Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    Revisions Open
Air Enlistments
(Continued from 1>aiye one)
fication are designated aviation
cadets, ground crew, U., S. army
air forces; those under the “B”
group are privates in the army
air force.
Ski Troops
Enlistments are open for men
in the EEC as well as for men not
in reserves if they are interested
in the ski troops.
The University has been assign
ed a quota for enlistments and
all necessary material for enlist
ment may be obtained from Dr.
Kossack's office, 107 Deady.
Army Air Corps
It is imperative that all men
who are members of the army
air corps reserve report to Dr.
Kossack's office at once.
Information is lacking as to the
serial numbers, and date of en
listment of men. This information
has been requested by the army,
and will be very important in de
termining the final status of the
enlisted man. Failure to report
may result in immediate call.
All men who are in the air
corps reserve should check with
Dr. Kossack.
Navy V-l
The Navy V-l program is still
open to men who have not reach
ed their eighteenth birthday. It is
not wise, however, to wait until a
week before the birthday to at
tempt to enlist.
Men who are interested and can
qualify should obtain enlistment
material from Dr. Kossack’s office
as soon as possible.
Change of Address
KRC men who have changed
their permanent address since
their enlistment should report to
Dr. Kossack to obtain change of
address cards.
All reservists must carry at
least fifteen hours, and must
maintain a C.P.A. of at least 2.00.
Men will not be allowed to drop
courses during the term except
in case of illness which might
make it necessary or in case of
financial stress which might make
it necessary for the student to
take on outside work which would
interfere with the study load.
All men who have not complet
ed their registration by noon to
day are in danger of being con
sidered out of school and report
ed as such to the headquarters of
their reserve branch. Work will
be started on reports this after
Sororities Pledge
Twenty-Six Girls
Newest crop of pledges to
swell last term's leftover year
ling class, according to releases
from the office of the dean of
women, are the 26 following:
Alpha Chi Omega, Mary Duffy;
Alpha Delta Pi, Connie Walters;
Alpha Gamma Delta, Marie M.
KUis; Alpha Omicron Pi, Kath
ryn Yount; Chi Omega, Betty
Boyle, Marjorie Leask, Jeanne
Delta Delta Delta, Karolyn
Koepke, Betty Lu Siegman; Del
ta Gamma, Rosemary Albers,
Barbara Brice, Ardis Jensen, Ann
Hill, Marguerite Losli, Gloria
Malloy, Jean Murray, Helen Wil
helm: Gamma Phi Beta, Ruth
Monro; Kappa Alpha Theta,
Kloise Mulhausen; Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Aileen Clark, Virginia
Collins, Doris Schumacher; Pi
Beta Phi, Audrey Cordell, Mari
anne Lynch; Sigma Kappa, Jane
Irish; and Zeta Tau Alpha, Con
nie Felsher.
New president of the Univer
sity of Hawaii is Gregg M. Sin
clair, 1912 graduate of the Uni
versity of Minnesota.
The women’s life saving class,
scheduled Tuesdays and Thurs
days from 3 to 4:30 p.m., is open
to under and upper classmen, with
credit given for the course. Stud
ents may register in, the physical
education office, Gerlinger hall,
any time this week.
Order of the “O” members will
meet this noon at the Pi Kappa
Alpha house.
All meetings in Gerlinger hall
this term must be scheduled with
Mrs. Edith Siefert, hostess in
Gerlinger. Meetings held regularly
in the past must also be re-sche
duled for the new term.
Amphibian club will meet this
evening at 8:00 in Gerlinger hall.
All members and pledges must be
(Please leave items for Campus
Calendar with Margaret McGee
or leave them with Marjorie
Young at the Emerald news of
Sigma Delta Chi, men's profes
sional journalism honorary will
meet this evening in 104 Journal
ism at 7 p.m.
New Obstacle Races
(Continued from page six)
is a decided improvement of phy
sical development.
The American boy, stated Dean
Leighton, is net normally inter
ested' in an activity or sport that
requires vigorous physical out
put, but now that the atmos
phere is charged with the idea of
fitting oneself for a strenuous
military career, the idea of con
ditioning the body, physically,
has caught on, and the boys are
not only interested in this com
paratively strenuous physical
program, but are doing well in
every class that is being taught.
Military Emphasis
More emphasis is going to be
placed, however, in the latter
part of winter term, and the be
ginning of spring term, on mili
tary physical fitness, in that an
outside obstacle course, placed
on the outside activity field, and
similar to those obstacle courses
that are employed by the military
program, will be installed for the
use of all students in physical
education classes. A regular class
will not be held for the use of
this obstacle course alone, but
rather will be used as a scheme
to see if the student can make
the course, unimpaired.
There is one obstacle course
employed at present in the unfin
ished sited by the physical educa
tion school, with all the obsta
cles one might find on any mili
tary field. The obstacles com
prise hurdles, benches, ropes,
walls, and numerous other
“tonghies” that the hoys encoun
This new obstacle course that
will go into use the latter part of
winter term, will have 12 major
obstacles, and will be just a tiny
bit tougher than the course used
by the military people.
M. H. Douglass Honored
The December issue of the Call
Number, library staff publica
tion, honored Matthew Hale
Douglas, recently retired head li
brarian. The articles were writ
ten by the library staff in trib
ute to Mr. Douglass, who served
as librarian for 34 years.
Dr. JamesR. Hibbs, who has
taught at Pennsylvania and the
University of Illinois, has joined
the economics staff at Carleton
Miss Gray Opens
Concert Season
Phyllis Gray, junior in -music,
, opened her recital last night in
the school of music auditorium
with the “Appassionata” sonata,
opus 57, by Beethoven. This is the
first student recital to be present
ed during the current school year.
Other works on Miss Gray's pro
gram were Brahm's Capriccio in
G minor, Strauss’s “Traumereir,”
Griffe’s “The Fountain of the Ac
qua Paola," and Chopin’s Concer
to in E minor, number one.
Miss Gray is a pupil of Aurora
Potter Underwood, associate pro
fessor of music. Mrs. Underwood
played the orchestral accompani
ment to the Chopin concerto on a
second piano.
Miss Gray shows exceptional
brilliance in her manipulation of
difficult passages. Her perform
ance of the Chopin concerto dis
played technical talents rarely
found in a college student.
The pianist concluded her pro
gram with an encore, Waltz in E
flat, by Chopin.
Of the freshman class at Be
midji (Minn.) State Teachers col
lege, 18.2 per cent were high
school valedictorians or saluta
. . . announces changes in reserve
program. Ski troopers, meteorol
ogists, get opportunity.
Barbara Younger
Named to War Board
Barbara Younger, sophomore in
journalism has been appointed to
the job of publicity chairman of
the war board, according to Len
Barde, chairman. She will succeed
Norma Trevorrow, who did not
return to the University this term.
AWS Fills 0
Three Posts
Out of 23 petitions coming un
der the gavel of President Marge
Dibble, the AWS council last
Thursday dealt with the follow
1. Appointed Joan Dolph, soph
omore in journalism, and Mary
Corrigan, freshman in journal
ism, co-chairmen of the forth
coming Nickel Hop, which is
scheduled for January 15, from
7 to 9 pan.
2. Selected Peggy Wright,
sophomore in liberal arts, chain
man of the AWS auction of lor j
and found articles. The auction,
which was postponed from last
term because of rain, was for
merly headed by Florence Ham
ilton, who is no longer in school.
Date for the auction is January
3. Date for the election of new
AWS, WAA, and YWCA officers
was set at February 25. Nominat
ing committees are being organ
4. Deadline on petitions for
AWS treasurer, position vacat
ed by Rohda Harkson, was set
at noon Thursday, at the Kap
pa Alpha Theta house. Peti
tions must be submitted by a
junior woman.
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