Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon @ Emerald
G. Duncan Wimpress, Managing Editor; Marjorie Young, News Editor;
John J. Mathews and Ted Bush, Associate Editors
Advertising Managers:
John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davit,
Russ Smelser.
Dwayne Heathman
Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager.
L.ois Claus, Classmed Advertising Man
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ing Manager
Represented vor national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York--Chicago—Boston
—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland—Seattle.
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holiday* and final
examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as sacond-class matter at the postoffice. Eugene, Oregon.
46 Jloutii.- Ala . . .
npiIE average University student who thinks of 17 hours as
a tough study load will discover what concentrated study
for war really means when army-navy college plans are put
into operation. Tentative army and navy plans announced by
the office of war information indicate a study load in technical
studies that would put any Phi Beta to shame.
An army “panel of specialists,” recommended by the Amer
ican council on education, has formulated a 12-week course
with 23 hours of classroom work and 23 hours of supervised
study each week. The ex-reservist who finishes basic training
and is sent back to college to study will find his “spare time”
well planned. Accompanying 46 hours of study will be two
hours of military drill each week.
The navy, through its advisory council on education, has
drawn up an even stiffer program. The V-l, V-5, or V-7 man
of today can look forward to a 60-hour work week for 16 weeks
of technical study. Fifty-one hours a week will go to regular
studies, with an extra nine hours of naval science and drill pro
viding the physical emphasis. No wonder navy officer trainees
write back, “Either you know the work when it's given, or you
TRAINED army and navy demand tough drill in mental
gymnastics as well as physical gymnastics. It takes hard
boiled instruction in either role. University reservists with
high scholastic averages and high capabilities form the officer
material which will receive this opportunity for further in- '
struction. This term or this year are the last for the “part
normal” college. The high school graduate eligible for higher
education next fall is going to be the exception, and not the
rule. That is why University students today are lucky to have
this extra University training for the armed forces.
It is another indication that students who are pulled from
reserves for low grades in 12 or 14 hours will also lose the op
portunity to receive further University technical training, and
in many cases, the chance to become a high-grade officer. The
brute force of an army or navy is only as strong as the brains
in each individual unit. That is why army-navy plans will take
advantage of university training, in addition to every other
instrument within command. Grades now aren’t everything,
but they will certainly come in handy later.
• • •
Between Ki&A&L
GOOD be! is that among the most time-consuming activi
ties these war days is “kissing the boys goodbye.” Be they
husband, brother, fiance, or friend, there are more going than
staying, and it’s a woman’s place to make the parting sweet
and the return promising. In between times most Oregon co
eds attend a few classes, cat, sleep, write letters, dance a bit,
and manage to escape a humdrum existence by a hair’s breadth.
At the end of last term, the administration distributed book
lets listing war work possibilities for University of Oregon
women. It was a concise description of fields and opportuni
ties, with suggestions as to courses of study and people on the
campus to consult. The preface said, “Women equipped with
talents and education for full professional responsibility have a
patriotic duty to use them at the highest possible level.”
The University was -attempting to show its women what
they can do to help, in their nation’s war effort. It sketched
plans for keeping busy, useful, and alive after the men are kissed
goodbye. How many saw it as such is a mute question; how
many took advantage of its offers is another.
Now. the Dean of Women's office has a more detailed work
on fields for women. It presents complete discussions of every
phase of the work situation. The administration's booklet also
said that often the most spectacular jobs are at sub-university
level. This new hook tells of some under the headings of air
transport, newspaper, motion pictures, radio, social protection
and law enforcement that negate that statement.
It is a woman’s job to kiss the hoys good-bye, to give them
something to fight for. But to make their fighting count, and
give them something to return to, women must do more. New
shortages are continually developing; women must he ready
to step in. Constructive preparation and employment make
time go faster. And in making time count, we won't he count
ing time. -—J. w.
v‘ y-r
The rail is actualiy im play
I Cover the Campus J
Hello, people! We’re back this morning after a one-day
columnist’s vacation. And let me tell you, everything’s sacred
today. . . . Fiji Bill Farrell and Kappa Lila Lee Chaney have
broken up and are now back in circulation , . . Significantly,
it appears that the famous Fiji-Kappa combination is splitting.
Omar, officer-man from the
DU clan will bring his favorite
girl friend, Irene Gresham
Vicki Vickery of Eugene high
has had a spaikler from Gordy
Gullion, Theta Chi, for about
three weeks . . . Eleanor Beck of
the Delta Delta Delta bunch and
Fritz Giesecke, who have been
hitting the steady path, are now
on the Rock Road ... It appears
that Beta Don Mayne was slight
ly peever when Peggy (Gamma
Phi) Allison took Lee Kilburg’s
Delt pin. Mayne tried to hang his
on Peggy last semester, but she
claimed she had a steady back
home. . . They’ll do it every time.
Steady Steadies
Bill Moshofsky has his Maltese
Cross on Gamma Phi Nell Car
penter . . . June Taylor was the
tattooed lady in a Civic Theater
carnival in Dunthorpe last spring
. . . Bill Macy, newly elected pres
ident of the Beta house is going
steady with Pi Phi June Boswell.
Mystery dept.: Just what does
Barbara Bock, blond Theta
pledge, think she’s do.ing—in the
Beta house, we mean. Of course,
Kim Kaufman is a good-lookin’
fella. . . .
More chatter and patter: June
Walker, Alpha Phi from the Uni
versity of Washington is defin
itely checking the Phi Delt league
, . . Daryl Bridenstine and Jim
Pryor among others . . . Ed De
Keater, SAE, has completely fas
cinted Jean Villaire, that gl&mma
woman from the A-Dee-Pi house
. . . Bill Davis, who has been out
after us with an axe lately, had
nevertheless, better get on the
boat. . . Funny angle is that de
Keater is cutting time in the
Gaynor Thompson league, along
with a Phi Delt and Kappa Sig
Bob Hankey . . . What an amus
in' and confusin’ pitcher . . .
Truth or Rumor
There are rumors that those
freshman operators in the Kappa
Sig house are leaving school and
returning to their native Long
Beach stamping grounds . . . .
Chuck Van Atta, Fiji, is sewed
in the Alpha Phi league with
Clover Jean Cox of the personal
ity girls . . . Phyl Root is 21 now.
. . . And who was the Gamma Phi
(Please turn to Pane Seven)
Blonde, dimpled, and 23, for three
years one of the most popular
canaries in. swingdom, Helen
O’Connell this week gave the
royal kiss-off to the hardships
of a band vocalist in favor of the
comparative ease of radio work.
As noted here Thursday, she has
joined the Chamber Music Soci
ety of Lower Basin Street. And
no one can blame her. .
Helen, for someone who is not
incurably stage-struck, has been
on the boards long enough, hav
ing been in the line and done a
little solo work at the tender age
of 13. At 15 she was teaching
hoofing and learning to sing. The
next year she began a seven-year
grind of draughty ballrooms, stuf
fy night-clubs, and gruelling the
ater engagements, ending up
with Jimmy Dorsey’s band, Mad
ame Lazonga, and national ac
claim. With Dorsey she made a
fillum last year, and everyone had
a chance to see what some of us
already knew: Helen O’Connell
should not be hidden behind an
unseeing microphone. But there
she is, and for fans of her voice
as well as of her—ah—appear
ance she can be heard on the
Blue network at 7:30 Monday
The other day a joe strolled
into the confusion of the Eddy
street Record Exchange in Fog
town, and began to dig among
the waist-high stacks of beat-up
recordings, envelopes, and dirt
that jam the place. No one paid
any attention as he pawed
through Jellyroll Morton, the
Mound City Blue-Blowers, Bessie
Smith, Ben Pollack, and Pops
Bechet. Pretty soon he selected
an old Ted Lewis and said to Pro
(Please turn to Page Seven)
The Lines
I WOULD LIKE to say a few
words about sox. There’s some
thing about a pair of sox.
There are many different kinds
of sox. There are brown sox, and
white sox, and many other col
ors, except on Thursday after
There is an old saying: Where j
there’s smoke, there’s fire.^jjit
that has nothing to do with"“x.
There is another old saying: Give
me liberty, or give me death. But
that has nothing to with sox,
Bang !
And while we’re on the subject,
I would like to mention, in pass
ing, the University Theater pro
duction, “The Eve of St. Mark.”
According to the list of charac
ters, the part of the hunched
back, hair-lipped waiter is played
by Overton Roberts. A check on
the Guide will show that there
is no Overton Roberts registered
at school. Overton Roberts, to
put it bluntly, is an imposter.
Let’s juggle the name a little.
We- are now juggling the name a
little. Crash
By a simple maneuver of trans- -•
postion we can get something
that, comes close to Robert jr.
Mr. Over is the gent who plays
the part of one of the farm boys.
It follows, then, that the two
parts are played by the same
thespian. The fictitious name for
the waiter part was supplied for
reasons that are evident.
To get back to our discussion
on sox. Incidentally, we question
the stability of a columnist who
finds it necessary to reprint the
same items that are run the pre
vious day in another column. We
are referring to the repetitious
info from the gentleman who
“covers the campus” about Hen
hall’s synthetic Lana Turner.
Why don’t you take a rest,
Beckwith ?
Speaking of sox, Jawn Jenson
is the boy who went up to an
SDX pledge and congratuj^d
him. “Are you going to live in?”
Jenson queried. It is a fact—the
average person is below average.
I met a student who didn’t have
on a pair of sox. “Sir,” I said,
and, I meant it, “You are not
wearing any sox.” He looked me
straight in the eye. And without
warning, he opened his big mouth
and spoke. “Yes, I am not wear
ing no sox,” is what he said. And
he was light. I could tell by his
sincerity. Thud
The reason there are so many
half-wits in this country is be
cause our mothers did not feed
us whole-wit bread. Only it was
Before concluding this talk
about sox. You have probably no
ticed the white sox sported by
campus males and endorse(Mfcy
the U. of O. These items of mA
wear are state property.
It has become the practice of
too many characters to remove
an extra pair from their bas
kets or to stand the loss of an
original pair, and then turn
them in after each gym class,
keeping the fresh pair. It amount
ed to a lot of free footwear,
complete with laundry service.
Warning to Gentlemen of the
Gym: The school of fizz-ed is
starting to take names of those
seen wearing these sox outside of
classes. Upon being accosted, the
offenders will be invited t«j\a
chat with the dean. No tea^hl
be served.
I would like to suggest that of
fenders smuggle their promiscu
ous footwear back to the gym to
a hurry. To put it tritely—this
is total war.