Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 30, 1942, Image 1

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^"rain Delays Cause
Cal Students Grief—
See Page 2
Tijis Carjtjtjre
Fell SM Honors—
Sec Page 4
Go Ahead Signal Given
To Prospective Pledges
As Winter Rushing Starts
Any girl who went through rushing during fall term is
eligible for rushing this term, provided she signifies her inten
sion to do so to the dean of women, according, to Margaret Ann
Jackson, Penhellemc president.
Kush week starts today, with
luncheon and dinner invitations
throughout the week, ending Sat
urday, and bid's to be given out
Sunday at 9 a.m.
Owing to study table, dinners
will not last later than 7:15. No
preference night will be held.
Turnout for rushing is slight,
with approximately forty girls
registered so far.
Concert Series
Brings Opera
First attraction scheduled for
rinter term in the University's
reater Artist concert series is
Mozart’s comedy opera, “The
Marriage of Figaro,” which will
be presented in an idiomatic Eng
lish translation by the Nine
o’clock Opera company February
The Nine o’clock company is a
group of American singing-actors
whose first transcontinental tour
of 75 appearances last season
created a sensation in the concert
Modern Version
The opera is presented in mod
ern dress and has done more to
popularize opera in America than
anything in years, according to
opera critics.
The performance is sung by
the contemporary English libret
tist and critic, Edward Dent. By
►substituting a narrator in the
mnanner of “Our Town” for the
usual operatic sets, the Figaro
troupe can “travel light” and
bring this famous masterpiece to
places where opera was only a
name before. It is based on the
belief that if a good' script and
an artful narratoi»are substituted
for the usual scenery, the audi
(Please turn to page eight)
Graduate Registration
Closes Saturday Noon
Graduate students can regis
ter at the graduate office in
Johnson hall until noon Satur
day, Mrs. Clara Fitch, secre
tary of the graduate division,
announced Tuesday. Her office
in room 202 of Johnson will be
open during the noon hour ev
ery day until Saturday, Mrs.
Fitch said, and graduate stu
dents who do not have any oth
er time may register between
12 and 1 p.m. any day.
‘Hop’ Chairman
Petitions Called
Deadline for petitions for co
chairmanship of the 1943 Nickel
Hop to be held January 15 has
been set for noon today, Marge
Dibble, Associated Women Stu
dents president said Tuesday
night. All petitions must he
given to Miss Dibble at the Kap
pa Alpha Theta house before noon
One freshman and one sopho
more will be chosen to work to
gether as chairmen of the annual
dance held in all women’s living
All houses have been contacted
concerning positions open for
freshmen and sophomores for the
mid-January dance.
Petitions for the chairmanship
should contain the student's
name, grade point, year in school,
past activities in both University
and high school, and special sug
gestions for the dance.
All petitions will be considered
by the AWS cabinet at their
meeting Thursday and the co
chairmen of the 1943 dance will
be appointed that day.
’House Movers’ Must Report
Lest Pictures Go Astray
Any student who has made a change in his living organi
zation during the past term and wishes his picture to appear
• in the Oregana under a different house should let Kennell
^Ellis know immediately, according to Wes Sullivan, Oregana
Infirmary Dry
Kin da Sad
Though the infirmary is warm
and dry—comfortable -it isn't a
very pleasant place to spend the
first few days at the beginning
of the term. What with the army
machine closing in and assign
ments piling up, it offers a very
damp and gloomy outlook to oc
cupants. Such is the position of
^ill Farrell and Charles Ma, who
have the doubtful distinction of
toeing among the first winter term
Sharing the aforesaid honors
is Si Sidesinger who was dis
missed Tuesday.
For those who have not al
ready had their picture taken, it
is too late for them to be in the
1942-43 book unless these stu
dents had pictures taken at Ken
nell-Ellis last year, Sullivan an
nounced Tuesday.
Part of the yearbook, that of
the second coloring; of living; or
ganizations, is already being
printed. Deadline for the four
color pictures was Tuesday.
Several new' appointments on
the staff will be announced soon,
the editor continued.
Position of art editor is open;
since Fred Gong, art editor both
last year and this year, has been
One of the differences of this
year’s book is the one-page for
malized frontispiece contrasting
w'ith last year's two-page piece.
Browsing Room
Concert Slated
Concerts of fine recorded mu
sic, henceforth to be a regular
Sunday afternoon feature in the
browsing room of the University
library, will begin January 3. Mu
sic for the initial concert will be
provided from the record library
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stafford.
The concert will last from 4 to
4 :45 p.m.
This is the first time that pub
lic concerts of recorded classical
« music have been presented at
the University. The concerts are
sponsored by the patroness group
of Mu Phi Epsilon, music honor
Everyone is invited to attend.
The purpose of these concerts is
to provide students and others
who enjoy good music with the
opportunity of hearing some of
the best music the world has to
A “request box" will be placed
in the browsing room of the li
brary in w'hich requests for fu
ture concerts may be placed. The
patroness group will make an at
tempt to fulfill all requests.
Anyone wishing to participate
in the concerts by loaning records
may do so.
2023Winter Enrollees Bring
DuckDecrease of 24 PerCent
More Late Registrants Due
VVith the earliest registration in the history of the Univer
sity plus the problem of delayed trains making it necessary for
many students to register late, Tuesday’s registration at John
son hall brought the total number enrolled for winter term to
-uzo students.
Meeting Scheduled
For Emerald Prospects
Students without previous
experience on the Emerald who
wish to join the staff are espe
cially asked to attend the meet
ing at 8 pan., tonight, in room
105 journalism building. This
meeting is compulsory for Em
erald workers including report
ers, copy desk, and night staff
Chances for promotion will
he especially fine this year due
to the shortage of workers,
therefore any students who
think they would like to work
on the Emerald should attend
the meeting.
Wooden Guns ’ Arrive
For Military Trainees
A shipment of 475 new “victory trainer rifles” was received
by the military department during Christmas vacation. The
new guns, although containing a greater proportion of wood
and unable to fire, are basically the same as those used in pre
vious years.
COL. C. L. SAMPSON . . .
. . . receives ‘wooden guns’ to ho
used in teaching manual of arms
to students in ItOTC classes.
No Wooden Nickels
Our pennies should he put, to
ease the situation,
In circulation.
All 1 have to do, in order to dis
patch ’em,
Is to match ’em.
Because the old rifles were
taken over by the army earlier
this year the department has
been unable to give any instruc
tion in rifle work. The new rifles
will enable instructors to teach
the manual of arms as they have
in other years.
There are sufficient guns to
enable every man to be armed at
all drills. The new “victory train
ers” will be issued for the first
time tomorrow at McArthur
court during freshman ROTC
This is a decrease of 24 per
cent in comparison with last win
ter term when 2653 students reg
istered. Students registering late
are charged a fee of $1 for each
day they are late until a maxi
mum fee of ?5 is reached.
Figures from Monday’s regis
tration showed 150 more men
than women enrolled in the Uni
Clifford L. Constance, assist
ant registrar, said Tuesday that
he expects late registration to be
heavy until next week.
ARC Wants
Nurse Aids
In answer to inquiries made
concerning a student nurses’ aid
program, the Red Cross has an
nounced that if enough girls are
interested in taking the course,
a serious attempt will be made t >
obtain an instructor.* Classes
would probably be held two hour's'
two nights a week, and would
consist of 35 class hours and 45
hospital training hours.
After completion of this course,
girls will be able to help the reg
ular nurses in the Eugene hospi
tal and can be transferred to hos
pitals in their home towns dur
ing the summer vacation.
This course is expected to be
especially popular this year be
cause of the war. In previous
yeai's the need or demand for
such a course has never been so
All girls interested are asked
to get in touch with Virginia
Locke, telephone 962 Wednesday
and Thursday between 5 and ft
WSSF Participation Tops
Previous Year’s Figures
Student participation in the annual World Student Service
Fund drive on the campus was almost 50 per cent better than
last year, Oge Young, co-chairman of the drive, said Tuesday
night when he revealed that approximately $236 was contribut
ed to the campaign.
New Year's Eve Party
Set for YW House
All students are invited to the
YWCA open house New Year's eve
at the Bungalow when the YW
will entertain between 8:30 and
10:30 with folk dancing, popping
corn in the fireplace, and general
celebration, according to Abbie
Jane White, president of the YW.
Joan Dolph, sophomore in jour
nalism, is chairman of the New
Year’s eve celebration. Further
plans for the affair will be an
nounced later this week.
The affair is scheduled to be
very informal with campus clothes
in order, and students may come
either with dates or stag.
Rolland Gabel, financial chair
man of the drive, gave the final
report on the money collected in
the drive which took place on the
campus December 1, 2, and 3.
Money collected at the Thanks
giving assembly for the WSSb'
amounted to approximately $30.
Other amounts, in round figures,
were $20 collected at the assem
bly featuring Mr. Homer Loh,
Chinese war refugee student, $2.3
from the faculty, $16 from local
churches, and $145 from the cam
pus tag sale.
Drive Chairmen
Martha Jane Switzer and Oge
Young were chairmen of the drive
to raise money for the fund which
aids war victims and is doing
much at this time to aid prisoners
(Please turn to page eight)