IIUIIIIIUIUUIIIUIIIII UOHosttoJim Howden First Solomon Marine (Continued from page one) the sandy beach was furrowed and torn by the barrage. . . . Fire! Jim’s boat was the first to land, his captain the first to go over the side, and Jim needed no invitation. With a warwhoop that would have made his boot camp sergeant proud, he waded and ran toward the jungle-fringed shoreline—and he got there first. Yes, Jim got his wish. At 8.21 a.m. Friday morning, August 7, 1942, he followed his captain up the beach of Florida island in the Solomon group to become the first enlisted man of the United States forces to land on Japan ese-held territory in World War II. Bullets Wasted Jim was a little disappointed. Not because didn’t get ashore be fore his captain, but because there wasn’t a Jap in sight. They had apparently all evacuat ed Florida island and set up their defenses on Tulagi, not far away. At 8:24 a.m. the same morning another party of marines landed on the other side of the island and together they soon had the situation well in hand. Soon after a third group raided Tulagi and drove the Japs back into the jun gle. Target Practice The next morning Jim's com pany pulled out for Tulagi and spent the rest of the day picking off yellow-skinned snipers who were harrassing the American beachheads. Tulagi was soon set up as headquaiters for the Solo mon campaign. As soon as Henderson field had been captured from the enemy the Tulagi group began making raids on other Quadalcanal points. The first big drive came on October 5 at a point known as Aaola, approximately 55 miles from Henderson field. The ma rines landed in the middle of the night and made their way through jungle trails with the help of native guides. Blackout In darkness so dense they “couldn't see the ground” they filed through mythical trails, one hand on the man in front, and finally rested, awaiting the dawn. When there was enough light to distinguish one tree from another they attacked'. In five days they were back on the Tulagi with thousands of dead Japanese to their credit. Then came tragedy for Jim. After months of shooting it out with the enemy in hand-to-hand conflict he was assigned to a squad whose job it was to evap orate the crawling jungle water and purify it for drinking pur poses. Mo Coward For the evaporation process they were using heavy ship's diesel oil. In the struggle to get it lit Jim was burned in the eye, badly. But Jim was no coward and he knew it would mean the hospital if He told' i anyone. So Jim kept quiet about his eye. On October 29 • the >big drive on Guadalcanal began and Jim was right there, gradually begin ning to see two Japs where there was only one. After fighting all day in the heat and dirt of the tropics Jim would get a short rest at night and have little time to wash out his aching eye. Toodleoo Tulagi Eut it couldn’t last. In a few days a lieutenant happened to be around when Jim got up. That morning, as every morning, his eye was swollen and stuck shut from running, painful ulcers. Or dered to the first aid center at Henderson field Jim was soon in formed that his injury was dan gerously serious and he was flown off the island to a base hospital “somewhere in the area.” After two months of treatment and recuperation he was brought home to the San Diego base hos pital for final examination. On January 17, this year, Jim ar rived back in the “good, old U. S. A.” The doctors soon de cided that it would be a long time before he would be back in the fight again. Visits Campus So Jim is home now, back on his little farm near Arlington. And on his way he stopped in Eu gene to see Lyn, where she was going to school at the University of Oregon. Ji maud Lyn went to the Military Ball together and they “had a swell time.” Sunday Jim left the campus, still seeing double, still a little restless from inactivity, but proud of his olive-drab uniform proud that he had been where the fighting was, proud that he had been there first. Freshmen Stage Revolt (Continued from page one) insisted that there was much re sentment in their group over the sophomore class’ special grant to the '46 lads—the right of wearing “tin pants.” The committee under Loud and Olin, said that freshmen will wear “jeans” on campus Tuesdays, in direct defiance to sophomores and upperclassmen: “We are aware of the compli cations,” stated Loud. “We intend to see this thing through to the end,” and with that statement co-chairman Loud retired to the privacy of a little group of freshmen who were band ing together in discussion groups. It is the intention of the fresh man class to aid its members whenever they are in trouble in the impending crisis. Members of the sophomore class, upon hearing of the frosh rebellion, promised to battle the situation from its out-set, and plotted action late last night. The freshman committee, new ly organized, contains the follow ing members: Dick Savinar, Lor en Clark, Jim Elliott, Rollie Ga bel, Kurt Olsen, Dutch Simmons, Harold Faw and Marion Rushing. Colby college is placing in creased emphasis on American history this year. The World’s News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An lvh'rnalional Daily Newspaper Publhlu-d l>y I'HK CHRIST! A\ SCIENCE RUliUSHING SOCIETY One, Norway Street, Boston, 'Massachusetts is Truthful — Constructive — Unbiased — Free from Sensational ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price #12.00 Yearly, or #1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, #2.60 a Year. Introductory OH or, b Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: Christian Science Reading Room S(> West Broadway, Ktigene, Ore. Groundhog Will Predict (Continued, from page ona) In other words, we don’t know weather or not. In fact we don’t know and mustn’t tell you any way. According to official army and navy releases, we must not say anything that is not according to official army and navy releases. Hence we can only give you some inside dope from the expert in siliology, polology, and psychopa thophobia, the groundhog. He appears each year on Feb ruary 2, and although he is essen tially on a government mission, his coming is acclaimed with joy, because he incidentally imparts his “six lessons’’ to interested can didates, from his superior knowl edge. For while students are only familiar with “pigging,” the groundhog has had a vastly wider range of experience by virtue of his genealogy. All that we are allowed to pub lish, however, is his official state ment, which your correspondent has obtained exclusive of AP, UP, INS and ISA. Mr. Groundhog, whose observations between the hours of 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., will de termine the course of the (cen sored J for six weeks to come, was finally induced to give a statement today at approximately 5 a.m., before the symptoms had begun to develop in the atmosphere. He is spending his nineteen hundred and forty-third research period on Terra Firma, but inter rupted his work to deliberate. Fi nally with admirable restraint, he profoundly observed, “Monoton ous, isn’t it?” The senior class at Saint Mary of-the-Woods college, Indiana, boasts four sets of twins. Little Colonel Gets Rings' All This and Orchids Too By BETTY LU SIEGMAN “First orchids, then diamonds, and now this,” was one of the signs that greeted Oregon’s 1943 Little Colonel, H-elen Hol den, when she entered the door of Hendricks hall after the Military Ball Saturday night. The Little Colonel, who has just completed one of the most exciting weeks of her life, received an orchid and an engage ment ring last Friday from Lloyd Manning, ex-’41, who is with the army engineers in Virginia. Add ed to this, she was proclaimed Little Colonel on Saturday, be sides successfully playing the part of the rowdy “Lil” in “Eve of St. Mark’’ every night last week from Wednesday through Saturday. Party Given At a party in her honor at Hen dricks hall, Helen said, in ex pressing how completely sur prised she was, “It didn’t occur to me that I would be the Little Colonel, when the officers ex plained to the five finalists what the Little Colonel would do, I wasn’t even paying any attention. Then after they announced my name, they had to explain it all over again to me.” She continued, “I can’t remem ber very much about the whole evening, but I’ll tell you as much as I can. I do remember sticking one of the new pledges with a pin and hearing him yell, “ouch!’ Seemed Like Play “When I talked to Betsy Stef fen, who played my twin in the play, we both agreed that it was lucky I didn’t go into my slangy “Lil” talk, because I was up on a stage with so many people around,” she laughed. Helen said that one of the main reasons why she was so glad she was elected Little Colonel was because the honor went to an in dependent. When she entered her room af ter the dance, a lighted enlars Y ment of the Sigma Phi Epsilon pin was 'facing her from the op posite wall. The Sig Eps had lent it for the occasion, because Hel en’s new engagement ring was from a former president of their fraternity. > >, ' .—- Ti Valentine Day Is Almost Here— Make this year remem bered always by that certain person. See our collection of lovely ' gifts for both coeds and fellows. Iffvistawjfa JEWELRY STORE 620 Willamette VALENTINES SERIOUS ... SENTIMENTAL ... SAUCY ... SEDATE —even some that are mean! Don't Forget the Boys in Camp on February 14th A TRULY FINE ASSORTMENT AT The l 'rm'ersi t ij ?CO-OP’