Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 20, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Qorm Drive
'Nails’ Coats
Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, di
rector of dormitories, has a per
plexing problem to cope with
these days.
It seems that a box of 50 bor
rowed metal coat hangers had
been stored in the check room
of the main lobby of the men's
dorm. The other day a call from
the generous lender was received
by Mrs. Turnipseed asking for the
return of the coat hangers in or
der that they might be used for
fuming social function.
Mysterious Loss
Just then one of the ladies em
ployed by the dormitory came in
to report that the box, with all
its hangers, had mysteriously dis
appeared. A thorough search of
the premises was made, but with
no results.
Of course the natural conclu
sion arrived' at was that one or
more over-energetic dorm boys,
having noticed this box of seem
ingly extra coat hangers, had
taken them in good faith and
added to their own collection for
the Camp Adair drive.
Dorm Depletion, Too
Mrs. Turnipseed was immedi
ately in favor of forgetting the
incident in the name of patriot
ism and sacrifice, and to replace
tte 50 now being used by our
.^pliers with 50 from the dormi
tory’s own supply. However, the
next day when this transfer was
to take place, it was noticed that
most of their own supply had
just been removed also.
“Now it’s true'that we should
do everything in our power to
help the men in service,” reasons
the dorm director, “but how are
we going to have any more des
serts and dances with nothing
to hang the girls’ coats on? And
what shall we do about those we
borrowed and have to return?”
The only solution seems to lie
in the plan of purchasing paper
hangers and hoping that the
lender will understand and be
considerate until after the dura
tion. At least that’s all that can
be done with no metal coat
^^igers on the maket.
Fijis House
Flu Victims
Page Florence Nightingale.
Something new in the way of
campus health precautions has
been added. Fiji house president,
Buck Jones, brooding over the
rapidly-growing Phi Gam sick
list, hit upon the new plan Sun
day night. Three of the boys
were in the infirmary. Half a doz
en others had flu and were lying
on their couches spreading insid
ious germs among their roomies.
Upshot of the whole matter:
One entire room in the Fiji house
is now consecrated to the con
^hience and' comfort of ailing
members. Its completely equipped
with four beds, four flu-ridden
patients, four model airplane kits,
and a blazing red cross on the
Paul Folquet, Tom Galt, Jerry
McCroskey, and Pete Stinebaugh,
the four ailing members, claim
they like their “hospital” so well
that they won’t change to the in
firmary even if there’s room lat
er, while Prexy Jones is so pleased
with his idea that he plans to
convert the whole third floor
into a hospital and to import
nurses from various sororities if
the flu bug continues to wreak
^voc at the Fiji house.
At a late hour last night, school
authorities still had not approved
the last-mentioned part of Jones’
Silence Rules;
The infirmary will be closed to
visitors until further notice, Dr.
Fred N. Miller, student health ser
vice director, announced Monday.
The reasons for this, according to
Dr. Miller, are that not only are
visitors liable to catch communi
cable diseases from the patients,
but also visitors with colds or flu
sometimes give these diseases to
patients, thereby delaying these
students’ dismissal and further
complicating the difficulties faced
by the short-handed staff.
Admitted to the infirmary since
Friday were Tom Galt, Laura
Kimball, Blanche Thompson, Don
Mayne, Wes Sullivan, Tom Haz- ,
zard, Bud Watson, Jim Lund,
Hank Voderberg, Bill Hales, Jim
Stinebaugh, Oliver Stendal, John
McAuliffe, Vera Sellin, Kay Mar
shall, -and Tom Whitmore. Re
leased Monday and Tuesday
were Jim Beddingfield, Tom Galt.
Howard Dauntless, Blanche
Thompson, Howard Harper, Tom
Stack, Hugh Crawford, Barbara
Fuller, Laura Kimball and Breen
At present, each of the infirm
ary beds is occupied. Serving a
stretch with colds, flu, or fevers
are Jim Stinebaugh, Oliver Sten
dal, Tom Whitmore, Hank Voder
berg, John McAuliffe, Vern Sell
in. Bud Watson, Marvin Lester,
Bill Hales, Jim Lund, Kay Mar
shall, and Don Mayne. Tom Haz
zard is confined with measles.
Quotable quotes from the in
firmates of the weekend:
Tom Whitmore, intramural
breaststroke record >- breaker:
“They’re serving me good food
here. Guess I’ll have to have the
swimming team up to dinner.”
Hugh Crawford, president of
the “More-Betas-in-the-Pi - Phi
house club": “Sure wish the Pi
Phis would volunteer as student
nurses here. Oboy!”
I Cover the Campus
(Continued from page tieo)
THINGS! . . .
Feud Still
That sorority girl-independent
lass feud is not lessening in in
tensity . . . Lovely Nell Carpen
ter of the Gamma Phi house is
being backed for the honor of
Little Colonel . . . The observa
tion booth at the Fee house, oth
erwise known as the telephone
room, offers a splendid view of
the garden . . .
Edith Newton confesses to the
newly acquired sin of drinking
coffee . . . Tommy Wright, who
used to pen a column somewhat
similar to this one, was in the
shack’s domains yesterday, rem
iniscing . . . He’s now stationed in
the tank-destroying corps group
in Texas . . . Glad to be back, and
he doesn’t think ORE-GON has
changed . . . ’cept for the snow.
Pin Talk
Phyliss Miller of the Delta
Gammas has a pin from Beta
Frank Jacobson . . . Katie Rob
inson and Ted Bittner of the
same houses are going steady.
. . . Musician Herb Widmer of the
Theta Chis gave the RKO to Pi
Phi Jean Barringer, who was
named Theta Chi Sweetheart in
their freshman class . . . Such
Is life. . . .
“Squirrel” Hunltington got a
post-card from last year’s Phi
Delt house president, A1 Hunt.
He sent the greeting from the
Solomon Islands. . . .
Auburn of the week: Dee-Gee
Sue Stater. . .
Personality girl of the week:
Mary Ann Lynch of the Pi Phis.
Famous last words: “I love my
pinned woman, but, oh you kid!”
New York critics select Cag
ney’s performance in “Yankee
Doodle Dandy” as best of the
Orides Initiates
New Members
With mothers as their special
guests, Orides members met
Monday night for a formal ban
quet and initiation of 27 new mem
bers in Gerlinger hall with Jeanne
Smith, president, acting as mis
tress of ceremonies for the din
ner where Mrs. Edith Siefert, Miss
Janet Smith, Dean Hazel Schwer
ing, and Dean and Mrs. Karl On
thank, were special guests.
At a formal candlelight initia
tion ceremony following the ban
quet the following girls were in
itiated into Orides: Norma Aal
vik, Georgia Adams, Betty Pat
Aldrich, Lucille Bryant, Charlotte
Calder, Janet Carpenter, Winifred
Casterline, Corrine Croft, Bettie
Mae Hall, Darlene Howell, Do
lores Klipfell, Dorothy Lenhart,
Ethel Lindemood.
Helen Luvass, Rose Mary Mar
shall, Lestelle Pattison, Jean
Quinn, Joy Rasmusson, Lillian
Redkey, Marjorie Robinson, Clar
ine Shenwell, Ruth Shipler, Jean
ette Smith, Pauline Smith, Mari
anne Starr, Elizabeth Walker and
Harriet Knight.
Miss Smith gave a short review
of some of the activities Orides
and Orides women have partici
Night Staff:
A1 Howard, night editor
Bud Miller
G. Dune
Edith Newton
Copy Desk:
Betty Ann Keup, city editor
Fred Kuhl
Dan Mindolovich
Jon Snillib
Katherine Frey
Ted Bush
Norman Angell Dies
In North African Actior
Lieutenant Norman R. Angell
former Oregon student, has beei
officially announced lost in ac
tion over the North African sec
tor January 11.
Angell, a B-24 Liberator pilot
attended the University for three
years before joining the service
in 1941. His wife, Mrs. Frances
Oliver Angell, has been attend
ing the University. Both came
from Portland. He was a membei
of Theta Chi fraternity while
attending school.
pated in during the past year. She
also introduced her officers as
well as the 21 Orides who made
over a 3 point during fall term.
Badminton club will meet thia
evening at 7 in Gerlinger hall.
The architecture club will hold
informal discussions each Wed
nesday evening at the home of
Prof. W. R. B. Willcox, at 746
Mill Race drive.
Sigma Xi, chemical honorary,
will present a lecture by Dr. W.
J. Van Wagtendonk, Thursday
at 8 p.m. in room 207 Chapman
hall. The public is invited.
Phi Beta will meet Thursday
at 7:15 p.m. in the Music build
ing. Attendance is required.
An Oregana picture will be tak
en at the regular meeting of Pi
Lambda Theta tonight.
Sigma Delta Chi meeting today
in journalism building at 4:45. It
is important that all members
Dennis Morgan, John Garfield,
and Sydney Greenstreet teamed
for “Brooklyn, U.S.A.”
.... than receiving news from home. Make sure he re
ceives notice of campus happenings by sending
him the Emerald daily!
$1.25 a Term
$2.00 the Rest of the Year