Oregon if Ememlb RAY SCHRICK, Editor; BETTY BIGGS SCHRICK, Business Mgr. G. Duncan Wimpress, Managing Editor; Marjorie Young, News Editor; John J. Mathews and Ted Bush, Associate Editors Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston —Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland—Seattle. Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice. Eugene, Oregon. We An&n't etuHable . . . “If people on the coast knew just half of the conditions under which soldiers and sailors are fighting, I think they could conform a lot more pleasantly with restrictions, both voluntary and compulsory, imposed on them.” * * * * '\1I7'ENDELL Webb, war correspondent, knows the words he speaks, because he has seen the war from both sides. From his ringside seat at Midway, he saw United States armed force in action. He’s back home now to see how the “other half” lives on the continent. And World War II is a strange about face from World War I. In 1917-18 it was booming morale on the home front that kept the soldiers going. The flag-waving and ultra-enthusiasm carried over the thousands of miles of ocean. And when the ’ marines landed they knew the 101 per cent backing they had from home. No home curtailment was too great if it would help the “Yankee doodle hoy” or the “grand old flag” marching over there. University students pitched in with enthusiasm as they dug trenches on the campus and marched in the home guard that might some day go across. * * * * JN World War II highest morale rests on the fighting side. The “expendables” of Bataan, the marines of the Solomons, and the navy men of Midway show how far our forces over seas will go. It’s stories of Eddie Rickenbacker’s 21 days on the Pacific that pull home morale along. Instead of home morale pushing the fighting forces, a Dieppe raid and a second front in Africa boast home production another notch toward all out war. When we see how tar morale has advanced since Congress almost refused to hold draftees an extra year in service, our home record doesn’t seem too bad. But when we compare it to the average three-second life of a tail gunner in a bomber, it doesn’t look quite so good. The Japanese who scorned our mumbling fumbling democracy have learned to respect U. S. marines of Guadalcanal and New Guinea. The home front of 1943 still has far to go to merit a similar respect. In 1918 it was this “similar respect” which won the war. r 1'IIE library made the headlines this week, and good news it was. Labor shortages have been marked throughout the campus district this year as elsewhere. First house-boys were scarce, then the dorms reported a dearth of workers. Meanwhile, the library cinched its belt and cut down on special services in tune with the times. Although the first named shortages quickly called forth gripes, and satisfactory solutions, it took longer for the import of the library situation to sink in. At first small inconven iences were dismissed with a ‘Vest la guerre” nonchalance. But, gradually small things like the check room and the browsing room began to be missed, then complaints began to sound. At last, word came this week, that browsing room hours had been extended; evening hours had been added. And accompanying that good news came announcement of the re-opening of the check, or cloak, room. * H* * * “J^AMKS make news" the saying goes, and that old saw was never truer. Names made this news: Phi Theta, Mortar Board, Kwama, ISA, and Jeff Kitchen. The first three are names naturally and always connected with campus service; it was the volunteering of their members this time to man the check room and browsing room that started the thing. Now. the In dependent Students' association has taken over the check room work. As for the personal name on the list, "Jeff Kitchen,” it is that of the founder and guiding spirit of the whole undertaking. Behind this new wrinkle in service work, lies a new organiza tion, the student librarv council, w hich Kitchen, Oregana busi ness manager, will head. Presidents of campus li\'ng organ izations will sit on the council which is designed t > give stu dents a voice in determining the policy of the librarv and to keep the browsing room open. No longer need it be said that because of the war we can’t expect good service. Students are providing their own g' oj service.—JAY. By ROY PAUL, NELSON She was crying. In her eyes was that I’ve - been - hit - by a snowball look. “Who done it?’’ I asked. “That brute over there,” she said. I turned, and marched over to the culprit, intent on teaching him to not only respect American womanhood, but also the girls who attend the University of Ore gon. “See here,” I sneered. He faced me. I noticed he was large, as snowball-flingers go. I noticed, of course, that he was a bit larger than I. Hotfoot “You got a match?” I asked. He handed one over. I put it in my pocket. I don't smoke, but I give hotfoots. So does Ralph Lind. Yesterday he was giving Dick Kiehl a hot foot, and during the presentation Kiehl woke up. “Hey, what are you doing?” "Giving you a hotfoot,” an nounced Lind. “Thanks,” responded Kiehl, and went back to sleep. This cold weather is wonderful. Welcome There’s snow denying, that no school Friday was as welcome as Dune Wimpress at the Pi Phi house. Most of us had tests. The Pi Kaps have just gotten around to cleaning their walks. The Fijis battled the Kappas to a draw in a snowfight early the first morning of the tardy white Christmas, and were invited to breakfast. A Canard attachment battled Hen hall yesterday after noon, and then supped with their foes that night. One of the numerous casualties was J. Warren Teter, Oregana photographer. Not only was he hit in the eye, but he was also hit right smack in the camera, and suffered a broken shutter. Use a Different Word N-U-C-L-E-U-S is one of the most frequently misspelled words in the English language, at least by college students, according to Harold V. Anderson, chemistry professor at Lehigh university. For 15 years he has listed every misspelling of the word discov ered in written work of his stu dents. He has found it spelled 61. different ways, and spelled in correctly hundreds of times. | I Cover the Snowfield By FRED BECKWITH . . . This is the saga of snowville, of broken panes and hearts ... of wet hands and faces, and snow fights in strange places . .. of slush and'mush . . . and the crunching of a white substance under the pressure of many foot-walkers . . . . . . And picked up in passing, the well known birdie shot the following tid-bits to me on the run: Beta Warren Finke and Jeannette Torney, that blonde dream ■miiiiiiiniiiiimm SCEDEAT What’s in a Name? Two girls with, the same name at Louisiana State university found that this little phrase meant a lot. When one of the girls was asked for a dance date and accepted, she spent the eve ning sitting in her room the night of the dance because her date had had confused her with another girl of the same name. -—The Reveille Basketball Background Tri-Delt sorority at Oregon State college has as its house mother Mrs. Florence Naismith, wife of the late Dr. James A. Nai smith, inventor of basketball. Men’s Week Men at UCLA have set aside one week during which they do just about what they please. During this week a Campus Wolf will be elected, and ration books will be distributed to insure a “ration cn Passion.’’ Greek Tragedy The drama department at UCLA has produced a modern ized version of the Greek play Sophocles’ “Electra.’’ The drama will be presented with simple stage settings and an individual ized use of the Greek chorus. —Daily Bruin College Faculty Drop A report issued from the Unit ed States office of education shows that the number of college and university teachers in the United States has dropped 5 per cent between the fall of 1941 and 1942. -—The Stanford Daily Don’t Spare the Red A Nazi educational publication recommends that teachers in the eastern occupied territories em ploy “weighty canes . . . for in struction purposes.”—(ACP) ;^|lHOWPYv 5NAGUNE/)^jp or— HOWDY PFtTT /; --_ r Om "HOWDY DAY "at ids angeles cttv COLLEGE.-STUDENTS WEAR. IDENTIFICATION TASS AND SAY HOWDY TO , EVERYONE THEY MEET/ GENTLEMEN - IT IS TIME fClk. CLASS TO TAKE UP/ AT*' 000 NAME DEP'T. PROF JAS. H. ENGLISH , TEACHES SPANISH AT 1 GROVE CITY COLLEGE / At EDINBURGH UNIV-' ERStTT THERE ARE NO i BELLS OR WHISTLES TO' ANNOUNCE THE BEGINNING OF CLASS PERIODS. FOR CENTURIES UNIFORMED •BEDELS'(GLORIFIED JAN« CTORS) HAVE -SOLEMNLY > CALLED THE STUDENTS' . TO CLASS / —• wno usea 10 artenu ureguu aim who lived at the Alpha Phi house, plan to ring the weddin’ bells in March or June . . . Paul Moore re-hung his Maltese Cross on Theta Phyliss Van Petten . 'I The ADPi snow fort was de stroyed by the Theta Chis and Pi Kaps . . . George Godfrey, for mer news bureau head here, and now a first looey in the public relations division at Camp Adair, paid, the shack a visit yesterday. It Happened Here Scott Mindolovich, that Canard clubber, had a pleasant experi ence the night of the Senior Ball. He was dateless on the eve of the function, when suddenly a myste rious phone call came to him, and a voice asked him if he would like a blind date. With fingers crossed, he accepted. The next night, a smartly tailored suit ar rived, and he slipped in it as if it were tailor made. He went to Hen hall, waited patiently downstairs, looking at each girl to see if she were the one, and finally his w man showed up. And she turn.,, out to be a queen. Yes, Jack, THERE ARE SUCH THINGS . . . And when the lights almost went out Thursday night, the most perplexed people on cam pus were those Radio Worship pers who were doing a broadcast and had. a momentary case of the jitters. Director Kenneth Wood was all set to call for an ad lib jam session . . . Betty McTavish smashed her arm through a win dow of the Tri-Delt house, and consequently is now wearing that injured member in a sling. . . . That Warren Christensen-Billie Marshall deal is moving right along. . . . Cancelled Pins Jeanne Villaire has cancelled her steady-going plans with The ta Chi Bill Davis, and althou'^ she still dates the man, she do« likewise with a Fiji . . . Curt Wellborn, SAE, is a steady guy, especially where Jody Hume is concerned . . . That tall lawyer may have a double interest in the Gamma Phi house now, after a recent dessert. . . . Red-head of the week: Janet Harney. . . . Novelty of the week: Date-ra tioning. . , . Famous last words: "Here’s Morgan? Never heard of him or it!” John Lauc has ordered a new pigger’s guide. For why, we can’t say. ... Hank Voderburg’s sojourn in the infirmary was marked by the arrival of a mysterious bouquet of flowers . . . One of the prim cipals in a famous Hollywo> / trial now, formerly was an ush erette at a Eugene theater, and was escorted around town by a famous pigskinner. . . . A math book, some unidentified jive on the radio, and a Saturday night date are all calling, so we’ll cap the lid on this stuff for now. and shuffle off left. Take it easy. Snow fun, i you don’t. . . . Want to Be a Captain? A Yale professor suggests teachers be provided with “suit able uniforms or insignia of of fice” as an inducement to stick to their profession. “The Red Cross has demonstra1^ ed the value of the psychologic:*' principle involved in such a de vice,” said Prof. Clyde M. Hill, education department head, in an editorial in School Management. — (ACP).