Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ducks Set Sights On
Willamette and Idaho
Having played the role of rude hosts to the visiting Willamette
> liasketeers, our victorious Duck hoopsters brave the road tomorrow
..wight, encountering the same Bearcats in their own lair at Salem.
Although the locale has been changed, the green and gold clad
young men must remain as established favorites in this 11011-conference
court war.
. . . for ;i basketball, Joe Gordon,
Yank star second baseman, now
tosses buckets in city league.
Joe Gordon Mow Turns
Thoughts to Basketball
.Toe (Flash) Gordon, great Yan
kee second sacker, has laid aside
)ds deep-pocketed mit for the
winter, slipped into some sneak
ers, and now indulges fervently
in the “underwear” sport. The
American league's most valuable
player is now holding down a
guard slot for the Man’s Shop,
Eugene town basketball team.
Agaist (he Oregon Frosh Wed
nesday, the “Flash" flipped in
four points, two for his out
fit, and strangely enough, two.
for the Frosh! Joe drew a bead
on the hoop, fired a one-hander,
and the sphere swished through.
Only catch was it was the wrong
basket !
Prof. M. E. Pirsig of Minn,
TTniv. law school has been ap
point to the supreme court of
Minnesota as an associate justice.
A centralized organization of
civilian defense activities has
been completed at Yeshiva col
lege, New York.
Sunday will also find Oregon’s
casaba kings journeying via the
train to Idaho where they collide
with the Vandals next Tuesday
night in the opening game for
both teams in the northern di
vision of the Pacific Coast con
Up until three days ago, the
Vandal publicity office was re
leasing lengthy communiques on
the prowess of its supposedly in
vincible basketball team. And
then came the dawn. For the po
tato-patch boys had the great
misfortune of stumbling across
'two quintets from the copper
laden state of Montana, namely
the state institution at Missoula
and the Montana State college at
Bozeman. The net result of this
bit of competition was a double
Mickey for Idaho, and now the
Moscow kids have staged a re
treat into the back woods. They
may be lying low. Next week will
tell the story cn that.
Last Practice Game
As far as the Willamette game
is concerned, it's the last one on
the Ducks’ pre-conference prac
tice slate. A victory should be
in the offing. Roger Wiley, the
guy with the beanpole reach, will
probably start at center on the
basis of his promising showing
against the Bearcats Wednesday
It was a Willamette substi
tute, Duane Itagsdale, who stole
the scoring show in McAr
thur court, although his team
mates could not match his ac
It seems likely that Mr. Rags
dale will not soil his shorts with
any great variety of splinters
now that he has been baptized
under fire. So look for the young
man in the starting Bearcat line
Subs Limited
Coach Howard “Hobby” Hob
son will probably insert a liberal
supply of substitutes, depending
on the complexion of the ball
game, however. It is true that
the Oregon cage mentor's plans
will be hindered by a slight short
age of manpower, since the trav
(Please turn to page six)
. . . four lop-flight members of last year’s frosh hoop quintet, shown with their yearling coach, John’
VVarren. From left to right: Sam Crowell, Bob Erlandson, Roy Seeborg, and A1 Popieh. All but Erlandi
son, who quit school, are now seeing action in a arsity capacity.
Victorious Fmsh Set
For More Hoop Action
!»y M.VKi i'OAiJ
Apparently not satisfied with
an ordinary evening of hooping
it up on a basketball floor, the
Frosh squad entertains two teams
on McArthur court, Saturday.
Starting at 7:15 p.m. The Axe
men from Eugene high school
and the Scholars from Univer
sity high, form two forces which
will try to unseat the victorious
Webfoot yearlings in a double
Not wasting any time for his
team te> gather dust, Frosh Coach
Earl Sandness, will send his team
onto the same court on which his
team defeated the Man's Shop
quintet two nights ago.
As a matter of fact, three
games in as many nights is a
schedule some senior varsity
. . . Glen (Stu) Warren, one-year
lettorman Orange center, ill be
used evt ^naively this year.
State's coach in hopes of dupli
cating last year’s championship
feat. ,
teams hesitate taking on. But
the Eugene high school squads
usually bring very talented ag
gregations on To the floor when
they play the freshmen, espe
cially now that Ford Mullen is
coach of the Axemen. It was just
a few years ago that Mr. Mullen
and Mr. Sandness were playing
ball with each other on the var
sity “O” squad.
These first few contests that
the Ducklings are playing, are
just the conditioners, (they hope)
for their games, four in all, with
the touted Oregon State Rooks.
These youngsters from Corval
lis, have something to boast of,
in several all-state players, and
numerous other talent from other
parts of the state.
Sports Staff:
Fred Treadgold,
Fred Beckwith,
Co-sports Editors
Doug Donahue
Rollie Gable
Mart Pond
Mary Ald'erson
Again the Frosh have to have
all the punch they displayed in
their initial game of McArthur
court, for the Rooks have not
placed any of this potent talent
on tiic varsity squad as yet and
are expected to use it to the
best of advantage on the year
ling team. * >
On the other hand, the DucJt»'
lings have three of their ambidex
trous all-stars playing varsity
ball. This need not hamper the
freshmen too much, because a
good strong attack will carry
many an all-star along for a ride,
as they found out not too long
Initiations . . . before the Senior Ball ... or just
<lio]i down any evening' for one of our super-special
steak dinners to cheer up any old cold drearv win
ter dav.
Down by the Millrace