Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1943, Image 1

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Political Guns
P^gin to Load—
See Page 2
Ducks Down
Willamette Five—
See Page 4
y/ar Rally Calls Ducks
Three Experts to Discuss
Civil Defense for Campus
Discussions on methods of chemical warfare, methods of
organizing civilian defense, protection of public buildings dur
ing an air raid, and relations between civilian defense and the
armed forces, are features of the campus defense rally which
will be held today in McArthur court, at 11 a.m., Len Barde,
campus war board chairman, said Wednesday.
\ They will be presented respec
tively by three graduates of the
civilian protection school of the
University iof Washington—Dr.
D. S. Dedrick, assistant profes
rof chemistry on the campus,
H. Peterson of the Peterson
Mortgage company, W. G. Wil
mot of the Eugene water board,
and L. K. Shumaker, director of
lower division advisers.
Les Anderson, ASUO president,
will introduce the following mem
bers of the war board: Len Barde,
chairman, Oge Young, Betty
Bevil, Bill Lilly, Marge Curtis,
Don Brinton, Roger Dick, Ruth
Collins, Mary Jane Terry, Caro
lyn Holmes, Jean Frideger, and
Barbara Younger.
Mr. Shumaker will present C.
V. Boyer, Webb Gard, Mrs. Clif
ford Constance, and Ray Magin
nis, all members of the defense
council for district 10, Lane coun
Senior Ball Gets
Touch of ’Bard’
Opening the lid on the 1943
senior ball, Bud Vandeneynde re
vealed that for their theme sen
iors are borrowing and remodel
ing a title from William Shake
speare. Those who attend the
final class function of the class
of ’43, Saturday, January 16, will
dance a “A Midwinter Night’s
The Bard Outdone
Other than admitting that, as
the title implies, there would be
a winter atmosphere, Vande
neynde was mum, suggesting
Ihat those interested in seeing
tie improvements over the im
mortal bard come to the ball.
Eleanor Engdahl, decorations
co-chairman with Bob Jones,
went a little further to admit
that “We’re centering decora
tion attention cn an unusual
treatment of the bandstand.”
Advance Sales
Those interested in purchasing
their share of the “Midwinter
Night’s Dream” will be able to
purchase tickets in advance be
ginning Saturday, Lois Hulser,
ticket chairman, revealed. House
Representatives will have their
tickets at this time.
• Special advantage in buying
ckets early, pointed out by
Chairman Hulser, was the reduc
tion in price. Door prices have
been set at $1.40 as contrasted
to the $1.25 paid out by those
who buy before Saturday.
Honorary Photos
Kennell-EIlis will take pic
tures for the Oregana all day
Thursday of students who are
members of honoraries and
have not had their pictures
taken for any other section of
the book.
Geologist Warns,
'Dam the River’
To prevent floods similar to
those of last week from occur
ring- in the future, the five Wil
lamette river dams which were
not constructed should be fin
ished as quickly as possible, ac
cording to Dr. Warren D. Smith,
head of geology and geography
The Cottage Grove and Fern
Ridge dams helped conditions
from becoming worse, declared
Dr. Smith. Five more dams on
the Willamette and its tributar
ies were war casualties. They
were to be cn the McKenzie, San
tiam, Row river, and the middle
fork of the Willamette.
Dr. Smith also gave an explan
ation of the many slides which
blocked railways and highways
during the flood, saying that
much of the rock is predominant
ly clay and' when wet slides eas
ily. He suggested that slopes be
lessened in order to prevent the
rock from slipping.
Eight Juniors
File for Post
Prospective Dad’s Day chair
men will be interviewed by the
executive council today at 4 p.m.
Petitions for the position were
submitted by Jim Thayer, sopho
more in journalism, and Dick Igl,
junior in law, Carolyn Holmes,
second vice-president of the
ASUO, revealed Wednesday.
Eight students will be inter
viewed for the junior post on the
executive council, which was left
open when Max Brown, former
representative, failed to return
to school.
Those petitioning for the post
were Ted Goodwin, Americo Di
Benedetto, John Aaron, Bill
Macy, Robert Bloom, Stan Web
er, Bud Putnam, and John Rob
The office seekers will be in
terviewed in the faculty room in
Friendly hall.
Drama Coach Extends
Call for Comedy Actors
All men students interested
in parts in a farce to be pre
sented by the Guild Hall play
ers may communicate with Mrs.
Ottilie Seybolt, associate pro
fessor of speech and dramatic
arts, today or Friday, in her
office in Johnson hall or in
the University theater.
Museum's New Policy
Adds Lending Library
The Murray-Warner Art muse
um is now open on Wednesdays
from 2 to 4 p.m. and on Sundays
from 3 to 5. In accordance with a
new policy, duplicate copies of
books in the museum library may
be charged out for a week as long
as they're not needed for class
use, announces Mrs. Marjorie
Reynolds, museum librarian.
Qogg&uma). . .
Coeds Prepare Welcome
For Wolves at Their Door
King of the Wolves on the Oregon campus will be officially
named January 15 when the men’s living organization winning
first place in the Nickel Hop receives that title as part of their
prize in the annual dance.
Besides the honorary name, the winning men’s groups will
receive $5 worth of records from the Radio Laboratory. They
may make their own selection of
records, Joan Dolph, co-chairman
of the AWS sponsored dance, an
nounced Wednesday.
First Prize
To the women’s organization
winning first place will go the
Nickel Hop cup which is present
ed annually to the top group in
the dance. The name of the win
ning organization is engraved on
the cup each year.
For each 15 minutes of danc
ing men will pay 5 cents. The wo
men’s organization taking in the
largest sum in proportion to the
number of women participating
will win the cup.
Men’s Award
Men will receive a ticket for
each three numbers danced with
a girl. The organization holding
the most tickets per person will
receive the record award.
Bonnie Umphlette, sophomore
in business administration, was
(Please turn to page three)
Student Execs to Consider
Important Political Question
Should the freshman class organize politically?
Recommendation and discussion on this political bomb
shell will land in the lap of the executive council at 4 p.m. to
day in Friendly hall.
Steve Worth, first vice president of the ASUO appointed
to organize the class of '46, will return three alternatives for
Scraps Scramble
Scratches Cans
Tin cans have been crossed off
the list of salvage articles made
up of fats and greases, rubber
articles, silk or nylon stockings,
and scrap metal, which will be
collected Friday afternoon, it was
announced Wednesday by Marge
Curtis, campus salvage commit
tee co-chairman.
The reason for not including
tin cans is that the Lane county
war board does not have facili
ties to dispose of them at pres
ent. According to Miss Curtis, the
cans must be de-tinned before
they can be made into usable
“We expect to pick them up
sometime next week when facil
ities are available,’’ she added.
Goes to War
Facing lowered house grades
in common with the entire cam
pus, the Sig Ep scholarship chair
man, Harry Miller, put a pre
mium on ”A’s’’ and a priority on
dates two weeks ago in a system
designed to combat low GPA’s
caused by war unrest with one of
the war’s own institutions, the
rationing system.
me omce ot date administra
tion, which handles the ration
ing, has all machinery necessary
to carry on a rigid grade conser
vation program with a bonafide
ration book bearing the person’s
identification, his record and a
specified amount of coupons to
be clipped on dating days. These
books must be presented at the
ODA office for approval, before
the bearer is allowed to leave the
ODA books and dating privileg
es will automatically be taken
from the student misusing the
coupons. Persons wishing new
booklets because of changed
house or grade status may file a
petition with Miller.
Ration books range from “A”
to “X” with pigging privileges
varying from one night a week
to no restrictions.
“I think the fellows realize
they brought it on themselves,”
explained Miller, as he remarked
that so far even "A” and ”B”
card holders had cooperated. He
added, “ ‘X’ card holders are all
for it.”
Why not go to Nickel Hop,
I’m sure t’would be good recrea
And incidentally help to put
More nickels into circulation.
—J. W. S.
council discussion:
The. Plans
1. To recommend class organ
ization as originally planned.
2. To recommend elimination
of freshman class organization
during the war years.
3. To recommend elimination
of freshman class organization:!
as a permanent policy.
Fresh Glee
If the council recommends no
organization, and the class ac
cepts the decision, freshmen
would still have a Frosh Glee.
This dance would be planned at
an informal class meeting.
If the council recommends?
class organization, freshmen will
meet sometime between January
" and' 15 to nominate officers.
Frosh Committee
Worth’s recommendations fol
low a study of class organiza
tion problems. He has been work
ing with .a freshman committee
composed of John Malcolm, Mar
tha Hoch, Frank Sardam, Bus
ter Beaudoin, Jean Reynolds, Ed
Allen, and Jack Olin.
Worth mentioned the unstable
condition of students’ status
which may cause a sense of in
security and lethargy of cooper
ation in regard to eliminating or
ganization for the duration.
Possible Break
The plan to eliminate fresh
man organization as a permanent
policy might be one way of break
ing down the definite political al
liances built up the first year
students are on the campufe, ac
cording to Worth.
While two of his three alterna
tive plans would eliminate fresh
man organization at least for the
present, Worth did not indicate
which course he would recom
(Please turn to pat/e three)
WAA to Initiate
At Today's Meet
Initiation of new members and
outlining the winter term’s sports
program will be featured at a
mass meeting held by the Wom
en’s Athletic association in Ger
linger hall a-t 4 p.m. today.
Girls eligible for membership in
WAA have been notified and arc
expected to be present at the,
Brief reports will be given by
the representatives of WAA d.c
tivities last term.
Special features of the meeting’
will be roll call of houses, pre
sentation of officers, cabinet mem
bers and sports managers. The
master dance group will provide
Recognition of outstanding
house teams and of girls making
the all-star volley ball team will
be given. Also planned are brief
preview skits of winter term ac