Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Speech Judges
Award Prizes
Winners of the Jewett speaKing
contest held last term have been
announced by W. A. Dahlberg,
acting director of speech. First
prizes of 25 dollars each went to
Marjorie Major and L. I. Liede
men; second prizes were won by
Clarence Vernon and Esther Qui
er; third prizes went to Sue Bry
an and Robert S. Buchwach.
“Money sufficient to buy a war
bond” went to first prize winners,
according to Mr. Dahlberg, while
second and third prize winners re
ceived enough to buy stamps.
- The Jewett contest is an inter
jtional contest for students reg
istered in beginning sections of
speech on the University campus.
Winners were selected from each
section. These winners then met
in a competition with each other,
and from this contest final win
ners were chosen.
Library Displays Theme
"Women rn War Work'
“Women in War Work,” in con
junction with Dean Onthank’s
recently published pamphlet on
women's opportunities in war
time, is the theme of the display
at the war information center in
the library.
Material on different phases of
the war is available in the refer
ence room.
^The University of California li
®-ary has 47,056 Chinese volumes.
Have your
/Mires inspected
r“on the cam
pus” and
save gas!
Delicious meals prepared
^especially for you by our
French Chef
Roller Skating Everv
Night, 7:30 to 10:30
For Party Reservation
Phone 3250-J
Skating Rink
25 W. 7th St.
Eugene, Ore.
UO Nightingales
Donating the most time to the
surgical dressing department of
the Red Cross last week, mem
ebrs of the following women’s
living organizations placed
Alpha Delta Pi, 17 hours: Chi
Omega, 12 /2 ; and Kappa Alpha
Theta 9 /2 hours.
'Explorers of World'
Film Showing Billed
Remote sections of five dif
ferent countries of the world
will be portrayed in a nnotion
picture, “Explorers of the
World,’’ to be shown today at
4 p.m. and again at 7:15 p.m.
by the museum of natural his
tory. The movie is a sound film
and will be shown in room 207,
Chapman hall.
This picture includes shots
from six world famous explora
tions, including trips to Sibe
ria, Tibet, Africa, Antarctica,
and Brazil.
The length of the film is ap
proximately 80 minutes. The
public is invited. A charge of
15 cents will be made to defray
AWS Draft '
(Please turn to page three)
versity student. This sale is ex
pected to be even better than last
year’s when a green satin formal
was among the valuable articles
sold from the auction block “for
a mere shadow of its actual
worth,’’ according to the auction
With weather a military secret,
the AWS can’t guarantee sun
shine, and in case of rain the sale
will be postponed.
Men Draw
(Continued from page one)
to determine the winner of the
records. A count of the money
acquired' at each women’s organ
ization will determine the winner
of the cup awarded annually for
the most money per capita.
House Representatives
House representatives for the
Hop are:
Delores Hewitt, Alpha Chi
Omega; Dorothy Rogers, Alpha
Delta Pi; Nancy Brownell, Alpha
Gamma Delta; Lornelle Kennedy,
Alpha Omicron Pi; Peggy Gard
ner, Alpha Phi; Ruth Van Bus
kirk, Alpha Xi Delta; Barbara
Blasingame, Chi Omega; Mari
lyn Beard, Delta Delta Delta;
Grace Henry, Delta Gamma;
Gaynor Thompson, Gamma Phi
Emmy Lou Fargo, Hendricks
hall; Phyllis Lloyd, Hilyard
House; Elaine Moseley, Highland
house; Edith Newton, Orides;
Mary Riley, Kappa Alpha Theta;
Mary Bentley, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Anita Young, Pi Beta
Phi; Alva Granquist, Sigma
Kappa; Betty Rogers, Susan
Campbell hall; Lorene Flower,
University house; and Connie
Felsher, Zeta Tau Alpha.
Twelve midwest universities
will train cooks and bakers for
the navy.
"Spider" Dixon enterprises now
owned and operated exclusively by
George Carey
WAAs Enlist
New Recruits
New members to the Women's
Athletic association were initiat
ed Thursday afternoon in a mass
meeting held in Gerlinger in al
umni hall. President, Gertrude
Puziss was in charge of initiation.
The new women were wel
comed by WAA adviser, Miss
Helen Petroskey. She spoke on
their responsibilities to the or
Recognition was given to the
volleyball champs, Highland
The women were reminded
that all' houses must have two
representatives to be trained
as timers and scorers at the
meeting tonight in the social
room of Gerlinger hall at 4.
Also the first officials clinic
will be held this afternoon at
Entertainment was provided
by the Master Dance group. They
presented "A Day in the Studio.”
Warm-ups and techniques were
demonstrated and the develop
of floor plans was described.
Frosh Get Green Light
(Continued from Page one)
president of the ASUO, in charge
of freshman organization:
1. To do away with freshman
class organization for the dura
2. To do away with freshman
class organization for good.
3. To organize the freshman
class as usual.
Just Presented
Worth did not recommend any
of the three plans. He merely pre
sented them for council discus
Freshman class organization
will proceed now under Worth
with the possibility that nomina
tions, elections, and ratification
of the constitution may take place
by next Thursday night.
Wouldn’t Work
In turning down proposals to
abolish the freshman class for the
duration or permanently, mem
bers argued that an additional
two terms’ delay over to the soph
omore year would probably not
eliminate the political rub of elec
tions; that one of the council
problems is keeping student gov
ernment alive despite the war; and
that class spirit should be increas
ed, not decreased.
Included in the council motion
for organization by January 15,
“subject to'the discretion of the
first vice president,’’ was a pro
vision for two days’ previous an
nouncement of the meeting in the
Glowing Skin
With Vitamins!
New nutritional evidence
proves that Acne, pim
ples, roughness can be
completely cured. You
may have crystal-clear
complexion by correct
ing the disorder from
within. This may take
several months but you
should start immediately
"HIGH - A"
Vitamin Capsules
25,000 USPxl Units
Bioproducts, Inc.,
Astoria, Ore.
Please Rush—COD
□ 30 davs supply High- ’
□ 3 mos. supply High-A
Name .
Dean Jewel Organizes
Kaiser-Town Schedule
Dr. J. R. Jewell, dean of the
school of education, has been ap
pointed by the federal govern
ment as consultant to organize the
school ■system in the newly-erect
ed Vanport City, and to select a
superintendent for the schools.
Vanport City, which has been
made a separate municipality,
was built by Henry Kaiser to
house part of his shipyard work
ers. When the city is fully occu
pied, which will be about March 1,
it will contain approximately 45,
000 people, from 4,000 to 4,500 of
which will be children of school
Teachers for the Vanport
schools are being selected from
all over the country, and no
teachers will be hired who are at
present under contract. An ex
amination will be held on the cam
pus at the school of education,
January 16 for teachers in this
vicinity who want to try for a
position at Vanport City.
Robinson Fills
students would put on a program
The council approved $30 trans
portation costs for the exchange,
and final approval of the proposed
program rests with the student
affairs committee.
Girls basketball officials will
meet at 5 p.m. today on the second
floor of Gerlinger. Scorers and
timekeepers will meet at 4 p.m.
in the social rooms on the sec
ond floor of Gerlinger.
The women’s life saving class,
scheduled Tuesdays and Thurs
days from 3 to 4:30 p.m., is open
to under and upper classmen, with
credit given for the course. Stud
ents may register in the physical
education office, Gerlinger hall,
any time this week.
A social swim for men and wom
en will be held Friday evenings
from 7:30 to 9 in Gerlinger hall.
Amphibian try-outs will be held
Monday and Thursday next week.
For further information, phone
Milo Woodward or Miriam Lack
Westminster will hold open
house Friday night from 8 to 12,
with refreshments, dancing and
games included in the program.
All those interested are invited to
attend. Campus clothes will bo
in order.
VLttP 'EM i|r0p
• During the New Year it will be
even more difficult to obtain repairs
for your present equipment. Repair
it now while it is still possible.
Chesterfield Time
\ at
\ $25.00
If you are out for
warmth and beau
ty at a price, just
look at these coats
—then look at the
price — and come
in today.
Soft, fine wools in
red, blue, beige
and kelly. Ches
terfields have a fly
front, with a smart
velveteen color in
contrasting shade.
tf INC.
1004 Willamette