Pot and Quill Fetes Writing Women Pat Farrell, sophomore in lib eral arts, won first prize in the annual Pot and Quill membership contest, it was announced Wed nesday by Audrey Lynds, presi dent. Miss Farrell was informed of her selection as prize-winner at the initiation of new members held Tuesday evening. Writers of four other manu scripts were accepted into club membership. Additional new members of the creative writing honorary are: Dorothy Hermann, senior in English; Claudine Biggs, freshman in liberal arts; Betty Ann Stevens, sophomore in jour nalism; and Audrey Beardshear, sophmore in art. Miss fieardshear will be initiated at a later meet ing. Miss Lynds said that those de siring their manuscripts may get them by asking Miss Aileen Guy, journalism school secretary. Contributions for prospective membership will be accepted from graduate or undergraduate wom en at any time, according to Miss Lynds. Poetry, short stories, plays or creative writing of any type will be acceptable.. Any mem ber of the honorary will accept contributions. Members include: Barbara Hampson, Marjorie Major, Helen Johnson, Emily Tyree, Mary Lou ise Vincent, Mildred Wilson, Peg gy Overland, Muriel Stevens, Vir ginia Bryant, and Audrey Lynds. Good Taste Misplaced (Continued from patjc six) The concerts in the browsing room seems a step in the gen eral direction of Deems Taylor’s definition of the ideal way to hear music. He wants large, com fortable chairs set a considerable distance apart, a beautifully-dec orated room, and plenty of equip ment for smoking and drink, very handy. And, of course, good mu sic, well-played. The b.room plan is more practical, somehow, be cause any apparatus and cigar ettes are bound to distract from the music. . . . * * * Remember Smintheus, the little cat who was named Mouse-De stroyer, in Greek? Well, Smin theus has grown up and is living up to his name ... he actually Caught a Mouse the other day. Ducks Nip (Continued from page four) nabbed one basket as Willam ette began to whittle away at the bulky Oregon lead. From then on in, the Bearcat point tempo increased while Hob son’s fellows canned one every so often just to maintain control of the affair. With four minutes remaining, Runyan, Schmidt and friend Rags dale, again, all connected to nar row matters to two points, 35 to 33., Hobby m %n ....(ithe.. - 33, Hobby inserted his starting quintet. In desperation Willamette foul ed and fouled again, endeavoring to nab the sphere and close the gap. Oregon responded by taking the ball out of bounds and toying with it much to the consternation of the clawing bearcat. Kirsch Cans Foul With some 20 seconds left, Cap tain Kirsch calmly cashed in on one of those fouls, by flicking through a free toss. Oregon’s attack-pattern was broken up many times when Hob son substituted freely in an effort to give his entire squad action. The line-ups: Willamette (33) (36) Oregon Kelley (2) .F. (3) Taylor Saxton (5) .F. (6) Wren Schmidt (8) .C. (8) Wiley White .G. (6) Kirsch Barnick (2).G (6) Newlatid Substitutes: WUliamette, ruigs dale (10), Weaver, Runyan (2), Miller, Perry (4); Oregon, Fuhr man, Dick, Seeborg, W. Reynolds (2), Sutherland (2), Borrevik, Pipock, B. Reynolds, Crowell (1), Williamson. Officials: Emil Piluso, Frank Heniges. Gordon's Stars (Continued from l>ac/c five) men added a final scoring splurge to end the fray 67-43. Frosh (67) Hume, 6. Coenenberg, 12 Sempert, 8. Miller, 3. Caviness, 2. 1 iovany, 4 Simmons, 8. Hodgins, 7 Crockett, 13. Gordon, 2.. Pupke, 2. (43) All-Stars F. 8, Shisler ..F. .16, Sandness C. 8, Danner G. 2, Gordon G. 5, Mullen S. 7, Taylor S.2, Taggett S. 1, St rite .S . s s The Texas Ceramic society has set its headquarters at Texas U. ARMY OFFICERS REGULATION: SHIRTS SOX WEMBLEY TIES WEB BELTS CHEVRONS METAL POLISHING CLOTHS . . . LEATHER Uiiiiiersitij wCO-OP” Theta Chis Pick Queen “Sweetheart of the Theta Chi Freshmen” is the honor to be be stowed on some lucky girl Friday night. The sweetheart will be picked from the dates the fresh men bring to the dinner and radio dance. According to Jack Gibson, freshman prexy, a large corsage will be awarded to the girl who, in the opinion of the five upper class judges, is blessed with the greatest amount of pulchritude. During intermission she will be presented to the guests, and will go through ceremonies prescribed to become the sweetheart. Only freshmen and pledges will bring dates to the dinner, but beginning at 9 all house members will dance to the music of the “Five Jacks,” a group composed of fellows in the house. Twelve Pledges Sign With Men's Houses Pledges announced this week by the dean of men’s offices include Arthur Janssen and Don Stan ford, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Rob ert Evans and William Hales, Sig ma Nu; Eliot Wirt and Mervin L. Hanscam, Theta Chi; Wayne Ter ry, Sigma Chi; Wallace Rodgers, Phi Delta Theta; Larry Kramer, John McAuliffe, and Jerry Wolf shr, Beta Theta Pi; and Mart Pond, Phi Gamma Delta. 28 Varsity Players (Continued from page five) Marion Rushing, Tony Klobas, Frank Ball, Earl Haynes, Charles Vanatta, Bill Kramer, Frank Smith, Dean McKay, Joe Potes tio, Eugene Landreth, Jack Bur rell, Ralph Earnewolt, Wayne Terry, Ray Heidenrich, Ray Dorroh, Gordon Woodland, Jim Porter, Eugene Crouch, Ben Hol comb, Tcm Drougas, Pete Miller, O'Neil Holloway, Skiles Hoffman, David Moores, Don David, Arden Syphers, and Gregory James. War Digest (Continued from page two) against he French positions in Tunisia, but were thrown back after suffering considerable loss es. Bad weather has held fighting in this area to a small scale in most cases although a Fighting French column moving toward the Mediterranean from Lake Chac has tangled with Axis troops near the coast. Should the column succeed in reaching the sea Rommel will find his way into Tunisia seriously im peded, and any stand he might make against the eighth army approaching from the east would be most uncomfortable with the French at his rear. in the racmc Attention has been called to the Pacific by an Australian spokesman's statement that a huge Jap naval force is on the move. The source reports that this new contingent is larger than any yet amassed by the Nip ponese and that it is moving in the direction of the southwest Pacific islands, the Solomons, New Guinea, possibly even Aus tralia. The force is reportedly moving very cautiously and is widely dispersed to avoid the type of disaster dealt them previously by our navy and the air force. With the Russians on the ram page, action in North Africa only awaiting more favorable weath er. and a new thrust by the Japs in the Pacific impending, news papers may have to figure out a new front page layout to handle all the news of the next few weeks. Mrs. Alexander Thomson. Sr., recently was elected president of Western college, Oxford, Ohio. Singing, War, Interest (Continued from pane seven) gill and Micki Mitchell announc ing theirs recently. She com mented, “I think the most unique way of announcing an engage ment . . . and this is the way I plan to do it if I’m ever engaged ... is to ring the fire bell in the middle of the night and give everyone little firemen’s hats.” The war marriage problem then came up, and M.A. com mented emphatically, "I don't approve of them at all . . . you have so little time together.” About Hannah When she first came to school, she thought Eugene was "much too small,” having lived in Chi cago, Dallas, and Houston, Texas, not counting Portland. “Then I bought my Model T and began to enjoy life. That was Hannah . . . I don’t know where she is now.” She added that it was “wicked fallacy . . . pure malicious fal lacy” that Hannah ever had to be pushed, because “She had a self-starter that worked. We had to crank it sometimes, though.” Working down at the Oregon Lumber Sales, where “I do bill ing, filing, and am a general pack of-all-tracses,” M.A. thinks it’s! wonderful. “I got a $10 bonus for Christmas, and I hadn’t been working there very long, either.” She hates housework. (joed jNeignuor. She also hates Spanish. She commented^ briefly, expressively screwing up her face, “Ugh.” “Hot in here, isn’t it?” she said, moving her feet quickly from the top of the radiator. “My courses through school are absolutely the wierdest jum ble you’ve ever seen . . . pre-law, math, French, music, drama . . . and I don’t know what all.” Next Year Next year's Panhellenic presi dent “is going to have a very dif ficult problem to face,” in M.A.'s opinion. She believes that there’s going to be a complete reorgani zation of housing next year, with no personnel for houses, not so many upperclassmen, lots of freshman girls, and, of course, no men. Concluded M.A., “I'm waiting for spring term politics. I just love it. I love to see the boys come over and try to talk the girls into this bloc and that one. I just adore it. I love to be stub born.” IT CHESTERFIELD TIME —at— HADLEY'S Super-Warm Coats at $25.00 If you are out for warmth and beau ty at a price, just look at these coats —then look at the price — and come in today. Soft, fine wools in red, blue, beige and kelly. Ches terfields have a fly front, with a smart velveteen color in contrasting shade. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR 1004 Willamette HARRIS ELLSWORTH , , . . . former University man Espied on” in featured articllj Mr. Ellsworth is now a congresi man. (Continued from page six) of paper, on which they shall in scribe the name of their living organization. The slips must be taken to the Side and counted following the Hop. The house with the most slips gets the title and the records. Get it ? Remember, “Hug a pickle . . .” —By Betty Ann Stevens AWS Notes SHOPPING THE TOWN Dnn BLACK SHEEP Hadley’s have a new line of win ter wools in beautiful past els — just the thing for the in- $ between season. I saw one with a two-piece effect that has a wool top and silk printed skirt. You’d love to wear it to dessert next Wed nesday night. $14.95 and $16.95. NOT OSC TYPE BUT— .. . r. that your thing easily have armerettes will save good clo , and wash^ . Penney’s^ them in faded blue denim, santoriz*' ed. They are only $1.98 ancr will stand up under amount of dirty work. JANUARY IS any TULIP TIME Are you a fancy bottle collector? I Do you know someone who’d ^ like to have a^ genuine Lav- J ette bottle? At Tiffany - Davis you can uuy luupume rer fume in a bottle bought es pecially for the product by Harriet Hubbard Ayer. . . This is the only wav you can get a genuine Layette bottle today, and is encased in a lovely powder blue ta’ > feta box. FALSE FRONT I know these striped dick eys will look just darling with your new white cable stitch sweater. They a "V made by Sportseraft from the material that goes into men’s shirts, and Montgom ery Ward has them in blue and white stripes.