Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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G. Duncan Wimpress, Managing Editor; Marjorie Young, News Editor;
John J. Mathews and Ted Bush, Associate Editors
Advertising Managers:
John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davi»,
Russ Smelser.
Dwayne Heathman
Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager.
LrOis Ulaus, Classified Advertising man
Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertis
ing Manager.
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final
examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice. Eugene, Oregon. ___
Wanted: Qne NuAAe
TXT ANTED: Ten infirmary beds by ailing students.
Wanted: One nurse by the Universary infirmary.
University health service has the ten beds, and if any one
of 2500 students can raise an unemployed nurse, both want ads
will immediately come down. Shortage of funds from decreas
ed enrollment cut infirmary capacity of 26 beds to 14 in use
this year. Infirmary and University officials last week raised
necessary funds to operate 10 extra beds for protection of stud
ent health. The action was taken at a meeting of President
Donald M. Erb, Business Manager J. O. Lindstrom, and Dr.
Fred Miller. The step followed recognition of health problems
for an infirmary jam-packed with winter term colds, flu, and
other cases.
Just as money is of no value on a desert island, so are the
extra funds temporarily counter-checked by the bottleneck of
nurses. The one required nurse would work a split shift, 7 to
12 in the morning, and 4 to 7 in the afternoon. If such a per
son can be found despite war shortages, the 10 extra beds will
go into immediate service.
HE additions would remain in use “as long as conditions
X so justify” according to action taken by the administra
tion. University officials recognize the need to take every pos
sible step to protect student health, and that it is short-sighted
policy to do otherwise.
The infirmary has not been faced by an excessive illness
this year. It is no “epidemic threat” that forces the action. It
is rather the usual run of winter term sickness which demands
care lest a flu case should turn to pneumonia. Operating at
half capacity (with 14 beds) the infirmary has been unable to
accommodate many students who ordinarily deserve health
.service care. The 10 extra beds might still prove too few un
der some “rush” conditions. But at least it will mean that all
possible steps are being taken to provide capacity quarters for
Two extra student dishwashers have been lined up to han
dle the extra plates for 10 more patients. When the infirmary
finds its nurse, students will find the 10 extra beds awaiting
their call.
HEN President Roosevelt of the U.S.A. paused long
enough on his homeward flight from Africa last week to
meet President Vargas of Brazil the reasons were plain. But
when the president of International Business Machines cor
poration circulates an exhibit of Latin American art, the rea
sons aren't so clear.
It is a notable happenstance when art receives a boost from
a man who sells typewriters, calculators, bookkeeping machines
and like implements of the work-a-day world, but that nota
ble happenstance may be witnessed now in the University of
Oregon Little Art Gallery. There, until February 2, is dis
played an exhibit of 75 Latiu-Ameriean prints from eighteen
South and Central American countries, seventy-five wood cuts,
engravings, linoleum cuts, and copper plate prints from the
hands of the most famous and gifted artists of the southern
* * *
IMF, Magazine of December 8, 1941 gives a few details
about Mr. Watson that add meaning to the exhibit. He
possesses a large private collection of art works, which empha
sises American artists. In 1941 President Roosevelt named
him National Director of Art Week. A number one salesman,
himself, he organized a nation-wide business men's committee
to “talk art up” throughout the country. They talked sales
executives into advertising displaying and buying United States
Art, says Time. And now, this typewriter salesman is show
ing the U. S. the art of its neighbors.
The term “Good Neighbor Policy” has given way to that
of "Hemisphere Solidarity,” and inter-American understand
ing is more important now than ever. The art of a people re
cords their lives, customs, and ideals, and to understand peo
ple one must know their art.
President Roosevelt and Thomas J. Watson can only apply
rubber cement to the neighborly, cooperative spirit, of the two
hemispheres. The people must do the understanding. It is
the business of each Oregon student to visit this exhibit.
—J- w.
..—w iiMiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiimiiHiiiiiiiHHmimiiHi’iiiimimmmmiinmmiinmiiiiimii'iiiii^ir
Free for
• •
To the Editor of the Emerald:
Your editorial inferences ap
pearing last Saturday should be
objected to by every self-respect
ing college student. The gross
ness of the fallacious comparison
you offer is an insult to the in
telligence of your readers, even
though it is no great deviation
from past policy. You remark
that the student now struggling
with 17 hours is actually pic
nicking in comparison to a future
army school load of 46 hours of
study plus 2 hours of drill. This
entirely disregards the fact that
a minimum of two outside study
hours is required for every hours
spend in class in this university.
This adds up to 51 hours per
week for your contemporaneous
college student taking “17 hours.’’
As for the technical study pro
grams putting “any Phi Bete to
shame,” may I remark that there
are Phi Betes in this institution
who omit pipe courses and take
undergraduate loads cf up to 22
The existing inferiority com
plex that the Emerald editorial
writers seem to demonstrate con
cerning the sincerity and academ
ic perseverance of Oregon stu
dents adds nothing but criticism
to the already unhealthy opinions
of outsiders regarding the pres
ent actions of college students.
May I suggest that the edito
rial staff refrain from printing
such superficial essays, reject its
editorial policy of mild sensation
alism, and discontinue minimiz
ing the work being done by the
students here. Sincerely,
Frank King
Sigma hall
Mr. Frank King has a cumu
lative GPA of 3.8.
Mr. Frank King made 3.64 fall
term. })
Mr. Frank King has placed
himself with the majority of Ore
gon men who through their scho
lastic endeavors have placed
themselves above editorial criti
cism from the Emerald.
Mr. Frank King should read
the editorial column more care
Last week was a milestone in
Almost since the time that the
threads of hot music began to
form a tangible pattern and im
provisation began to assume
form, Edward Kennedy Elling
ton has been leading a band, and,
while other figures have come
to overshadow him, they have
like shadows passed. As Time
says, the real king of jazz is a
duke. Last week marked Elling
ton’s twentieth year as a band
leader, an occasion celebrated of
ficially (AFM proclaimed Na
tional Ellington Week) and pop
ularly (the Beat had just rated
the Duke’s band the nation’s fa
The band itself celebrated with
a sell-out concert in sacrosanct
Carnegie hall.
Public Fancy
Much of the Duke’s magnifi
cence arises from his having no
need to kowtow to the fickleness
of public fancy: his forte is cre
ation rather than conformance.
Eeryone knows that what he
played in the twenties influenced
others in the thirties, and what
he played in the thirties we hear
others beginning to play now.
This fact of itself is nearly val
ueless, for any top-notch arrang
er could whip out a number that
is over the layman’s head, but
the significance here is that the
Ellington progressiveness is
spontaneous with the men. They
are experienced musicians who
are revolted by triteness. If their
work suffers now and again from
over-ambitiousness, it is at least
not shallow.
To the Duke himself much
credit must go for drawing his
men out. Unlike Goodman, who
is a fierce taskmaster, Ellington
is warmly sympathetic, an in
spiring, heartening leader—ex
actly the type of man for his
band. In fact, it is inconceivable
to imagine one apart from the
other. Reflecting this is the stag
geringly slow rate of turnover in
the Duke's personnel.
Symbolic of Music
Though volumes virtually write
themselves about him, the Duke
is, after all, a symbol of music
and it is his music, not what is
written about him or it, that will
quicken pulses in the long tomor
rows. So I suggest if you haven’t
done so for a while, spin a few
of his records. Your Ellington
craze will be revived, as lots of
ours is about three times a year,
(Please turn to Page Seven)
! I Cover the Campus
Out of the potpourri of pressdom, out of a week-end of mad
activity, out of a thousand mouths, out of telephones and writ
ten messages—these are the items of chatter and patter th*’p
roll before your correspondent as he assembles your mornnig
breakfast of coffee and gossip:
In 30 seconds (special stop
watch time) SAE men Roy
Stommel and Bill Peterson hung
their pins on Chi Omegas Bever
ly Cameron and Bette Hoge . . .
Back together again for several
nights were Betty (my - arm’s -
out - of - the - sling) MacTavish
and Theta Chi Joe Wicks who
blew into town for the M.B. . . .
And this is the story of why Ted
Bush is drinking two chocolate
ice cream sodas daily instead of
the usual one . . . His date for
sattiday naht, one Miss Pat Ward
of A-Chi-oh! fame, buzzed him
via the phone to the effect that
their social engagement was off,
as her dear friend Bud Smith,
Chi Psi kid, was leaving these
fair parts for the University of
California, and “Ted, deah boy,
I’ve got to see him before he
goes. Would you mind so terri
bly much?’’ , . . Bush gulped,
popped two gum drops in his
mouth and then said, “No—Pat
—that is-” “Thank you, Ted.
I’ll see you around.” Came the
dawn, and early Sunday morning,
and Bush phoned back—and
Smith had dood it. Miss Ward
had become engaged . . . Rawley,
the aspirin, and another choc,
sody for T. Bush . . .
More Romance
CHAPTER 14 on the Herb (I
play tenor sax and wear zoot
suits) Widmer-Jean (I’m a cute
Pi Phi) Barringer romance . . .
After takin’ Herb’s pin (really
wasn't his, one of the Theta Chi
brothers) Jean backed out of the
deal. Herb's own pin arrived from
national headquarters, but a let
ter from Mrs. Barringer beat him
to the punch, and mama said no!
. . . Speaking of mysteries, won
der why Dunk Nesbitt, a steady
goin’ fool for a year, hasn’t
planted his brass on that certain
woman ? . . .
. . . And still another communi
que on the Villaire-Davis deal;
Another A-Dee-Pi freshman has
followed Jean’s example and is
cool to a brother Theta Chi . . .
Look out men, here comes Davis
with a tommy-gun! . . . Add to
the growing list of engagements:
Bob Dow to Pi Phi Jean Bohnen
kamp . . . Ray Dickson’s bril
liant new literary masterpiece is
called "The Playwright and the
Kid Johnny” . . . One of the cut
est couples seen at the Military
(Please turn to Pane Seven)
Art for Art’s Sake
Three romantic Stanford men
with their guitars and mandolines
went serenading one night. Their
first selection was enthusiasti
cally received, but the cops be
ing notified of a disturbance con
fiscated two of the troubado^jf'
The third member, after twc
hours of “sliding in muddy ditch
es, climbing through barbec
wire, and brandishing his guitai
at irritated watch-dogs” sneaked
into his room a fugitive from in
justice and from those who, he
thinks, are using the war as an
excuse to destroy arts and artists
—The Stanford Daily
* *
Term’s Work
A student at Texas Christian
university has filled a 12-foot roll
of wallpaper, 18 inches wide, with
the solution of an advanced cal
culus problem. Depending on the
worker’s knowledge of underly
ing principles, it takes from six
weeks to three months to solve
the problem. — ^
—The Skiff(P
Dimes for Diplomas
Each person in a campus liv
ing organization at Stanford is
asked to contribute 10 cents
toward the Dimes for Diplomas
campaign. This money will be
used after the war to pay the tui
tion of senior men who left Stan
ford to enter the service.
-—The Stanford Daily
* * *
Women Volunteer
Women at the University of
California are being mobilized for
war activity through voluntt^a
registration. The organizat^P
plans to work in the following
fields: clerical, Red Cross, farm
work, canning, entertainment for
service men, and surgical dress
ing preparation.
—Daily Californian.