LIBRARY U. OF ORE. VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 6U UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY. JANUARY 19. 1943 (Courtesy of the Register-Guard) MAJOR TOM TAILOR . . . . killed in defense of his country over western Europe January id,” Major Tom Taylor Dies In Action Over Europe By COURTNEY SWANDER Major Thomas H. Taylor has been killed in action in de fense of his country over Western Europe. So stated the war department’s message informing his parents and wife of his death January 13. At the time of his death he was in com mand of a bombardment squadron of Flying Fortresses. Military Miss Soon to Rule j^The army has its WAACs, the navy has its WAVES, and Scab bard and Blade has its Lictle Colonel, The as-yet-unknown Little Col onel will have her big moment when she reigns supreme at the Military Ball, January 30. Five Finalists Five finalists will be chosen by Company L and Scabbard and Blade, military honorary. Theise will not be announced until the names appear on the ballot the night of the dance. The highlight of the evening will be the decoration of the Lit tle Colonel by Captain Pat Cloud and the runners up, of whom two will be majors and two captains. These will be elected by the pop ular vote of the dance goers. 4K Tickets Now on Sale ^Tickets are now on sale accord ing to Bob McKinney, ticket chairman. They can be secured from any senior advanced ROTC (Please turn to page three) News Notes When we were young we used to wait To greet the paper boy For a reading of the comics Brought us all some daily joy. For the latest year or so We've brought the paper in A’rush to read of war and such And who was going to win. But nowadays we greet the boy With raucous shout and din To read the latest details of The case of Errol Flynn. —J.W.S. Eugene Boys Major Taylor was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Taylor of Eugene. Dr. Taylor has been head of the department of psy chology for many years and is also dean of the graduate school. In an AP dispatch received Monday, the story of Major Tay lor’s death was ^.old. As pilot of the fortress, “Dry Martini,” he had just participated in one of the war's heaviest raids over Europe. On the return trip he was killed in an engagement with Nazi fighters. The co-pilot, who sustained wounds during the same attack, took over the con trols and brought the bullet-rid dled plane back to its base. Tom Taylor was born in Port (Please turn to page three) Three-Pointers Feast Royally Dressed in the traditional cap and gown, members of Mortar Board Tuesday noon delivered in vitations to the Smarty Party to freshman girls who made a 3 point or higher last term. Seventy-five smarties will at tend and will be royally enter tained, according to Corrine Nel son. The dessert will be held at 6:30 this evening in Gerlinger hall. Mary Louise Vincent is the chairman of the event and has planned a surprise program for the guests. Patrons and patronesses are Mrs. Donald M. Erb, Mrs. Astrid Williams, Mr. Hoyt Franchere, Mrs. Hazel Schwering, Miss Lou ise Clark, Mrs. Alice Macduff, Miss Janet Smith, Miss Fannie McCamant, and Dr. F. M. Hunter. Campus Triples County Quota Dads’ Day Posts Named by Politz Committee heads for key po sitions on the Dads’ Day pro gram were announced Monday by Promotion Chairman Charles Po litz, who said he expects these people to contribute much toward making the Dads’ celebration a success. Registration will be handled by Sally Spies and Peggy Wright. Joan Nichols, Betty Ann Keup, and Jean Frideger will work with Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, dor mitory director, in planning the Dads’ luncheon set for Saturday, February 13. A novel idea which is still strictly a secret will be featured at the luncheon. Lunch Program Pete Howard will make ar rangements for the luncheon pro gram. Speaker for the noon date will be announced later. Buster Beaudoin is in charge of organization for the annual Dads’ meeting, and transporta tion will be arranged for by Joyce Clark and Martha Jane Switzer. Transportation problems involve (Please turn to page ciyht) SAM Collects 720 Hangers; Girls Led by Alpha Phi, DG’s Tripling the Lane county quota, the war board’s hanger drive has proved a terrific success, Betty Bevil, chairman, stat ed Monday. Over 6000 hangers were turned into the drive. Alpha Phi, with 477 hangers, and Sigma Alpha Mu, with 720 hangers, headed the living organizations in the drive, fol lowed by Delta Gamma, with 400 and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, with 210. Flood s Fury Dazes Ducks . By THORN KINERSLY Oregon ducks and drakes donned raincoats, hats and boots; doffed jackets, headgear, and even sweaters; then dressed up in their wintery raiment as the Eugene weather varied to suit Californians, Portlanders, out-of staters, and the occasional na tives. First, living groups’ radiators were draped with drying hand kerchiefs and scarfs, jackets and raincoats, brogues and boots, (Please turn to (at/c three) Another Reserve Group Opened to UO Students By TED BUSH Men interested in the meteorology units of the army air force will be interviewed by Dr. Frank Webb in the basement of Fenton hall today. Dr. Webb will interview all men, those who have not as yet sent in preliminary enlistment papers as well as those who have completed them. All men who have sent their papers to the University of Chicago must see him because he has additional forms which Lney must, complete. Dr. Webb will meet men in groups. Each meeting will start on the hour. During the meeting he will explain the requirements and interview each man person ally. An additional basic group has been opened to enlistment. The new group requires two years of high school mathematics and one year of science for enlistment. The math must include algebra and plane geometry. All men who have sent their papers in to the University of Chicago must see I)r. Webb in the basement of Fenton hall today. Dr. Webb has additional pa pers for them to complete be fore their enlistment can be completed. The pre-meteorology group is for men from 18 to 30. Men who apply for enlistment must satisfy all the requirements for the previ ous group and also have one year of college math and have com pleted one year of college. The re quired math includes college al gebra, trigonometry, and analyti cal gometry. Under the Univer sity curricula, Math 103 or 200 are necessary to qualify under the analytical geometry group. The advanced meteorology re quirements include all of the (Please turn to page eight) These hangers will be taken to Camp Adair today, where they will be put at the disposal of the soldiers. Following- are the houses and (he number of hangers turned in: Alpha Chi Omega, 160; Alpha Delta Pi, 125; Alpha Gamma Del ta, 275; Alpha Omicron Pi, 138; Alpha Phi, 477; Alpha Xi Delta, 0; Chi Omega, 225; Delta Delta Delta, 130; Delta Gamma, 400; Gamma. Phi Beta, 65; Hendricks hall, 100; Highland house, 17; llil yard house, 70; Kappa Alpha The ta, 50: Kappa Kappa Gamma, 52; Pi Beta Phi, S3; Sigma Kappa, 230; Susan Campbell, 110; Uni versity house, 28; Zeta Tau Al pha, 25. Alpha Hall, 132; Alpha Tau Om ega, 40; Beta Theta Pi, 40; Camp bell club, 100; Chi Psi, 30; Delta Tau Delta, 26; Delta Upsilon, 55, Gamma hall, 0; Kappa Sigma, 0; Kirkwood Co-op, 0; Omega hall, 51; Plii Delta Theta, 0; Canard club, SO; Phi Gamma Delta, 0; Phi Kappa Psi, 65; Phi Sigma Kappa, 0; Pi Kappa Alpha, 0; Sherry Ross hall, 100; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 210; Sigma Alpha Mu, 720; Sigma Chi, 120; Sigma Nu, 0; Sigma Phi Epsilon, 75; Theta Chi, 90. Eugene high topped University high by 4-1, taking into consider ation the enrollment of the two schools. Houses Asked to Support Service Scholarship Drive By BARBARA YOUNGER Living organizations are being called on by the service scholarship committee of the war board to help in the drive to obtain more funds, which will be converted into war bonds, Oge Young, chairman, stated Monday. Yvonne Torgler, junior in architecture and allied arts, will head the committee. Members of her committee are Gerd Han Browsing Room Extends Hours In order to encourage outside reading and to give students ad ditional time in the browsing room of the library, members of Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s honorary, and Mortar Board, sen ior women's honorary, arc donat ing time to keep the room open longer hours. Changing the schedule which provided for opening the room from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. on wean days, members of Phi Theta Up silon will also keep the room open for an additional period on Tues (Please turn to paye three) sen, in charge of sororities; Alva Granquist, women’s dorms and co-ops; Leslie Brockelbank, fra ternities; and Edith Newton, in charge of men's co-ops and dorms. This committee will contact all living organizations on the cam pus to determine how much each organization will give to the scholarship fund. This money will be converted into bonds. Young has asked that the money be in form of checks so that legal red tape can be dispensed with. Cooperation Asked Young stated that the success of the drive depends on the liv ing organizations, as the bulk of the fund is expected to come from them. The money will be turned into the committee heads and they (Please turn to pci ye eight)