Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    Girls, ROTC,MoreGirls
Top UO Males Mind
California dancing, briar pipes, coke dates, military classes,
mathematics assignments, the blonde in the third row in Eng
lish, and what to take next term in PE are what the present
Oregon males are thinking about.
Still the uppermost thing in the men’s mind is women, and
the women still come to college to get married, and the men
still come to college to marry
them, and the women—ad infini
tum. But things aren't as rosy
as they used to be.
For example: An Oregon canis
occidentalis (wolf to the ignoran
ti) calls up a coed and asks for a
date. This being for what her
mother told to come to college, she
accepts. The Senior Ball is the
occasion, so a tux is the man’s us
ual dress. He has two choices: to
buy one or to borrow one. Buying
one is out of the question because
the army, the navy, and the mar
ines do not include a tux in their
list of requirements. He tries to
borrow one, and proposed lenders
declare, “Are you kiddin’?”
So he sends his zoot suit (the
latest fad when he bought it be
fore the war) to the cleaners
(hoping it will get back on time
and untrimmed) and prepares to
go. The day of the ball comes nigh
and he polishes the windshield of
his car so the A card will show,
risks his life by borrowing one of
his room-mate’s razor blades to
shave, rents a rubber band (to
hold his shirttail down and his
pants up) from a downtown men’s
store, dons his clothes, including
his military sox, hops in his oar
(still with the A card), treks over
to get the girl, takes her to the
dance (he’s from Oregon; she's
from California, so they both see
a chiropodist the next day), gets
her in at 1:00% a.m., and goes
home to fcilk it over with the boys.
Still the Same
Yes, life at Oregon is still much
the same except that each term
more men leave, and the women
still come to get married, and
more men leave the next term, and
the women still come to get mar
ried, and the men ....
Dorsey's Ace Vocalist
Stars on Hit Parade
Frank Sinatra, once Tommy
Dorsey’s leading singer, takes
over the Hit Parade, replacing
Barry Wood. The sponsor is plan
ning a new spot for Barry, how
ever. He is to start a Hit Parade
of the ’20s program similar to
the current Saturday parade.
The ’20s Parade will take the
place of Information Please, also
sponsored by the tobacco com
pany. Final appearance of info
please will be February 5.
Board Gets Bonds;
Elects Oge Young
A total of $5,000 worth of war
bonds has been purchased in the
past year by the University Co-op
store, it was announced Thursday
by Bud Vandeneynde, president
of the Co-op board.
At their meeting Thursday, the
board voted to buy $3,000 worth
of bonds in addition to the $2,000
worth bought winter term.
Young Elected
Members of the board also un
animously selected Oge Young,
junior in law, to fill the vacancy
left on the board when Uly Dorais,
sophomore member, left school.
The bonds have been purchased
with money which the Co-op store
has taken in and is now unable to
re-invest in supplies since there
are no supplies of many articles
available at this time because of
the war.
Surplus Created
In normal times the store is
continuously re-stocked, and no
amount of cash surplus such as
existed before the purchase of the
bonds is created. But with many
articles such as gym shoes, cam
eras, fountain pens, candy, and
gum becoming almost impossible
to purchase from wholesale hous
es, surplus money has increased.
After the war when the bonds
are cashed, the money can be used
to re-stock goods of all kinds
which will again be available.
Twenty-five professors of Hol
land's University of Amsterdam
have been dismissed under Nazi
AAen/ Food, Aiore Aler? o
Rate with UO Women
“Have you a date for the Senior Ball? —and thus begins
another feminine conversation—any time, any place between
now and the fatal night. Topic of most interest is: MEN, topic
next in importance, men !
From that new man who sits next to you in econ, it is now
the man who just left for the service who gets the most atten
tion. And the one who is leaving
next gets date priorities.
Speaking of priorities, we did
n’t happen to be one of few who
got in on that last nylon shipment.
In fact, it looks as if most of us
have shunned lisle hose just about
as long as possible. Hair pins are
of vital interest too. And the gir
dle situation is getting drastic.
There have been rumors that
shoes will be rationed and we are
wondering what we are going to
do, especially with most of the
campus cars resting on blocks of
wood with empty gas tanks and
little hope of replacing that fourth
Tho food situation doesn’t
bother most of us too much, we’ve
been planning to go on a diet any
way. Nevertheless the shortage of
chocolate is rather disconcerting.
And you can't get the five pound
box of. chocolates, traditional in
announcing engagements — of
which there are so many now.
The more serious aspects of col
lege life in a world at war has hit
most of us more than we show
on the surface. It’s not just from
the social angle that we hate to
see the men population diminish
ing—though we admit that en
ters in, especially to those of us
who aren't going to have at least
one of those diminishing ones on
the mailing list. ^ 1
By summer many of us are go
ing to be doing men’s work and
on Saturday nights we’ll be writ
ing “V” letters, and though we
dread it, we cover it up by be
moaning the fact that we can’t
get a refill of our favorite lip
'School for Wives'
Given by Players
In its first appearance this
term, the University Radio Work
shop last night presented Mo
lier’s dramatization of “School
for Wives.”
Appearing in the play were
Margaret Ann Jackson, Larry
Holden, Robert Gillen, Bennie
Hamilton, Frank Carol, Frank
Watkins and Joan Dolph.
Sound effects operators wl
Elaine Jackson and Bob Sabin.
Announcer was Forrest Kjemhus.
The play was directed by Kenneth
Scott Wood.
they say:
SCUTTLE BUTT "for gossip
JIMMY LEGS for inaster-at-arms
CUSPS1 for carpenter’s mate
CA/W&EL for the Navy man’s favorite
v cigarette
CA PG° °Ss/.u
where cigarettes
are judged
The "T-ZONE"—Taste and Throat—is the
proving ground for cigarettes. Only your
taste anu tnroat can aeciae wmcn cigarette tastes nest to
you...and how it affects your throat. For your taste and throat
are absolutely individual to you. Based on the experience
of millions of smokers, we believe Camels will suit your
"T-ZONE" to a "T." Prove it for yourself!