
short space of a mile or .so the bus
is p -eked. Then the fun begins.
Boom for One More
‘The driver commences a chant
that runs somewhat as follows:
‘ Push right back, folks. Push
right back to the rear of the car.’
(T!r. »re are already 40 people seat
ed and 40 standing- up). ‘Make
roo \ for just one more! (Four
people enter). The next stop he
says just a little louder:
‘ ‘All right, folks. Push right
Ixtct.:. Lots of room back there.
Si\ ‘eze just a little tighter.' By
that time 1 no longer can see the
face of the aisle and a coat hangs
loosely in front and around his
fa" a stray hand may be hang
ing between us. (Five people eu
te: i. The driver cautions the last
person in to be careful, lest a
part of his fanny remain outside
as the door is closed.
People Jostled
‘Vv'e roll to a stop at an inter
see! <on. The bus groans. As the
driver starts and makes a left
hand turn to the right, front fend
er rubs on a tire. The tire groans
Tire people in the aisle are jostled
and an expression of mixed pain
and anger appears. Within a
co: pie of hundred yards the bus
Slows down for another stop. The
driver starts a new theme.
‘ 'Push right back to the trailer
in, the rear. Ham and eggs served
in bite rear of the car.’
Negro Law
‘ • ho e people who are sitting
d n, including myself, think it
fu - v and laugh. The others seem
to mutter something through
the teeth. The two passengers
v. are picked up are negroes.
V happen to be in Virginia on
<-ur way to Washington. The state
of Vugiaia has a lav. that Color
ed Seat from the Rear. Hence a
negro must first go to the rear of
the car and work up.
“Negroes obviously despise the
law. To show their feelings, they
obey it to the letter, especially
when busses are full. After de
positing their coins, the two ne
groes (both husky ‘bucks’ as the
physically strong males are call
ed i start to the rear.
Arms and Elbows
“They climb over every white
that they can. The whole affair
reminds me of those healthy ex
hibitions at basketball games
when the Order of the O starts
someone from floor level and
transports him to the balcony. In
this case, however, the negro gets
his arms and elbows on the shoul
ders and heads of the passengers
and proceeds to “wing” his way
down the bus. Of course there is
no place for them at the end of the
bus, but at least they obeyed the
law. They talk good-naturedly
there, while the others are squeez
ed just a little tighter.”
Building a Maze
Once in the Pentagon building:
“ . . . During my first few days"
I did plenty of wandering. It was
all a maze to me. The second day
I got into a blind alley and went
round and round. I knew I was
doing it, yet I couldn't get out. t
felt just like the white rat in the
film we show to the psych lab
Theaters Included
About his work:
“My work is fascinating. Just
around the corner from my office
are five (yes, five) new motion
picture theaters accoustically per
fect, with the best projection
equipment and overstaffed rock
ing chairs. The seats are arranged
in rows, much like an ordinary
theater, yet each seat is independ
ently supported by a steel spring.
.By slightly shifting one’s weight,
the seat assumes either an up
tight or restful reclining posi
“Naturally, there is great de
mand for the theaters, whether
pictures are being shown or not.”
"Hearts' King
(Continued fro»i page one)
100 per cent in their purchase of
tickets for the February 11 dance.
Others that have reached the
100 per cent mark are Alpha Xi
Delta. Alpha Phi, and Alpha Del
ta Pi.
Admission to the dance is 25
cents, and it is strictly a girl
date-boy affair, according to
Miss Van Buskirk. Sponsors of
the dance are members of the
YWCA sophomore commission.
The dance will take place at the
Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Phi. Pi
Beta Phi, and Alpha Chi Omega
sororities. The coronation of the
King of Hearts will take place
at the Gamma Phi Beta house.
Pi Phi, Delta Gamma
(Continued from pa,je five)
land Flingers. Glides has played
her way through to the semifin
als. ADPis have only the Trl
Pelts to play yet; Pi Phis also
have only one more game to go
and are looking better every
game. Sigma Kappa and High
land have yet to fight it out for
the championship in their league.
Co-ops Publish
Initial Tabloid
‘■They just told me, ‘Here you
are, go ahead’—so I did," de
clared Bill Bindley after editing
the first issue of “News from the
Co-ops," the monthly publica
tion put out by the combined ef
forts of Canard, Campbell, and
Kirkwood, the three men’s coop
erative houses.
The purpose of the new, sheet
as determined by the interco-op
executive board is to enable co-op
alums in the service to keep in
touch with events and doings in
their old places of residence at
college. “It won’t cost them any
thing,” affirmed Lindley when
questioned. “And it will make
us feel proud and happy to have
them write in for subscriptions.’’
Besides Lindley, other mem
bers of the staff include Ray
Cook and Sid Nicholson, report
ers, Dan Mindolovich, art editor,
and Dr. Jameson, faculty adviser.
The paper will normally con
sist of four pages, a front page
containing general news of in
terest to all the co-ops, and a
page each of items from the in
dividual houses. An editorial by
Lindley and at least one cut by
Mindolovich will be included in
every issue.. The amount of news
will depend mainly upon the ac
tivity of the reporters. Items will
be restricted to the men’s co-ops
only. Gossip is welcome if of in
terest to the alums who will read
The money for the first edition
of 200 copies was donated by Dr.
Jameson. Subsequent financial
aid will come from “petty funds"
dealt out by the executive board.
Fulton Presents
Piano Concert
Everett Fulton, Eugene high
school student, Thursday night
presented a recital at the Uni
versity music auditorium. He is
a pupil of Jane Thacher, profes
sor of piano.
Fulton opened his concert with
two Prelude and Fuges by Bach,
one in C minor and one in D mi
nor. He then played Beethoven's
sonata, «p. 10, No. 3. For the sec
ond group of selections, he
played Three Preludes by Delius
and two works by Debussy, “The
Maiden With the Flaxen Hair"
and “Reflections in the Water.”
Fulton concluded the main part
of his program with Rubenstein’s
Concerto No. 4 in D minor. Mrs.
Thacher played the orchestral ac
companiment on a second piano.
Fulton played one encore, Iturbi's
“Dance of Spain.”
Map Course
Ten coeds at Syracuse univer
sity have enrolled in a military
map course offered to women by
the government through the uni
Graduates in this course will
be eligible for positions in the
army map service, Washington,
D. C.
-—Syracuse Daily Orange
In 1942, 170,000 students were
graduated from colleges in the
Soviet Union.
Former Student of UO
Enrolled in Air Corps
John William Hatton, a former
student at the University of Ore
gon, is now enrolled as an avia
tion cadet in the army air forces
pre-flight school for pilots at
Maxwell field, located on the out
skirts of Montgomery, the capi
tal of Alabama.
Cadet Hatton attended the Uni
versity in 1939-40 and had served
14 months in the U. S. army be
fore he was appointed an avia
tion cadet in the army air forces.
During this period of service he
completed courses at Boca Raton,
Florida, and at Scott field, Illi
nois. Cadet alltton began his pre»
flight course at Maxfell field,
Alabama, the latter part of De
cember 1942.
Here the new class of cadets is
receiving nine weeks of intensive
military, physical and academic
training preparatory to beginning
their actual flight instruction at
one of the many primary flying
schools in the army air forces
southeast training center.
Grad Assistant
Positions Open
Seniors interests in being
graduate assistants or research
assistants in the University next
year should make application for
the position they desire before
March 31. Applications should be
given to Clara Fitch, secretary of
the graduate division on the sec
ond floor of Johnson hall.
Awards Offered
The University each year offers
a varying number of awards to
the graduates of accredited col
leges and universities who have
made superior records in under
graduate work and wish to go on
with graduate study. Appoint
ments are open to men and wom
en. Recipients are required to
register as graduate students and
work for advanced degrees. They
pay the regular registration fees.
Graduate assistants give serv
ice of approximately 20 hours a
week to a department or school,
usually their major, in reading pa
pers, teaching quiz or laboratory
sections. Maximum course en
rollment for graduate assistants
is ten hours.
Research assistants aid in the
research of faculty members for
whose project they have been se
lected. The hours of service and
maximum enrollment are the same
as for graduate assistants.
i* ieias rsanied
Assistantships are ordinarily
available in the following' fields.
Anthropology, architecture and
arts, botany, business administra
tion, chemistry, classics, econom
ics, education, English, geolog}',
geography, German, history, jour
nalism, mathematics, music, phil
osophy, physical education, phys
ics, psychology, romance lang
uages, sociology and zoology.
Appointments are generally
made in early May. Applications
are available in Mrs. Fitch’s of
fice. They can be mailed to the
graduate division, University of
Oregon, Eugene.
Also expected to be open to
graduate students are a limited
number of fee scholarships which
amount to $22 a term, or $66 a
year, and a small number of NYA
Hedy Lamarr
Walter Pidgeon
William Bendix
Grace Bradley
Concert Offers
Ancient Music1
Miss Celia Hager, formerly a
member of the psychology depart
ment at the University of Oregon,
will present the sixth of the Mu
Phi Epsilon recorded concerts in
the browsing room of the library
The concert will be held this
Sunday at 7 p.m. instead of the
regular time at 3 p.m. This is
to allow students to attend the
orchestral concert which will bo
held Sunday afternoon.
The program will consist main
ly of compositions by composers
of the 16th and 17th century.
Works included on the program^
are “Dido's Lament” from th<P
opera “Dido and Aeneas” by Pur
cell, Haydn’s Concerto in D ma
jor for harpsigord, first move*
ment, and a gavotte by Bach.
Hostesses for this Sunday’s con
cert will be Miss Celeste Camp
bell from the Mu Phi Epsilon pat
roness group, Miss Wanda East
wood from the Mu Phi alumnae,
Miss Nymphia Lam from the ac
tive group, and Miss Ella Carrick
from the library committee.
Senior Soprano
Presents Recital
Songs of the 17th and 18th cen
turies will open Ruth Merritt’s
recital when she sings February
9 at 8:15 p.m. in the school oS
music auditorium.
Miss Merritt is a lyric soprano
and a senior in music. She is a
pupil of Sigurd Nilssen, professor,
of voice at the University. This
is her graduation recital.
Miss Merritt will sing such
songs as “Oh Sleep, Why Dost
Thou Leave Me” from “Semele”
by Handel, “O Thou Beloved” by
Gluck, “Orpheus and his Lute,”
by Sullivan, “The Kerry Dance”
by James aMlloy, and “A Spirit
Flower” by Campbell-Tipton.
Did the snow leave your
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near ruin ?
We offer quick, compet
ent service.
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Shoe Repair
In the Basement
On Ice!!
Ellen Drew
Richard Denning
"Living Ghosts"
James Dunn
Joan Woodbury
Dynamite Loaded!
also ,
'Just Off Broadway*
with Lloyd Nolan
Marjorie Weaver