Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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I knew a Theta once . - . that was when I was a freshman,
and actually read every poem in the lit book. I used to sit there
sac* gaze into her soft blue eyes . . . my Aunt Elsie had a cow
once with eyes like that—so expressive, you know. Pet (the
cor?-/) had darker lashes through, and she didn’t use Maybel
tiae either (I think).
was it Barer
Of course then. Pet didn't really
sho w too much in a bathing suit,
especially the two piece kind with
the bare midriff. But sh'e had the
most beautiful eyes.
Or would you rather talk about
Thetas ?
. Well, this Theta and I had
so mething in common. We were
both flunking at mid-term. She
was flunking because of a big
fro/; man, and I was flunking be
cause of her blue eyes, but of
course she didn't know about
Sad Case
I was really getting to be a sad
cose. When the prof would ask
fo a quotation from Hamlet's so
liloguy I would give out thusly:
"Hamleto, oh, Hamleto,
Wherefore art yo-all
Oh Hamleto?"
I would drink cherry cokes toy
the dozens, but there could toe no
kick in them for me. Those blue
eyes just seemed to haunt me.
Used to, I mean.
But not any more. She’s wear
ing her hair like Veronica Lake
DOS', ,
F;ease pass the Sen-Sen.
<: «: S
Fugitive from Kitchen
We have a new cook at our
house, so I am eating1 at the
Le ion-0 tins week. The chief ad
vantage there is that you can
read the Police Gazette with your
meals. In fact you can read any
magazine with your meals except
Ksuuire, for the reason that Doc
does not like to have milk shakes
dnubled a', lover his Varga pic
ti .res and his Hurrels of Linda
Darnell and others.
go this Theta comes in for a
coi '» or something and sits right
need, to me. Since I know her
slightly I naturally want to say
he .! i or something, but of course
ti '.- is contrarywise to Emily Post,
w -i is some old hen who seems
to haVe the say-so in such mat
te - So I kindly offer this The
ta iy copy ->f the Police Gazette.
.And stie gives me that snooty
loo . of which only a Theta is
f-ow did I know it was her pic
turoxm the cover?
* * *
Please pass the cough drops.
* * *
I. -t me t >'d you about my dream,
I ,vas sleeping along- very peace
ful;/ the other night when sud
dc/iJy I was back in the Forest
Set-vice, standing beside the roar
ing' McKenzie River. In fact, I al
most fell in.
But just then down the bank
came a swarm of blue beavers.
Imagine my surprise. “Gee,” I
thought, “if I could just get ahold
of one of those blue beavers I’ll
bet his pelt will bring a lot of
dough, I bet.”
So I grabbed the dynamite fuse
beside me and fixed it to the huge
box of dynamite beside me.
And then . . . WHAM . . .
And there I was in the lunch
counter, and the girl who came to
wait on me-? Oh- quit guessing,
you don’t know.
It was Lana Turner.
So what did I say?
“What’s your phone number?”
“What time do you get off to
•‘I've got a pass for the Heilig.
You’re wrong'. I said: “A choc
So she went behind the counter
and kept putting ice cream into
the mixer and milk and several
gallons of flavoring.
But when she came back and
looked at me with that old wolfess
gleam in her eye, what did I say?
“That's a pretty small milk
shake," I said.
Railroad Issues
Schedule Changes
Beginning' February 15, the
Southern Pacific will go on new
longer operating schedules. The
lengthening of travel times on
the coast was necessitated by
the increasing volume of war
traffic. The new train departure
times for Eugene are:
Southbound: The Klamath,
12:15 p.m.; Cascade, 8:4S p.m.;
the West Coast, 11 p.m.: Oregon
ian, 1:55 a.m.; and the Rogue
River, Oregon local, 12:05 a.m.
Northbound: West Coast, 5:55
a.m.; the Cascade, 9:38 a.m.; Ore
gonian, 1:48 p.m.; the Klamath,
G:23 p.m.; and the Rogue River,
3:30 a.m.
Four Men Pledge
Pledges announced by the dean
of men’s office this week include
Donald Koberg and Lowell
chase. Theta Chi; and George
Hart, Pi Kappa Alpha; and Jack
Olin, Alpha Tau Omega.
The infirmary suggests that
someone invent a malady to re
place catarrhal fever.
804 Willamette and 917 Willamette
New Revlon Set
Polish, Cheek Stick and Lipstick
to Match!
Polish . 60c
Cheek Stick .$1.00
Lipstick .60c
Ri:x Underwood, Conductor
Soloists: Leone LaDuke and Everett Fulton, Pianists
Concerto in D minor for piano and orchestra.Rubinstein
First movement
Soloist, Everett Fulton
Concerto Grosso. Op. 6, No. 8.Corelli
Violins, Verne Selltn (concertmaster), James Gibson
'Cello, Barbara BaglEy
This composition is written for three solo strings with accompaniment
of string orchestra. Arcangelo Corelli was born in 1653 and died in
1713. His compositions are considered an indispensible part of string
Concerto in D minor for piano and orchestra.MacDowell
First and second movements
Soloist. Leone LaDuke
The Russian Easter. Overture.Rimsky-Korsakoff
This is an overture on themes of the Russian Church service. It opens
with a slow introduction based on the chant, “Let God Arise”. This
gradually leads into the main movement (Allegro Agitato) which ends
with a sonorous climax.
3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 7, 1943
Gallery Displays
Robinson Exhibit
Annual showing of the Dorland
Robinson memorial exhibition is
now open to the public at the
Little Art gallery at the school
of architecture and allied arts.
The University acquired the ex
hibit in 1922 when Miss Robin
son’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
Robinson, of Jacksonville, gave
a portion of her work to the
school as a memorial collection
to be shown once a year.
Mediums included are oil, wa
ter color, and pastel. Among the
subject matter are still life stud
ies and interiors.
Companion display of the ex
hibit is a group of reproductions
of Rembrandt’s etchings.
OSC Swim
(Continued from page four)
this Pacific coast record.
The 60-yard free style event
that will be swum by Chuck Nel
son is an event that Chuck will
try to cut down the time on to
morrow, and as a result break
the existing' record. The time for
this particular event -is an even
30 seconds, and in time trials
Chuck has come very close to
this time. He has never actually
broken it, but has come so close
that Coach Mike Hoyrnan be
lieves that there is a very good
possibility of his breaking it.
Robinson Record Holder
The Northwest record in the
440 freestyle event is held by
Robinson of last year’s swimming
team, with a time of 5:06. Rob
inson set this new record in last
year's Northwest championships.
Last year Dick Smith pushed
Robinson into breaking his rec
ord, being a mere second behind
him in that meet. Smith at the
time did break the existing ree,
ord, but was beaten by his team
mate Robinson with a second bet
ter time.
Dick in recent time trials has
put the time down below this
5:06 mark, but this time was un
official. At tomorrow’s meet
then. Coach Mike Hoyrnan ex
pects new records from his boys,
and undoubtedly will get them.
Coach Hoyrnan is really mak
ing the boys work out in antici
pation of the meet with the Uni
versity of Washington which is
scheduled for February 20. This
Washington meet will be one of
the tougher ones of the season,
and will require much more ef
fort on the part of the Oregon
boys than the meets that they
had or will have with Oregon
State or other teams in the con
Army Has Dr.Beck Test
Training Film Utility
Dr. Lester F. Beck, associate
professor of psychology at Ore
gon, on. leave in Washington,
D. C., is completing a survey on
the use of films and other visual
aids in various branches of the
army. The present survey for the
army engineers will determine
the effectiveness of the program.
After completing a visit to
Camp Lee, Virginia, Dr. Beck
plans to travel to various parts
of the nation checking the effi
ciency of visual education pro
grams and making suggestions
for improvement.
Another phase of his work will
be the checking of army film li
braries and the development of
a series of study questions to go
along with films.
President Erb Attends
Labor Board Dinner
Dr. Donald M. Erb, president
of the University, in in Portland
today to attend a war labor board
dinner at the Congress hotel.
Wayne L. Morse, dean of the
law school, now on leave of ab
sence, will be honored at the din
ner, as will Roger D. Lapham,
Dalmond R. Garst, and Martin
Durkin, all members of the war
labor board.
Patriotic Rodents
Even mice are becoming pa
triotic, at least that's what the
bandmaster at Montana State
university found out when he saw
bits of paper lying around the at
tic where his 941 complete or
chestrations were stacked. Upon
examination it was found that
only one was destroyed and that
was Gilbert and Sullivan's tale
of court life in Japan. “The Mi
The Montana Kaimin
A new armory is being con
structed at University of Mary
Hedy Lamarr
Walter Pidgeon
William Bendix
Grace Bradley
Draft Rules
The Order of the Half Shut
Eye, official censor board of the
Oregana’s Lemon Punch cartoon
contest met last night in secret
session, decided on official cen
sor policy. The subsequent iron
clad rules were adopted by the
1. All drawings of relaxing
figures with telephones must be
holding French telephones.
2. All drawings of blood must
be clearly identified as Axis, not
Allied blood.
3. Drawings dealing with over
friendly Irish actors, marijuana
smoking band leaders, and ijr )
briated ex-movie queens are not
desirable, but highly acceptable.
4. All drawings containing
curves are more acceptable than
drawings containing straight
5. No drawings of gasoline,
tiers, sugar, or coffee are to be
so exaggerated as to promote un
due free play of imagination.
6. Prohibited: all drawings in
invisible ink. Anything by Flip
Reports were given by guest
speakers Mae West and Bertrand
Russell. A report by a Mr. Hayes
was read—by the janitor man in
the next room.
Added to the order’s member
ship was Oregana Associate Edi
tor Helen Johnson. Reason—sta
bilizing force. Offsetting the
feminine element are order meup
bers J. Wesley Sullivan, JM
Billings, Roy Paul Nelson, Bob
Linde, and Charles Politz.
Deadline for the contest is Sat
urday noon. Drawings are to be
made with black india ink on
white cardboard, 8 by 11 inches
or larger and handed in at the
Oregana offices.
New Time Table Issued
For War Railroading
Miss Margaret Firth, new in
structor of education at Univer
sity high school, has arrived from
Grand Allen, Nebraska, to take
the place of Mrs. Wilna Kincaid.
Miss Kincaid joined the WAVES
and left January 8 for training.
Dynamite Loaded!
'Just Of! Broadway'
with Lloyd Nolan
Marjorie Weaver
Now Playing!
Jean Parker Ui
John Archer
"Bandit Ranger"
On Ice!!
Ellen Drew
Richard Denning
"Living Ghosts" H
James Dunn
Joan Woodbury