Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    A Red-Hot Boy!!
He Really Gets Those Points
He's averaged 14.3 points per game,
this Fred Quinn, Idaho’s crack center,
and at the rate that kid's sledding, he
stands a pretty fair chance of setting
a new conference scoring mark. He need
average 12 points per game to eclipse
Ray Turner's 1920.
In the five games to date, four of
which, incidentally, Idaho has dropped,
he has plunked in 33 field goals and
connected seven times from the free
throw lanes for a 73-point aggregate.
Best single game performance by the
6 foot 2 inch Vandal junior was a little
matter of 27 against Oregon State last
Gail Bishop, WSC’s all-conference
forward, tag's behind Quinn with only
three points less—70 markers. Chuci
Gilmur of Washington has a clamp ovr
the third place rung with 67.
Top ten :
Quinn. Idaho.
Bishop, WSC.
Gilmur, Wash.
Wiley, Oregon.
Morris, Wash.
Beck, OSC.
Akins, WSC.
Taylor. Oregon ....
Fuhrman, Oregon
Kirsch, Oregon ....
Fg Ft Pf Tp
33 7 15 73
31 8
26 15
22 16
24 11
21 11
29 g
16 20
24 3
13 21
9 70
19 67
11 60
18 59
8 58
11 52
20 52
8 51
10 47
- . . Henry Anderson, (j loot 7 inch ex-Oregon hoop star, is shown here
getting' outfitted in army gar!> preparatory to his induction last year.
I lank, uliii saved a couple of easaba thrillers in the dying seconds of
the game, now shoots buekets for I’nele Sam.
By M \KV Al-Dl’.KSOM
XDl’i anil Sicilia Kappa re
mained undefeated as they over
«-ame the tough competition ol
Hendricks hall anil Ganuira l’hi
Beta, HI-1, ami respect Uv
li yesterday afternoon in girls’
»til ran ana I basketball.
With Janet Ross, Marty Beard,
mil Bobbie Edwards working to
gether at forwards the ADPis
staged a second half rally that
netted 1 I points. The Hendrick ;
offense couldn’t seem to got
dart 'd and made only one field
go a! and two free throws. Nice
guarding by the APPi guards
vis a high factor in their victory.
I’lay Good
The unstoppable forward oom
liination of Pat Carson and Pat
Howard who scored S> and 13
(mints, respectively, led Sigma
Kappas to their victory. Beauti
ful pass work and accurate shoot
ing featured their play. Abbie
Jane White led tire Gamma Phi
scoring with five tallies while
Sally Spiess stood out at guard
far the Gamma Phis Pat Davis
worked nicely at guard for Sig
ma Kappa.
Tonight’s games are:
Alpha Gam vs. Pi Phi.
Highland Hoopers vs. Delta
Hobson Shuffles Lineup
As Ducks Prep for Idaho
OSC Swim
Team Meets
Tomorrow afternoon Oregon
State comes to Eugene to attempt
to compensate themselves for the
very wet drubbing they received
at the hands of the Oregon squad
last Saturday in a dual meet that
was held at Corvallis.
In the meet Saturday, Coach
Mike Hoyrnan has instructed the
boys to place more emphasis on
the possibilities of breaking some
coast and'northwest records rath
er than to try and tally a great
number of points.
Oregon is quite confident of
winning this meet by the out-of
proportion score of last Satur
day, and the probabilities of
breaking some records look rath
er good.
Huestis Out to Get Mark
One possibility of breaking a
record lies in the 100-yard breast
stroke event that will be swum
by Ralph Huestis. The usual
number of yards in this particular
event is 200, but by special ar
rangements with Oregon State
the number was cut to 100. The
reason for this special arrange
ment is to allow Ralph to make
a stab at breaking the record in
this event.
The record is now held by
Jack Dallas, who is swimming
instructor at the pool for the
physical education classes, with
a time of 1:05.38.
Huestis, in past unofficial
time trials has broken this
time three different times; so
consequently it follows.that he
has a good chance of breaking
CPU’asc turn tn pane six)
Like a wizard dreaming up
some new magic, Varsity Cage
Coach Howard “Hobby” Hobson
reached into his black bag of
mystic lore and pulled forth a new
starting combination for his pine
wcod basketball men.
After weeks of shuffling the
boys around like a deck of card's,
always searching- for the right
combination, Coach Hobson ap
parently hit the jack-pot in Wed
nesday night's game with the
Camp Adair soldier lads.
That fivesome included the fol
lowing men: Taylor and Fulir
man, forwards; Wiley, center;
Kirsch and Crowell, guards. Rolph
Fuhrman during the past few
weeks worked himself into a
starting berth on the strength of
his northern division efforts.
Taylor Comes Back
Taylor, on the first quintet since
early in the season, redeemed' him
self and stepped back to the fore
after a momentary lull on unit
number two. Young Wiley, the
freshman boy who’s battling in
experience all the way, has been
staging a starting position battle
with Wally Borrevik, who has
begun to round into his let ter man
Captain Kirsch has not been
supplanted in unit number one
since the birth of the 1943 sea
son. Sammy Crowell, out of action
for a number of W’eeks, returned
to the court sport last Monday
night against the Harlem Globe
His passing and accurate
shooting eye elevated him to a
spot on this new quintet.
The new fivesome is not neces
sarily a permanent concoction.
Coach Hobson felt that his first
two units were almost cn a par.
What he hopes to accomplish is
to sift the best material from the
first ten men and assemble a
starting five, accordingly.
Concentrated Workouts
The Ducks’ have been drilling
all week in preparation for the
approaching series with the Idaho
I So. Cal’s Cagers Run Rampant 1
It tooks more like :i run-away
down there in the southern divis
ion easaha scuffle as time goes
on, and Southern California is
the gold-plated outfit that is spir
itedh breaking ahead of the
pack. The SC hemp team, under
the charting of Krnie Holbrook,
has knocked off five wins and as
vet shows no signs oj letting down.
Troy’s leather-tossers smacked
UCLA for the second time run
ning last week. 51 to 39, and sent
6000 fans home connvinced that
So. Cal. is impregnable. The same
old three-star attack was featur
ed by the Trojans with Gene Rock,
dim Semincff and Alex Omalev
pooling resources to chalk up 35
markers among them.
The defeat, which was number
42-in-a-string suffered by the
Uclans at Troy hands, leveled the
Bruins to a second place tie with
Stanford, each having one victory
and two losses.
Four Weeks to Prepare
A glance at the schedule shows
that the hapless Bruins have four
weeks in which to ready their
forces fer the n£xt USC thrust.
Uke Coach Wilbur Jones vows to
have his boys primed for the
‘'kill” and all set to snap that sog
gy record.
Up north the traditional "hates”
were at each other’s throats again
in another nip-and-tuck affair-,
only this time the Indians edged
ahead of California, 36-34. The
Golden Bears, minus the point
producing services of Chuck Han
ger, great soph forward who was
summoned to join the army, failed
to retain a 3-point halftime ad
“Nibs” Price, Cal coach, is
grooming Jack Rocker, a lengthy
slotman, to fill the brogans of now
Pvt. Hanger. The advanced Mr.
Rocker professed his thanks for
Price’s trust by sending home 16
points against the Tribe.
Sport Staff:
Fred Treadgolci,
Fred Beckwith,
Co-sports editors
Don Lonie
Mart Pond
Rollie Gabel
Art Carlson
Stan Pierson
Vandals in McArthur Court next
Monday and Tuesday nights. /
■ Although the Vandals current
ly occupy the cellar seat in the
northern division standings, cas
aba experts are of the opininon
that the green and gold melon
tossing machine will be in for a
barrel full of action come eight
pee-yem next Monday eve.
The Vandal scoring attack is
pin-wheeled by junior center
Fred Quinn, a lad who has claim
to the greatest number of
points amassed in the spher
oid race to date.
Quinn’s efforts come as a fol
low-in-the-footsteps trick to Ray
Turner, a potato-picking basket
ball ace who led the league last
year in this business of throwing
the ball through the hoop.
So the order is strictly practice
- no games until Monday night.
And then comes the fun.
So. California .5 0 1.000
U.C.L.A. .1 2 .333
California ..1 4 .200
Some 2000 buyers of Oreganas,
a world beater of a year book,
will also read Lemon Punch . . .
That’s a promise.
\V. L. Pet,
Stanford .
1 2 .333
. . . George Greene, Idaho athletie
director, has turned his talents to
a coaching line and now barks or
ders for the Vandal yearlings.