Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 28, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    I I
Good Taste
i |
LECTIONS, Snowstorm division
. . . Memo: So, we had a big bliz
zari and all the gals found out
excuse to wear slacks on the cam
pus, which is what they’d always
wanted to do anyway. . . .
Some of the slack costumes
were pretty good . . . There were
several variations on the red
shirt-green slacks combination;
some clever bonnets made their
appearance; and the best looking
of all were the gals who put on
dark blue ski suits, a dark blue
ski cap, and let their mittens and
socks be the only gay colored
tiling about them. . . .
Mr. Stalsberg, our efficient
cashier, arrived at work on Fri
day unruffled by the weather . . .
He came sailing sedately along
through the heavy snow, arrayed
in the most correct business
clothes imaginable . . . overcoat,
liat, leather gloves . . . and he
was on skiis.
The little paper boy could be
seen trudging over the snow in
the early morning mooii-and-star
light, pulling his papers behind
him, in a large orange crate on
his sled. . . .
The hoar frost that foggy
morning was unusual and cer
tainly attractive . . . frozen fog
is a real rarity .in Eugene, ap
parently. . . .
One gal, who went out. one icy
evening to discover how much
fur. tobogganing can be, ended in
a minor crash at the foot of the
hill on her first trip down, and
now has four stitches holding her
wound together directly over her
right eye. . . .
The Snow White created by Da
vid Stone and Don Hoffman isn't
such a recent and original idea
after all . . . Once Lorenzo do'
Medici asked Michelangelo ....
MICHELANGELO, mind you . . .
to toss off a little statue of snow
. . . all this being in Florence
soma 400 years ago . . . (This
item, con: y Dr. Bealll. . . .
And tin- i tee: * was the Senior,
in i flippant mood, who. asked
his freshn in room-mate;
“How's \ i ddication ? ? ?"
Salute- . . .
Militate}, Sail Jbteuud
Weekend Attention
By LOIS I-IULSER, Society Editor
The thrill that comCs once in a college career will go, Sat
urday evening, to the girl who wears the silver eagle at the
Military Ball. George Carey’s music will accompany the coro
nation of the Little Colonel and her staff of two majors and
two'captains': Identification bracelets'wHfcbe presented as per
manent cifts.
Since only part of the uni
forms have arrived, junior men
will wear tuxedos when they
march under the drawn sabers
of Scabbard and Blade for the
traditional ceremony. Following
the custom of the year, flowers
will not be in order.
All co-op skating party is
scheduled for Friday night. Phi
Gamma Delta entertains dates at
a fireside. -Exchanges for the
week include Delta Gamma-Theta
Chi; Alpha Phi-Sigma Alpha Mu;
Alpha Tau Omega-Delta Delta
Delta; Kappa Sigma-Alpha Chi
Omega; AOPi had preference.
Alpha Delta Pi-Sigma Alpha
Epsilon; Alpha hall-Alpha XI
Delta; Beta Theta Pi-Chi Omega;
Campbell club-Alpha Gamma Del
ta; University house-Canard club;
Susan Campbell-Gamma hall;
Kirkwood eo-op-Orides; Phi Del
ta Theta-Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Sherry Ross-Sigma Kappa; Kap
pa Alpha Theta-Delta Upsilon
and Phi Gamma Delta-Pi Beta
Sez the freshman, all eager to
please, “I’m sorry, I don't take
any. . . .”
Two Girls Pledged
Miss Kendall Resigns
An announcement from Dean
of Women Hazel P. Schwering
revealed that Lois Winsley, Hono
lulu, has pledged Alpha Delta Pi,
and Barbara Daws, Olympia, Al
pha Xi Delta, both this week.
Five Men Pledge
Pledges announced this week
by the dean of men’s office in
clude Elmer A. Hendrick, Sigma
Phi Epsilon; Robert S. Bailey,
Phi Sigma Kappa; Edwin Allen,
Kenneth Hume, and Jack J.
Crocker, Alpha Tau Omega.
wearing apparel—dry goods'
SO & 30 East Broadway
proudly announces
An Important New Collec
r tion for Spring
Coats and Suits
featuring- new materials
and patterns, including
British lloundstooth fab
rics, French tweeds, polo
cloths and fleeces.
Suits in dressmaker and
tailored styles, showing'
1 RAF blue, navy, black,
beige and brown.
You will like the coats
with the perfect fitting
saddle shoulders or per
haps a Chesterfield with a
velvet collar.
Prices $19.95
to $34.50
20 and 30 East Broadway
A/ecu ty&utuxh
Shine Acjaiu&t
R07G fynijjcvim*.
With winter term, evening
dresses are unpacked, rejuvenat
ed, borrowed, and loaned for the
succession of formal dances pre
sented on the Oregon campus.
Coming attraction for the week
end is the Military Ball, when
Scabbard and Blade men run
competition with their women
for fashion honors. Even in ROTC
uniforms, the boys will find it
hard ter outshine many of these
Reba Nickson plans on wearing
a red sequin dinner dress, severe
but smart with its three-quarter
length sleeves . . . Peggy Heit
schmidt will stagger the stag
line in a black net number, com
pleted by wide bands of char
treuse and fuscia grosgrain rib
bon running horizontally across
the bodice and the top of the
skirt . . . Sara jane Kendrick chcse
a pink organdy with the new long
torso waistline, full skirt, and
straps . . . Peggy Cornell’s black
velvet is sti’apless, and boasts a
rushing of pink around the top
of the bodice and the bottom of
the skirt . . . Katherine Stewart
prefers an aquamarine taffeta
with a halter neck. The skirt has
black birds on the skirt . . . White
will be much in evidence also—
Virginia Wright’s dress is white
net, with a full skirt and sequins
on the bodice . . . Martha Har
roi'd will wear a more tailored
dress of white crepe. The skirt is
the new peg top style, while the
top is augmented with a red gros
grain ribbon across the top . . .
I Cover the Campus
(Continued from payc tioo)
affair: It's off! . . . Dick ami
Deborah aren’t going steady, af
ter all ... .
lively new ballad called “Let’s
Get Lost” ... It would appear
that all Jack Billings and Marj
Young do in their spare time is
play tag with each other . . . .
Li’l Vic Huffaker’s new nick
name is Victor Immature! . . .
Mary had a little lamb
With sweet peas on the side
When the waiter brought the
Mary nearly died.
Chi Os distinguishing themselves
as the only house to show proper
deference to the social status of
Beta Theta Pi.
Bob Fugit was one of the few
individuals tp guess the climax
of the Mac’s stirring mystery
dramnier, “The Undying Mon
ster" . . . My doctor informs me,
it is time to sign off ... So pa
tience, Jack, who knows, but you,
YOU and you! may be in print
“classified ads
LOST Brown leather bill fold
Wednesday. Call Hollis Hartwick,
3300—Ext 275. Finder may keep
WANTED—Model A Ford road
ster in good condition. Phone
Joy Fleishman chose white mar
quisette, with lace at the waist
and the square neck . . . Doro
thy Shepherd wears her white
formal with red jacket and shoes.
. . . Evening wraps which hold up
under Eugene weather are a prob
]em to find . . . Betty Gregg’s
full length red wool wrap
trimmed in gold resists all the
ments . . . Joan Woodward wears
a black floor-length wool mili
tary cape, fastened with a gold
frog at the neck.
Colorful lew
Rayesas m your
favorite classics
Choose yours in a bright red or
green with colored embroidery
panels, in a soft pastel or a striking
two-tone. Choose it in a smart •
button-front or a two-piecer with
your favorite shirtwaist neckline.
You'll wear it and wear it
and wish you had two! So why not
get two now at Wards amazing
low price? 9-15, 12-20.
1059 JVillamette
Phone 4200