Oregon Emerald RAY SCHRICK.. Editor; BETTY BIGGS SCHRICK, Business Mgr. A 2ueiti04t 0-jj policy . . . 'T'HIS conversation on Emerald policy took place in an Ore gon fraternity recently: “Say, the Emerald’s been running a lot of things lately that show the Greeks in a bad light. Are there a lot of Independ ents working down there?” Came the answer, “Oh, there are quite a few independents on the staff.” “Well,” replied the first fraternity man, “the editor is a Greek. Why does he let them get by with all this stuff?” It’s true, there are a number of Independents working on the Emerald. There are also a number of Greeks. But when editorial policy is concerned, the decision is based on neither Greek nor Independent philosophy. It is rather an amalgam of the two: Working not for any one interest or pressure group, but for an entire University. * * * TDECAUSE of this, policy, the Emerald has been accused al ternately by the Independents of being pro-Greek, and by the Greeks of being pro-independent. This question has not arisen regarding candidates, because the Emerald is taking no sides concerning election of class or ASUO officers. Certain issues are another story. Sometimes our editorial policy may coincide with that of one or the other political party. Witness the recent question of freshman class organization : Greek political leaders largely favored organization this term; Independents were only luke warm. The Emerald thought it was to the best interests of all if class government could be kept alive, despite the war. Some hinted we were pro-Greek. * * * T ATER came the question of preferential voting in class elections. Greek political leaders saw they would lose part of their power to put candidates into office, and they opposed the preferential system. Independent political leaders saw it as a chance for greater Independent representation. The Em erald supported and still takes an open stand for the preferen tial system on the grounds that it gives both majority and mi nority parties a just chance for representation. There are some 900 freshmen on the Oregon campus. Ap proximately one-half of these are Greeks, and they turn out almost 100 per cent to vote. The other half are Independents, and almost two-thirds turn out to vote. Under the preferen tial system, the Greek vote would elect two and possibly three of the four candidates for class officers. The Independent mi nority would have representation in the other two or one posi tions. This Emerald stand coincides with that of the Inde pendent political party. But just as previous stands of advan tage to the Greeks have been independent of the Greeks, so is the present stand independent of the Independents. *7ro-m <1cufiosi. . . WAR’S gun-fire has again scored a direct hit at the University of Oregon. Most Oregon students never knew Tom Taylor, Major Tom Taylor, as he was known in the army air corps. He was the son of Dr. Howard R. Taylor, head of the depart ment of psychology and dean of the graduate school. At 24 he was ranked as a major and made commanding officer of a squadron of flying fortresses. Tom grew up in Eugene—grade school, high school, Boy Scouts, and University. He was an outstanding, up standing athlete and leader throughout—right down to John Warren’s freshman basketball squad. But Tom Tay lor's eyes were on the future ; his dreams were in the air— on silver wings, and highways in the sky. * * * VX^dTlI an appointment to Randolph Field, Tom left the University in 1940 and began to make his dreams reality. In 1941 he received his wings, being voted best all round athlete of his class. Soon, a captain, he was in Okla homa organizing and training a unit to take over seas. It was no surprise when word came a few weeks ago of his promotion to major rank. But then, this week word came that Major Tom Tavlor was killed in the flaming raid on Lille. The visions Tom Taylor had in Oregon of flashing, powerful wings did not end w ith the wings of war—silver emblems and powerful battle machines. Young Tom Tay lor, Kugenian, planned a career in aviation; Major Tom Taylor, U. S. Army Air Force, looked beyond the war to the great “Age of \\ ings" he firmly believed was coming. Tom Taylor was a leader of men. He still is a leader, for that is all his kind can ever be to those who know of them. The inspiration they give will make peaceful skies reality. AdtJlih By JOHN J. MATHEWS THE BIG TIME: Hard as it is to get records around here, the Falcon isn’t the only place you can hear good music. With an A-l-A priority someone man aged to lay hands on a few Co lumbias last week, and guess what ? They’re not bad. • Lovers of the broken-voiced vo cal—like me—are already raving about the Peggy Lee job on B.G.’s “Why Don’t You Do Right.” Lus cious Peggy is one of the veddy, vedy few songstresses who can do equal justice to both hot and sweet, and this disk is mighty strong testimony to her ability to wax torrid. The tune isn’t much more than a riff number in a minor key, the performance (especially Benny’s strained ad lib) can’t be rated very high, but the vocal makes it worth your sheckels. Check also the nice mut ed trumpet wandering around be hind the second vocal chorus. * * * A neat package featuring the country’s top-ranking canary is Harry Janies’ “I’ve Heard That Song Before.” (Seems to me I have, too: “Riding through the snow,” etc.) Whether it’s the au dience or the palm trees that are potted, Helen Forrest can put a tune across as well as anybody else in the business—and usual ly does. Technically her singing is excellent. She is in tune, enun ciates clearly, and has fine breath control. What makes her out standing is that she is a good enough showman so that atten tion to the technique remains un obtrusive, and attention is drawn exclusively to the warm, natural rendering of the song. Getting back to the particular piece, though, La Forrest eases through “I’ve Heard That Song Before” in her pleasing, unhur ried manner despite a distinct up-tempo, making it seem much more dreamy than it really is. A delicious touch comes after the vocal: Corky Corcoran takes four bars solo in his Hawk-like style. If Miss Forrest’s singing is un hurried, Corcoran’s playing is positively in reverse. Although I was in Portland over the weekend, the Carey com bo apparently scored a complete hit at the senior deal Saturday eve. Opinion seems divided about “Blue Nocturne,” but several lo calites have allowed as how the tune is so wierd it will take a couple of hearings to go over with the average audience. inmmimiKmmiiuiiiiimimniHimimiiiH«jiimiwiiuHmnmiiiiiuuiimumitmii!■•» I .. I wax y ft // I Vi ^i<>iiuiiimmuiiiiiiiii!titniiim!mirniiiimHiimimuuuimimmH!iimmmii!!mmuminmiiu!iiuuumimmuiummmminiuiiiiiiiuiii!mmmimimmiiMiiiiiHHmmuiuii! (I Cover the Campus By FRED BECKWITH Ode to the Senior Ball: We came, we danced, and we left. . . . It’s still not too late to mention Ellie Engdahl’s engage ment to Buck Jones. She’s a Gamma Phi and he’s a Fiji. Over at the Phi Delt house, the boys are whooping it up beA^i brothers Jim Thayer and Don Crouch hung their pins on Fee Julia Carpenter and Pi Phi Carolyn Cordon, respectively . . . IllilllllllilillllllUllllilllilllllllllllllir'Illllllllll.; By BERNIECE DAVIDSON No NYA A sign of better times and working conditions was evident at the University of California when the school returned to the state funds allocated to them by the National Youth Administra tion. No students were using NYA because there are plenty of other available jobs. —Daily Californian. Junior Pan-Hellenic A Junior Panhellenic had been organized at Montana State. Members of the council will be one pledge and one newly initiat ed active from each sorority. The purpose of the group is to ac quaint pledges with the functions and aims of Panhellenic. —Montana Kaimin nmrmiTTiiimiinnnnmiinnnninimmnnTmn Mil hied fUJiUa+t SfUeA . . . 'Buck’ Buchanan, ’25 Getting low grades may open your way to a movie career! Although it’s not a guaranteed system—it worked for Edgar “Buck” Buchanan, '25, concern ing whom Mark Hellinger, wide ly syndicated columnist, wrote . . . “And a gentleman named Edgar Buchanan is a potential star if ever I saw one.” To get to the beginning of the story as related by Kolma Flake in a recent movie magazine, "Upon Edgar's own say-so, he wasn’t bothered much by burning ambition of any kind—unless you call “having a good time” an am bition—until after his father en ticed him into enrolling as a pre medic student at the University of Oregon.” But that was as far as father Dr. William Buchanan, Eugene mimnuuimuiiLimimjimiii'.HiiimiimniiiiiiuuiniuiiiiuiimiiiinmiiHtHiiiHmimtitiiin.? dentist, got with son’s medical career at that time. Soon falling grades indicated that something should be done to bolster his dan gerously sagging average. So his sister advised him to take a dra matic appreciation course. “The course is such a ‘snap’,’’ she observed, “that even you can't help making a good grade in it."* He liked the course—and even more he liked active dramatics and from that time on drama took its place as his secret burn ing ambition. However, it was squashed down, except for ventures into University dramatics, Very Little Theater plays, Portland Play crafters productions, and Rose Festival functions—but his pur suit of a dental diploma from the (Please turn to page three) . . . Dome Jrryor is going into spasms of delight these days simply because her hoy friend has a “C” gas-rationing card . . . And what’s this we hear about tie Case pulled out for Califor . . . seems she exchanged her Al pha Chi Omega pin for a Sig Ep pin . . . ’er sumpin’ . . . Quite a sight was that Theta Freshman calmly nibbling on an icecream cone in the middle of Sunday’s cold spell ... A new honorary organization is forming . . . It's Oregon’s first swing mu sic fraternity, Eta Epsilon Pi . . . Those interested contact this dept, at once . . . Army Calls ils Joan Taylor left for Portl^.c* and a host of her friends mourned her departure. Reason—father is going into the army . . . family switch of location . . . Theta Dot toe Case pulled cut for Califor nia, too . . . Maybe Chi O Dorothy Fleming will get wise and realize a certain young man is veddv, veddy much interested in her. Speaking of Chi Omegas re minds me, there are a few pin hangings to comment upon in that house: (1) Sue Stickles took Theta Chi Bob Deverall’s jewelry; (2) Patty Pearson annexed Chi Psi Parker Hemmingway’s Sweet heart badge and (3) Wilma Wark became the towner of a Phi Sig pin, transaction taking place at Oregon State, at the bus depot, no less, with on-lookers gapior Hank Doeneka, newly elec^I freshman president got the RKO on an after-nine p.m. date fol lowing the Nickel Hop, by a cer tain little brunette who gets around. She called up a Sigma Nu instead. Hank’s still in the run ning, thoygh . . . Barbara Jones welches on belts . . . Patronizer of le jazz hot, Tommy Hazzard suffered his first contagious dis ease Saturday and is currently resting up in the infirmary from a case of measles! . . . Speedy re covery, Tom! . . . Good Music Best music we’ve heard over KORE for a long time was DiTr) Young’s transcribed prograK last Saturday afternoon of an hour (60 minutes) of STAN KENTON . . . And then there's the Pi Phi Mio announced her engagement the other night (2 (Please turn to page three)