Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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G. Duncan Wimpress, Managing Editor; Marjorie Young, News Editor;
John J. Mathews and Ted Bush, Associate Editors
Advertising Managers :
John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davia(
Russ Smelser.
Dwayne Heathman
Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager.
1-iOlS uaus, V^iassiucu nuvu U»iu*
ager. , ,
Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertis
ing Manager.
Represented tor national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Avc., New York Chicago Boston
—Las Angeles—San Francisco—Portland—Seattle. __
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holiday* and final
examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice. Eugene, Oregon.
*7/te HatoHe/dine. QP/J-i. . .
Ty^IDTERM grade reports for borderline reservists have tak
en an encouraging turn for the better, according to Dr.
Carl Kossack, armed forces representative. It is this “border
line minority” that has been hanging in the delicate balance be
tween immediate service and continued education. The Uni
versity has made it clear that no student who fails .to make sat
isfactory grade requirements can stay in school as a reservist.
Either borderline grades come up, or the student goes out.
“A number of students have definitely ‘found themselves’
and are doing better,” Dr. Kossack reported Friday. Twenty
four students previously on the verge of call are now rated as
satisfactory. An additional 22 who showed no improvement,
or a turn for the worse, will be eligible for immediate active
duty. Thirty-five others still rate “borderline.” Some of these
men suffered ills ranging from appendicitis to colds at the cru
cial time, and spent midterm in the infirmary.
rJ"'HAT the navy holds university grades in high esteem was
further proved recently when Dr. Cossack received word
that new V-l enlistments (for 17-year-olds) must rate in the
upper two-thirds of their college class. The marine corps has
also requested a check on marine reservist grades to see if stud
ents are maintaining their “normal progress” toward a degree.
“Normal progress” means a study load of 15-plus hours per
term to graduate in four years, plus a GPA of two-points. This
follows army and navy requests which have resulted in steady
grade checks and interviews for the past three months. An
other V-7 request seeks information on fifth-year students, who
are carrying study loads of less than 15 hours per term.
Hundreds of students have been passed for reserves, but all
services, army, navy and marine, demand the continued “nor
mal progress” toward a degree. The borderline minority are
rapidly finding that a reserve is not an honor, but a privilege.
That many on the border realize the advantage of continued
technical study is shown by the number now “digging in” to
raise their GPA to the satisfactory level. Dr. Kossack’s job
which-never-ends will continue through winter term, and pick
up again on winter finals. But at least hours of personal inter
Dews and GPA-sleuthing are showing a turn for the better.
Blood, lost the Barth. . .
INTO the service now will go blood from the U. of O. Dona
tions made by students to the Eugene blood bank will go
with the rest, when official call reaches the American Red Cross
here, which should be soon.
An Office of Wgr Information bulletin issued this week an
nounced that the ;u;ui.y and navy are asking for 4,000,000 pints
of blood for 1943. 'This is. more than three times the amount
obtained from Volunteer donors last year. Surgeons of the
armed forces ask that weekly donations be increased immedi
ately to at least 70,000 pints, with increases thereafter as re
paired to reach the goal. The new 4.000,000 pint recpiest, dis
tinctly dwarfs the 1,300,000 pints obtained in 1942.
Word from all fronts constantly praises the work done with
blood plasma. The efficiency of plasma in treating burns,
wounds, and shock has been proved on all fronts, and this re
cpiest proves its value still further.
* * *
"^JNl VERSITY of Oregon contributions become part of the
Eugene blood hank. Dr. K. D. Furrer, Eugene physician
who is in charge of the bank, reports that the 300 units origin
ally set as the minimum goal for the bank are nearly filled. This
store is available at all times for military or civilian use.
Although official orders have not yet been received for any
of its plasma, he states that Eugene’s blood bank is ready to do
its part in meeting the 4,000,000 pint quota. With the Red Cross
working out details for a vastly expanded program including
new centers and mobile units, as the OWI reports, the Eugene
bank will neec^ to accelerate its program.
To know that their contributions are going into action now,
should make University of Oregon donors happy. The boys in
the service give their blood for their country on the battle front.
Through the blood bank we can give ours for them though
we stay at home. •—J. W.
ICovertheCampus j
Milo Daniels of the Gamma Phis checks in town for a couple
of weeks’ visit today. If you have forgotten, she used to go
around with Johnny Bubalo. . . .
EXCLUSIVE: The 1943 Slush Queen contest is over, and
the winner last night was presented with a glittering gold cup,
with beautiful engraving that stated simply: “U. of O. Slush
Queen—1943.” . . . And the lucky girl who received this great
honor was none other than—Al
pha Phi Dorrie Stein.
. . . The Alpha Chi Omegas
have been awakened early in the
morning lately by the hooting of
a University Hi senior. Seems he
dotes on bothering the lovely
lasses who are “sleeping in.” Ar
liss Boone is connected in the
mystery somewhere. . . .
Good to the Last
And we know of a certain little
freshman lad who is veddy inter
ested in seeing a Shoemaker this
Sunday. Yes, he Rollie is inter
ested . . . The story of Gloria
Malloy and her hoop-skirt ac
cessories mystery: She wore them
to the Military Ball, discarded
an un-needed part of the costume
in the dressing room, and then
had a change of mind a few days
later and reclaimed ’em . . . Pat
ty Van Hoosear, who rode to
fame by playing with the Brown
ies (Girl Scouts) and teaching
little boys how to skate, and
planting a big airplane propeller
in the hallway of the Fee house,
has taken a vacation from her
mad antics. . . . We say that,
however, with fingers crossed. . .
The Gamma Phis have brought
a troop of twenty-five cute rush
ees on campus for the weekend,
just in case you’ve been wonder
ing where the influx of queens
has been coming from. . . .
Lavish MacTavish
The Tri Delts’ cheerful Betty
MacTavish, who nabbed second
place honors in the Sweetheart
of Sigma Chi contest, has been
put up for the Smiles-a-million
girl. . . .
Lorraine Harper of the Tri
Delt gang is currently being es
corted around by Pi Kap Bob
Gurley . . . It’s a happy life to
Jeanne Edwards and Wayne Cof
fee, Suzy Campbell woman, and a
new Scabbard and Blader . . .
They were married in Albany the
night before the Military Ball.
The most popular song on the
juke boxes these days seems to
be the Benny Goodman waxing
of “Why Don’t You Do Right?”
. . . Basketball, and not women,
is the big interest in Hank Vo
derburg's life at present . . .
Stan Parrish of the Fijis seems
to be havin’ trouble lately as far
as Lorraine Long is concerned. A
certain DU is makin’ time in that
league . . . And another new com
bination is the “Pinky” Garth
Ed Allen deal. Looks good from
here. . . .
Sour ‘Corn’
The lovely Thetas did not ap
preciate Bill Lindley’s “Corn is
Green” yesterday mornin’ . . .
Betty Bush, the ice-skating queen
was slated to show up at the Ori
des dance last night in her ab
breviated costume. Tchk, tchk!
. . . Roe Hunsaker of Hen hall
announced her engagement as a
gag, but the deal back-fired and
everybody is congratulating her.
They even made her sing at the
dinner table last night. . . .
Last night was Chinese New
Year’s. Mebbe that accounts for
the gay mood that seemed to
capture everyone . . . Margaret
Ann Jackson is the first woman
announcer at radio station KOAC
. . . M.A. is a darling Delta Gam
ma, incidentally ....
Art Murphy of the Canard club
claims that he is the only lad in
that domicile who isn’t a char
acter! . . . Alan Meier is talking
of marriage in the spring . . .
Tra-la . . . Said June Taylor to
Ross Yates: “Please don’t aban
don me—I’m abandoned enough!”
. . . And now, Jack, for my week
end vacation. Please, fellas, don’t
hang too many pins this weekend.
An old combination is click
ing again in exciting fashion
these days. Jess Stacy is giving
the ivories a treat in company
with Benny Goodman and crew
again, and the results are noth
ing but terrific. Stacy has al
ways had a touch that was dis
tinctively, tastefully jazzy, and
mighty few piano men can bet
ter him at torchy or powerhouse
work, so the BG boys—lacking
in top-notch soloists—can be
wurra happy that he has rejoined
the King.
Incidentally, Benny’s latest
show at the N. Y. Paramount
was just plain sensational. Mile
a-minute personnel changes to
the contrary notwithstanding,
Benny manages to keep giving
the customers swing as good as
anybody else in the business. A
high spot in any BG program is
the tremendous vocal work of
Peggy Lee, of course, but a new
comer is beginning to shine in
the band, a horn man wielding
the monicker of Steve Steck. To
gether with Yank Lawsen he is
beginning to make the Goodman
brass recall the Goodman of old
and, brother, that’s plenty good
for this kid’s chips.
“Metronome” reports, by the
(Please turn to Pane Seven)
The Lines
I would like to take the liber
ty of opening today’s column
with a poem entitled:
“Ode to an ATO Mistake’’
“It Always Smells Like That
Here in the Sports Room”
To heck with
Fred Beckwith.
This afternoon I was hamed
the following. It looks a lot like
Helen Johnson’s typing. You may
look over my shoulder—or rath
er, the padding in my sport coat
—as I read.
“Dear Roy,
“This is the first time I’ve
ever written a fan letter, so I
don’t know quite what to say. Of
course, I’ve realized how badly
you felt that the only fan mail
you received this year was that
threatening letter from the man
who was six feet tall and a tough
customer . . . and I don’t exactly
blame you for wearing glasses
for a couple of weeks, either.
Anyway, just to offset the Beck
with peril, I’m writing this fan
letter. And don’t forget my two
What’s in a Name ?
“You know, your column^Ps
an indefinable something. Maybe
it’s just as well that the Greeks
don’t have a word for it. By the
way, do the Independents have a
word for it since the Nickle Hop
expose ?
“Now to turn from the bou
quets to the serious problem
which really prompted me to
write this letter.
“There is a sinister spread of
an insidious organization which
recognizes but one class of peo
ple and dismisses the rest of the
student body as a mere mob.
This group keeps odd hours, has
curious habits, and recognizes
one another by the appellation,
‘character’! One sure way of tell
ing a ‘character’ is they always
start laughing before you begin
to tell a joke.
About the Emerald
“Another thing, I feel that the
Emerald should have some advice
to the lovelorn . . . you know,
(Please turn to Page Seven)
MildneA 'Wildest Spied. . . .
Ernest Haycox, ‘23
There is a legend about Writer
Ernest Haycox, ’23. It may not
be true—but it could be.
During his college days, so the
story runs, he lived part of the
time in a little one-room shack
which was entirely papered with
rejection slips. To most authors
rejection slips are little tomb
stones of failures—but not to
Haycox. When he was graduated
from the University, at any rate
he did formally present his pro
fessor, W. F. G. Thacher, with a
brown note book completely
filled with rejection slips.
The dismal beginning hasn't
prevented him from having pub
lished over 300 short stories and
20 novels. Now, living in Port
land in a magnificent home, Hay
cox is mixing a life of gentleman
ly farming with occasional nov
els and short stories.
Collier's Writer
Collier's has considered Hay
cox one of its most valuable
writers for over a decade and
many of his novels have appeared
in serial form in this widely-read
weekly. Among his most recent
serials were “Saddle and Fade,”
“Rim of the Desert," and “Trail
Town.” which appeared in 1942.
Special distinction came in
1939 when his novel “Stage-coach
to Lordsburg” was converted into
the movie “Stage-coach,” star
ring Randolph Scott and John
Haycox’s success as a huj^i
being has definitely equalleo^s
attainments as an author. As
Professor Thacher commented,
“He is one of the finest men I
know.” This opinion is borne out
by all who have come in contact
with Haycox of the large nose,
thinning hair and sweet smile.
Those student male writers who
were lucky enough to be includ
ed in the historic Ye Tabard Inn
banquet last spring — at which
Edison Marshall, Ernest Haycox
and Robert Ormond Case were
honored guests—carried away
with them an impression of
“three good guys.”
No Easy Youth A
Haycox can boast of no
cushioned youth. After moving
around the Northwest with his
parents during his childhood he,
“finally wound up in Portland,
washing dishes and selling pa
(Please turn to page seven)