Dr. Beck Sees Washington; Reports Chaosand Efficiency By CAROL GREENING Eighteen cafeteries, five movie theaters, office space for 40,000 people—all in one building—is now an old story to Dr. Lester F. Beck, associate professor of psychology at Oregon. He is notv on leave in Washington, D. C., acting as a research analyst of visual education. In a recent letter to Bonnie Bailey, former Oregon student, Dc, Beck described his daily habitat, the Pentagon building. aruj, ms inaii ana mDuinuuna uu his way to work. He says: ‘first and foremost is the building where I have my office. It iv incredible. I spent the first w v «c putting my eyes back in my head. The closest analogy is a five-sided anthill. As the name implies, it is built pentagonaliy. The center portion contains six acres. The outside of the building is cue mile around. Office space is provided for 40,000 people. Some 18 immense cafeterias cater to the hunger urge. M. F, on Guard ‘ there is a bank (assets un known) in a room on the first floor. A military policeman is on guard at all hours. Either he does not trust us or the bank. ‘ One might extend the “ant" anSSogy to the employes. There are army ants, worker ants, slaves and parasites. I think I am a worker ant. Every one in uniform is an army ant. The slaves are those civilians who keep books, type letters, and write reports, only to have their production sign ed Toy a major or a colonel in charge. The parasites are the numerous efficiency experts who check to see that one is doing his work the right way. Actually they know nothing about what is right and wrong; hence, they exist only toe-muse a subordinate thinks he cries, Busses Crowded Tv, Beck describes the bus sit - Uatii m: ‘I ride to work about 5 mile3 •—on a bus. Fortunately, I live about a quarter of a mile beyond the end of the line so that in the morning I can always find a.seat; the bus begins with me. In- the short space of a mile or .so the bus is p -eked. Then the fun begins. Boom for One More ‘The driver commences a chant that runs somewhat as follows: ‘ Push right back, folks. Push right back to the rear of the car.’ (T!r. »re are already 40 people seat ed and 40 standing- up). ‘Make roo \ for just one more! (Four people enter). The next stop he says just a little louder: ‘ ‘All right, folks. Push right Ixtct.:. Lots of room back there. Si\ ‘eze just a little tighter.' By that time 1 no longer can see the face of the aisle and a coat hangs loosely in front and around his fa" a stray hand may be hang ing between us. (Five people eu te: i. The driver cautions the last person in to be careful, lest a part of his fanny remain outside as the door is closed. People Jostled ‘Vv'e roll to a stop at an inter see!