Oregon Emerald RAY SCHRICK, Editor; BETTY BIGGS SCHRICK, Business Mgr. G. Duncan Wimpress, Managing Editor; Marjorie Young, News Editor; John J. Mathews, Associate Editor UPPER BUSINESS STAFF Advertising Managers: John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davit, Ru9S Smelser. Dwayne Heathman Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager. ivOis i_,iaus, ^lassinea aver using xu im ager. Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertis ing Manager. Member Associated Gblle6*ate Press ALL-AMERICAN 1942 UPPER NEWS STAFF Fred Treadgold, Co-Sports Editor Fred Beckwith, Co-Sports Editor Roy Nelson, Art Editor Marge Major, Women’s Editor Janet Wagstaff, Assistant Editor Ted Goodwin Asst. Managing Editor Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston —Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland—Seattle. Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. <7<4e Political Qu*a . . . TPHE fa-11 term quiet on the political front was like a two minute’s silence at a football game. The situation was un precedented. The cause was decision of last year's executive council to postpone freshman class organization until winter term. Slowly now, things are beginning to stir. The political guns are polished, and they may begin to boom any day. A major issue is taking shape: Should the freshmen organize at all in this war year? One thing is certain. The question must be faced head-on and immediately. Winter term enters its second week, and Steve Worth, who is in charge of freshman organiza tion presents in this morning’s Emerald (page one) three alter natives that he sees to the issue. These will be presented to the executive council for further action. * * * rTvHE question involves more than the present freshman class. This is only the first step, the first problem which must be faced through the war haze which hangs over student gov ernment. Ultimate questions concern every class, ASUO gov ernment, publications and every University activity. As and when reserves are called out, is all semblance of student gov ernment to disappear for the duration; is there to be a middle road of semi-curtailment, or is it going to be student govern ment as usual? The ultimate issues affect every student through class and ASUO affiliations. The class of ’46 question is curtain raiser to the entire show which will follow in these next two terms. The day of decision is near. Hazy events are taking shape. They arc about to crystalize into action. ^Jte (leal Jdeade/ii.. . . rJ'M I F, United States doesn't train leaders in college lor noth ing-, and after this War, the United States is going to be a world leader. In this role, it is going to take men, and women, who know how to lead. It is going to be up to us to see that economic conditions in other countries do not enable new Hitlers to arise. One of the surest protections against a dictator is a citizenry with full stomach. ()ur resources, our productive machinery today are such that no persons, any place in the world, need starve. It is going to be part of our leadership role to see that citizens of other nations do have the economic necessities of life. Without destroying competition, it is entirely possible to give everyone at least a minimum standard of living. W e realize that the absolute equality of all mankind does not exist, that some people by breaks of birth or luck may have the jobs while other capable men may be without bread. If we are to lead we must prepare the way for the minimum wants of living. * * * npilhe fight to win the war is our great challenge now. But somedav, the last shot will be fired, and our forces will re turn home to reconstruct a peaceful world destroyed by war's explosions. Just as there is great call for leaders in our army campaigns, so there will be even greater call for educated leaders in the world of peace. When we study today, we train for immediate war. But we train also for the new world of plenty that will follow this war. The war is global and so must be the peace. The rationing program is getting so broad in scope that peo ple can hardly tell what to hoard next. * * * A Ye heard "White Christmas" from Armistice Day or short ly after up till Christmas; now it will be the new hit “Abra ham" up till Lincoln’s birthday. AdliM Local musicians are now mak ing with the shifty eyes and the face buried in the crook of the arm routine. In the nine phone calls yesterday I gathered enough information to fill all my remain ing colms for the year, but at tached to every morsel of gossip was the undertone plea, “But for God’s sake don’t print THAT!’’ This place would be a priceless find for Republic studios. * * s= Band boss George Carey has come up with the idea that, since a not insignificant percentage of the musician shortage hereabouts is due to the musicians’ wives, female friends, and similar im pedimenta, a band widows’ club should be set up so that these curls wouldn’t object so strenu ously to the boys’ trips on week ends. Seems Herb Widmer, Bob Sell, and others love their music but they love their women more. Bro. Carey figures that if the gals could get together, they wouldn’t mind letting their men continue in the band business. This in turn would relieve the lamentable sit uation created by the shortage of active playing men. Hm. William Lindley, our friend who held the editor’s bicycle key for ransom until an agreement came through for a full page of movie news, informs us that Hol lywood is going band-crazy. Co lumbia’s “Reveille with Beverly” (sister flicker to “Vomit with Mohomet”) screens—for proba bly three frames each—the crews of Bob Crosby, Duke Ellington, Freddie Slack, and Count Basie. Brothers Ellington and Crosby also hold pieces of paper with MGM. The rest of Metro’s taste appears a trifle commercial, you might even say mousey, for it calls for Dick Jurgens, Kay Ky ser, Vaughn Monroe, and Jimmy Dorsey. The same studio is ru mored to have signed also Harry James, Gene Krupa, and T. Dor sey. Accompanying is a shot of Trudy Erwin, Kyser canary, who, I'd say from the pose, is starred on the Listerine program. Goal—$2,000,000! The Trcjans and Bruins have formed a joint bond and stamp drive. They have set their mark at 52,000,000, and have already passed the 51,000,000 mark. —California Daily Bruin TP j I Cover the Campus i By FRED BECKWITH Now is the time for all good pledges to cast fearful glances about them, purchase a pair of concrete pants, and two dozen boxes of pills for “Health Week.” . . . . . . Our over-worked grapevine indicates that the Theta Chis are selecting a Queen from the bevy of young ladies who will be at their pledge dance Friday night. Who will be the lucky girl? Your guess is as good as mine. . . . TRUDY ERWIN . . . . . . sings for Kay Kyser. WAR DIGEST By LYNN JOHNSON The red bear is at it again. Hitler has found one of the specie which doesn’t go into hibernation in the winter. On the contrary the Nazis are facing the most serious threat of the war in the present threefold Russian offen sive which is rapidly driving the Germans from the Caucasus oil lands, grinding down the forces besieging Stalingrad, and routing the invader from key points in the northern front. Axis losses in men and ma terial are terrific because the speed of the Soviet thrusts is too great to allow an orderly with drawal. In some cases the re treating enemy infantry have thrown away their rifles, a move made only in the most desperate haste. Africa War To the south the Germans at tempted a strong tank attack (Please turn to page eight) Parade of Opinion By Associate Collegiate Press Public opinion, backed by strong men behind a conference table and not merely idealists and dreamers, will mold the peace after this war, Dr. Henry J. Bru man, assistant professor of geog raphy at Pennsylvania State col lege, declares in outlining a four point peace plan. Dr. Bruman believes we must start now to think about terms on which peace can be main tained, and he lists the following four steps for a lasting peace: 1. A program of re-education and indoctrination for democracy in the conquered countries. To do this will probably take a lifetime, gradually placing into positions of power youth who have been taught the principles of freedom and democracy. 2. Military occupation of Ger many, Italy, and possibly Hun gary with maintenance of an army of occupation in these countries for at least 8 to 10 years, and perhaps a whole gen eration during the re-education process. 3. Compulsory military train ing in the United States for ev ery male citizen to provide a large standing army. 4. Generous boundary allot ments to Germany and Japan, and equally generous allotments of sources of adequate raw ma terials. Germany should be given Austria and the Sudeten Ger mans. “I fervently hope the powers in Russia and the English-speak ing peoples will be able to arrive at a mutually satisfactory agree ment regarding the nature of the peace,” Dr. Bruman concludes. ”If such harmony does not come about, we shall have lost the peace.” , . . . Tn-ueit-ZiOe r-iirueneia an nexed a Phi Delt pin from Rod Taylor on New Year’s eve . . . Sounds like a good way to s/""^). the year off. . . Overheard in these hallowed halls by a pensive senior lass: “It’s better to be kissed by a fool than fooled by a kiss.” Seems like the Alpha Chi Omegas kinda got themselves engaged over the holidays: Anna Voderburg, sister of the Fiji’s famous Hank, totik a ring from Chuck Haener, Who is marking time in California, preparing to go into the air corps; Ruth Zur brick and Doug Olds of La Grande are contracted, and Mary Arkley is flashing a sparkler from Beta Bill Lyon. Jawn Mathews has a brilliant radio deal brewing with KORE, but at this writing it’s in its in fancy stage. . . Frank Watson is really knock ing himself out behind the col >'• ter over at the Side. They say the concoctions he’s been whip ping up for the customers lately are terrific! . . . And welcome back to Fiji Alan Foster who spent his New Year’s even in the worst way possible—he- was in the campus clinic. . . . They tell me that Granny Abbott had a veddy, veddy suc cessful social gathering at his Berkeley abode over the holi days. . . . That handsome, tall law yer confides that he’s having his first blind date in two years. . . . The lucky gal is a Gamma Phi. . . . The Kappa date-booking so ciety is arranging social engage ments for all of the cute new .4 tie K.K.G. pledges at—the Fiji house. . . . The Sig Epn are complaining that they won’t have any pledges left after next Sunday’s big in itiation. . . . ... A certain Alder street fra ternity was making too much noise Tuesday night to suit its neighbors. Hardly the pranks of Coca Cola admirers. . . . . . . The government’s new vic tory tax will shortly hit bus and trgdn companies, an unofficial statement indicates. It'll be 5 per cent for the government out of all total profits for the railroads and buses. ... It’s old news by now by AOPi Carrol Pageler has had John Denning's Fiji pin for a couple of months. ... . . . Dot Flanery of the sarilc house applied for a marriage li cense today with Delt Tom Watts. . . Tri-Delt Marilyn Beard had a tall admirer in such a daze yes terday that he bumped into four people in a row in front of the fizz-ed building. . . . . . . Kinda looks like that’s the limit of the chatter and patter for now, but if you know some thing vital that we don’t, slip the dope on a piece of paper and shoot in to the Emerald, care of this column . . . For the most original news, we will offer a free ticket to the 1943 Rose Bo ^ game. . . . Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt has ac cepted electio as a member of the board of trustees of Hobart and William Smith colleges.