Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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(Quick Cue; And now after a
welcome vacation you joiks are
again exposed to th«k insult. Last
week as you didn’t notice there
was no “Smells of Car bon Diox
ide” mainly because I had a
very severe attack of the Flap
ig' Woo-Hoos.
Every homo-hirsute-sapien is
exposed to this dread disease
tint is carried by a relative of
the aviation Gremlin known as
the Pixie. Pixies, however, spe
cnlize in radio and do such as:
nixing the pages of a script;
petting “Dneprodzherzhinsk”
in a newscast, turning on the
mike in the midst of swearing;
patting scratches on the rec
ords; he also cuts the network
l;> crossing Snub Mosely and
Guy Lombardo and the line has
n’t a chance; and lastly the
whole tribe’ll get together and
play a record (78 rev.) at trans
cription speed (33 rev. per min
ute). And an ASCAP at that.
.Enough of this silly drivel
. The Met will air “Faust”
tins morning beginning at XI
over BLUE; Raoul .Tobin, John
Charles Thomas, Lucille Brown
ing all included in cast with Sir
Thomas Beecham on the po
dium. Schubert’s “Symphony
No, 7 in C Major” (or a jump
written with a lead pencil) will
bi the Boston’s contribution to
ward insanity at 5:15 this af
ternoon. Now I’ll brush the long
f- ir out of my eyes and tell you
that someone ought to form a
iH'inii: I'Ko.vr mgiitek . .
. . lia\ H,\ser delivering n war
message to hi* hikcch Mi(' air
a; dleiuv during u “College of
Musical li.iuHlodge” broadcast
f.rinn a service camp.
. . . Lillian Sherman, heard on
“Mutual Goes Calling," variety
show Mondays through Fridays.
“Back to Morgan” or “Strength
Through Morgan” movement.
. . . Corniest of the week was
“The best tunes of all” move to
Carnegie Hall- Kay Kyser.
Tonight is the date for all the
President's Birthday balls
throughout the world and the
four major networks went ahead
and planned an hour celebration
with several good bands and
(gosh) Gene Autry, and from
Honolulu Artie Shaw plus a
couple of skits by Hollywood
comedians (?) . . . Fred War
ing was chosen to play for the
Washington ball . . .
ING ... A LUCKY! (No won
der they arrested him). Number
one on MY purge list is Martin
Block, second is Richard Crooks,
Hitler is a poor third.
Mae West Back
“A Rookie and His Rhythm”
ala. Reeky Mount Kyser is a
song that is soon to be a hit
(even if I have to pay a nickel
to get another vote) . . . Dinah
Shore will emcee a total “Com
mand Performance” show blit
soon, very rarely does a skirt
do this . . . Helen Forrest (Har
ry James) had her nose straight
ened . . .
(Whistle effect) .... Mae
West is coming back in a pic
ture, “Tropicana” . . . Morton
Downey starts a week from
Monday on 15-minute spot a day
at 12-12:15 . . . “People Are
Funny" moves to new time—
NBC 15:30-7:00.
Of . the six hours of church
programs I'm exposed to on
Sunday the best is the Y. P. C.
A. 1:30-2:00, KOBE. Also good
but of a slightly different na
ture is the “Shadow,” 2:30, and
“Ye Okie and Tiny Butte Re
spectable Theatre Ol'fe Times
Square,” 3:00.
Beckwith does it so- PUN of
the WEEK . . . “all right, all
light, I'll marry your daughter,
I'll marry both of them. Won't
that be big a me?" . . . Oh, Oh
. . . that’s enough for now.
'St. Mark's' Pays
(i 'ovtvrM'ii ;■ i"■■ />ii.h' oil,'.)
n : otherwise finish-’ i pevform
Soon’s i.1111■ ami five of Act II
v. o play ■ . belli’. t a thin screen
us lg colors i spots, with the add
on effect ; using' the public ad
d ‘is system to fade the voice
of Qui:appearing it: a dream
t 'a.- : sweetheart.
Aside from these two scenes
th mo.-t eff ctive were those set
or the dim. tutive island in the
's ih Pacific where Qtiiv.z and
Ins company fought and finally
d I. The only light on the stage
c.i te fn . the case entrance at
ti: midJI1 back enhancing the
<1 >. ressi r emanating' f:om the
1 >8.
'i i > Moc glow restaurant scene
however, was casually callous,
with plausible pantomime and
fast dialogue, while the army
camp scene portrayed robust,
rough and ready existence of the
average soldier even down to the
crap game.
Original sets which were cre
ated by the stage design class,
were so authentic they faded into
the background of the minds of
the audience, adding correct but
not obtrusive atmosphere.
Members of the cast are as fol
lows: Deckman West, William
Countryman; Nell West, Margie
Robinson; Zip West, Robert
Over: Neil West, Clinton Hill;
Cy. Peter T. Chiolero; Ralph Fel
ler, James Whisenand; Janet Fel
ler, Norma Baker; and Private
Quizz Wes, Alan Foster
Others include Corpo* *1 Tate,
Farle Russell: Private Thomas
Deadline Monday
For WAA Swim
All girls interested in entering
the intramural swimming meet
sponsored by the women's ath
letic association must file such
intentions with Milo Woodward,
chairman of the event, not later
than Monday, February 1>5 p.m.
The events will take place
February 3, 10, and 17 at 7:30 in
the Gerlinger pool. Rules and
blanks have been distributed and
girls who are interested are ask
ed to read and fill out the blanks
for acceptance. Blanks may also
be turned in to Miss Helen Pe
troskey, instructor in physical ed
A team of girls not affiliated
with any campus living organiza
tion is being organized. This will
be known as the “lame duck
team” and any girls who are in
terested in joining are urged to
contact Miss Woodward before
February 1.
Orides Cinch
(Continued from puyc four)
championship. They play a fast
brand of ball and have the back
ing of their house if the peppy
rooting section is any sign.
Helen Johns, Delta Gamma,
leads scoring to date with 30
points in two contests. She has
shown plent}^ of flash in her first
two games and can really handle
a basketball.^, Other high scorers
Janet Ross, ADPi . 21
Dorothy Mills, Hilyard .. 19
M. Cordon, Pi Phi . 19
Jean Kirkwood, Chi Omega.... 19
M. J. Bolmenkamp, Pi Phi.... 17
Jean Morrison, Theta . 17
June Hitchcock, Chi Omega. .. 14
Bobby Edwards, ADPi. 13
Pat Carson, Sigma Kappa. 13
Guards deserving mention are:
Shirley Higgins, Orides; Billy
Marshall, ADPi; Nancy Lewis,
Chi Omega; Jo Reginotc, Hilyard;
Marrianne Blenkinsop, Univer
sity house, Alysone Hales, Kap
pa; Sally Speis, Gamma Phi Beta;
Mary Louise Vincent, Pi Phi, and
Anne Craven, Highland house.
Pi Phi .
Alpha Gam ....
Chi Omega ...
U. House .
AOPi .
Sigma Kappa
Susie .
Gamma Phi ..
Highland B ....
ADPi .
Delta Gamma
Highland A ..
Hendricks .
Tri Delt .
Orides .
Hilyard .
Theta .
Alpha Chi O ..
League standings
W. L. Pet.
.0 0 .000
0 1.000
1 .500
2 .333
.0 2 .000
...2 0 1.000
... 1 1 .500
.1 1 .500
.0 2 .000
.0 0 .000
.2 0 1.000
.1 0 1.000
.2 1 .667
...0 2 .000
.0 2 .000
.2 0 1.000
.2 1 .667
....1 1 .500
.0 3 .000
Mulverov, Harold Larson; Pri
vate Francis Marion, Pres Phipps;
Private Busceni, Richard Landis;
Sergeant Ruby, IRoy Dyer; Li
Bird, Helen Holden; Sal Bird,
Betsey Steffen; a waiter. Over
ton Roberts; Flash, Nevena Del
loff; Dimples, Sally Clarke; Ser
geant Kriven, Saule Barde: and
Pepe, Nisma Banta.
A Carleton college senior. Eliz
abeth Haas, is the first Minneso
ta girl to enlist in the WAAC on
a deferred plan that allows her
to stay in school until graduation
in June.
Purdue university engineering
students are producing war ma
chine parts for Westinghouse
Electric company as part of their
shop practice.
Moravian seminary and College
for Women recently celebrated
200 years of uninterrupted serv
ice in the education of women.
Colleges Cooperate
In Victory Book Drive
Colleges are actively cooperat
ing in the 1943 Victory Book
campaign to supply more and
better books to the men in the
armed services. College stores
and campus committees through
out the country have enlisted in
the drive and machinery and is
being set in motion for a record
breaking collection of good books
from the shelves of faculties and
The 1943 Victory Book cam
paign is sponsored by the Amer
ican Library association, Ameri
can Red Cross and the USO. Co
Chairman Franklin P. Adams.
Edward L. Bernays and Norman
Cousins, have received pledges of
cooperation from the national As
sociation of College Stores. Each
college book store will act as the
official campus collection center.
The accent is being placed on
the giving of books in good phy
sical condition, books that are
interesting and readable. College
men particularly are likely to
own plenty of volumes that would
be welcome at camps and naval
bases. This includes best sellers,
both fiction and ncn-fiction, re
cently published textbooks, stor
ies of action, humorous books and
small reprints of popular titles.
Music School
Lists Program
Next week's list of music pro
gram pci-formed by University
students was announced Friday
by Professor George Hopkins, di
On Tuesday, February 2, from
8:15 to 8:30 p.m. on KOAC,
James McMullen, baritone, will
sing, accompanied by Betty Jean
Taylor. They will present “Be
loved, It Is Morn," by Atwood;
“Aye, Aye, Aye,” folk song of
Chile; “A Kingdom,” by Liddle;
and “Brown October Ale,” DeKo
Three pianists will be featured
from 7:30 to 7:45, cn Wednesday,
February 3. Margie Folsom will
play Beethoven, “Theme and
Variation”; while Patty Powell
will give “Nocturne,” by Res
phigi. Margaret Zimmerma n
plays Mompow's “Song and
The 7:45 to 8 p.m. period on
Wednesday will be devoted to a
recital by Nymphia Lem, pianist.
She will play “Pas Des Am
phores,” Chaminade, from the Air
de Ballet, No. 11, cpus 37; “Les
Demons S'Amusement,” Rebikoff,
from opus 15, No. 2; “Nocturne
F Minor,” Chopin, opus 55, No.
1; and “Consolation,” Liszt.
Northwestern university re
cently dedicated its $6,735,000
technological institute.
Tin Cans Added
To Scrap Store
The University's third and
most successful scrap drive net
ted approximately 90 boxes of tin
cans, old stockings, and records
to be used in the war effort, Art
Damschen, co-chairman of the
salvage committee, said Friday
Despite the snow, the salvage
material was gathered Friday af
ternoon on schedule with the aid
of a truck loaned to the salvage
committee by the Lane county
war board, designated specifical
ly for use in local salvage drives.—^
The University truck usually usedffi
for salvage drives on the campus
was not available. The county
also furnished the driver for the
The boxes are being stored in
a garage in back of the Sigma
Alpha Mu house until the local
war board receives word from the
Portland war board that the ma
terial can be used.
The majority of the salvage
material gathered in this third
all-campus drive was tin cans.
These will be processed to make
the tin and other metals re-usa
“I was very pleased. It was a
very good showing, and the ma
jority of the people have cooper
ated very well,” Marge Curtis,
co-chairman of the drive said last
In about two weeks the salvag A
committee plans to sponsor an
other drive, concentrating next
time on fats and greases.
The first campus salvage drive
was in November when fats and
greases were gathered. The sec
ond collection was early in Janu
ary when fats, greases, scrap
metal, and rubber was gathered.
Friday’s salvage list included tin
cans, stockings and records.
Aiding Miss Curtis and Dam
schen in the scrap collection was
Dorothy Bruhn.
Bishop Leads
(Continued from page one)
which has not yet been announced
will be presented.
The vesper service is spon
sored by the student body with
the student religious council takjjffln
ing charge of planning the pro*-'
gram. Frances Oram, president
of the religious council, is in
charge of the program set fop
This is the last time Mr. Rem
ington will speak to an open
group while he is on the campus,
and all students are invited to
Colgate university has built a
rare book room in James B. Col
gate Memorial library.
880 3