Coeds to Welcome 'Wolves’ at ’Hop’ (Continued from page five) named finance chairman of the Hep Wednesday, and Betty Ann Stevens, sophomore in journal ism, and Edith Newton, sopho more in journalism, will co-chair men of publicity. Miss Dolph said. New Angle Plans for counting the tickets accumulated by the men attend ing the dance are being com pleted by Mary Corrigan, co chairman of the dance working with Miss Dolph. Organization committee for the Hop is composed of Barbara McClung, freshman in architec ture and allied arts, and Maxine ^ ghes, freshman in physical ed ucation. Other girls working On publicity are Dorthy Rodgers, freshman in liberal arts, and Doris Chapler, freshman in ar chitecture and allied arts. This is the first year that the Hop has offered any award to participating men’s organiza tions. French Movie Pictures Prints of the Masters “Carnival in Flanders,” a French sound movie, will be shown to the public Thursday, January 14, at 207 Chapman hall. The film is sponsored by the Uni versity French department and is recommended as light and en joyable by Dr. Carl L. Johnson, assistant professor of Romance Languages. Jk'.rhe picture portrays a Flemish village of about 1616 and con tains accurate detail authenti cated from prints of Rembrandt, Breughel, Hals, and Steen. Length of the film, which carries Eng lish titles, is about 95 minutes. An admission of 25 cents will be charged. : TODAY'S MEAT SUBSTITUTE Fresh sea food through the week. You’ll enjoy our fine quality sea food. PHONE 2309 NEWMAN'S Fish Market 39 East Broadway mimim Now Playing! 'THE ROAD TO MOROCCO" with Bing Crosby also 'Street of Chance" with Burgess Meredith Claire Trevor C Two Hits ! ! 'THE FALCON'S BROTHER' with George Saunders and Tom Conway “THE BELLS OF CAPISTRANO” Gene Autrey Cram Twins Serve Navy Henry T. and John W. Cram, twins from Portland who attend ed the University of Oregon dur ing 1941, are now both serving in the navy. John entered the navy in Janu ary, 1942, went to Corpus Christi, Texas, and is now a pharmacist’s mate, third class, stationed with a combat unit on Guadalcanal isl and. Henry, who had taken civilian pilot training previously, joined the navy as an aviation cadet in September of 1942. He is now sta tioned at the Pasco, Washington, naval training station where he is engaged in preliminary flight instruction. Ten Evening Classes Offer Extension Work Extension classes offered by the University got under way Monday night as registration be gan. Ten classes now meet on the campus evenings from 7:15 to 9:15. On Monday night a class in conversational Spanish is led by Marion O. Wright. Tuesday cours es include a course in adolescence, taught by James R. Jewell, dean of the school of education, juven ile delinquency taught by Dr. Samuel H. Jameson, and typing with Miss Lorene Marguth. Wednesday’s schedule includes music appreciation by Dr. Theo dore Kratt; first year Spanish with Anibal Vargas-Baron; con versational Spanish with Mrs. Leavitt O. Wright; and stenogra phy taught by Jessie M. Smith. On Thursday a class in twentieth century literature is given by Hoyt C. Franchere; American for eign relations is taught by Dr. Dan E. Clark; and the typing class meets again. Required Aptitude Test Slated for Pre-Meds Applications to take the annual medical aptitude test, which will be given January 22, at 2 p.m. in Villard assembly hall, should be made at once by all pre-medical students who have not already taken the test, according to Dr. H. B. Yocum, chairman of the pre-medical advisory committee. They should be filed with Dr. Yocom in room 207 Deady hall, he announced Tuesday. The test, which has been adopt ed by the Association of Ameri can Medical Colleges as one of the requirements for admission, measures a student’s ability to learn material similar to that which will be required of him at medical school, according to Dr. Yocom. tzsmsm Glen Miller Plays! in "Orchestra Wives" with George Montgomery Ann Rutherford also “A HAUNTING WE WILL GO” with Laurel &Hardy Disney’s Best! Walt Disney's Full Length Picture " BAMBI" Late Enrollment Makes Small Gain Late registration climbed slow ly higher this week to bring the total number of students now en rolled to 2482, a loss of 19 per cent compared to the number of students here last winter term. Clifford Constance, assistant registrar, announced these fig ures Wednesday and predicted that the enrollment for this term will reach 2500 before Saturday. After the first day of winter term registration the enrollment figure stood at 26 per cent of that a year ago. A steady flow of late comers credited to late California trains and the lure of New Year’s eve in other places has brought the decrease in the per cent of enrollment drop. N. T. Stoddard Voted UO Alumni President In its annual election of offi cers held by mail, the University of Oregon alumni association elected N. Thomas Stoddard, Portland real estate man, to its presidency. On - the same ballot George P. Stadelman of The Dalles was chosen vice-president. While attending Oregon, Stod dard was president of the stu dent body, a member of Friars, senior men’s honorary, and win ner of the Alber trophy awarded to the outstanding senior of the year. He succeeds Harris Ells worth, recently elected represen tative to congress from Oregon’s new fourth district. Oregon |f Emerald Night Staff: Jan Settle Marian Schaefer Co-Night Editors Peggy Brattain Betty Ann White Copy Desk Staff: Ted Goodwin, city editor Gordon Cochran Fred Weber Betty Lou Siegman Louise Montag June Taylor iiimiiiiiiiuumuuiimiHmimiiMMHHnwimimwiimilllllll CAMPUS CALENDAR Girls’ basketball officials will meet at 5 p.m. Friday on the sec on floor of the Gerlinger gym. Scorers and timekeepers will meet at 4 p.m. in the social rooms on the second floor of Ger linger. Initiation for new members of the WAA will be held Thursday afternoon at 4 in alumni hall, Gerlinger. The women’s life saving class, scheduled Tuesdays and Thurs days from 3 to 4:30 p.m., is open to under and upper classmen, with credit given for the course. Stu dents may register in the physi cal education office, Gerlinger hall, any time this week. Members of the Radio Work shop will meet Thursday at 7 p.m. in the extension building. Law to Place Its Arm On Unlicensed Drivers Owners of automobiles not bearing 1943 licenses are now subject to arrest, according to police. It was indicated tliat the arm of the law will clamp down firm ly on violators who have had over a month to secure the green transfer stickers. A check made Wednesday of cars parked on Thirteenth street disclosed that only a few cars show the windshield permits. Law forces stated that no “concerted drive” will be made, but violators will be cited when stopped by state patrolmen. Co-ops Go on Ice Friday An all co-op ice-skating party has been planned for Friday night, January 8, from 10 to 12 p.m. Despite gas-rationing, trans portation for the six houses will be supplied' by truck. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniii Frosh Politics Probed Today (Continued from pane one) mend at today’s council session. A Fall Project Freshman class organization has been a traditional part of fall term till this year. The 1941-42 executive council moved the date to winter term. The issue is a political one con cerning election of officers and ratification of a constitution. Fi nancial problems have been solved by a loan of $200 from the revolving fund set up by the sen ior class. This money would be used to finance the Frosh Glee, and the annual dance would go on wheth er or not the class organized po litically. SKIN TROUBLES CAN BE CURED ! Clinical evidence (available in our files) proves conclu sively that Acne, pimples, and blotchy complexion can be cured or definitely im proved. Beauty comes from within and it has been dem onstrated that a Vitamin taken in large daily dosages for an extended period will alleviate skin conditions formerly considered hope less. This vitamin is found in "HIGH - A" Vitamin Capsules 25,000 USPxl Units SEND FOR A SUPPLY TODAY! Bioproducts, Inc., Astoria, Ore. Please Rush—COD □ 30 clays supply High A $1.25 □ 3 mos. supply High-A $3.50 Name . Address. Town State No Bother, No Fuss, Leave Your Ad With Us by Phoning Ext. 354 Your classified ad will be read by 5000 eyes. Explain your problem and we will write the ad without further delay. Ext. 354 for Your Classified Ad. Oregon Emerald