Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 29, 1942, Image 1

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    J o
'Cold Facts' Face
Winter Term Ducks
—See Page 2
Webfoot Hoopmen
Plot Busy Weekend
See Page 4
Late California Train Blamed
As First Day’s Registration
Drops Below Last Year’s
A total of 1840 students completed enrollment at the Uni
versity Monday with more expected to enroll later in the week
as late trains arrive in Eugene from the south, C. K. Stalsberg,
University cashier, said Monday night after registration had
All students registering alter
Monday will be charged $1 for
each day they are late until a
maximum amount of $5 has been
35 Per Cent Drop
In comparison with figures for
the first day of winter term reg
istration of last year, there has
been a drop of approximately 35
per cent, but quite a few more
students are expected to enroll
before the end of the week.
Monday's registration figures
\wre approximately 25 per cent
Jow those reached fall term
when the regular registration
days closed on September 26.
Late registration will take
place in Johnson hall.
Alumni Staff
Seeks News
University students and par
ents of Oregon alumni are urged
to turn in to the alumni office
news of former students now in
different branches of the armed
forces, it was announced Monday
by Elmer C. Fansett, alumni sec
The type of news requested is
information regarding, the alum
duties in the armed forces
rather than personal news or any
thing which might be a military
secret, Mr. Fansett said.
Material of this type is needed
for Old Oregon, University al
umni magazine.
Christmas vacation
Was not recreation.
Quiet UO to See
Old Year Pass
Departure of 1942 will be met
by a quiet University campus as
possibility of a student dance on
New Year’s eve was rejected be
cause of classes being held Fri
day, it was announced Monday by
Dean Karl W. Onthank, person
nel administrator, and Richard
C. Williams, educational activi
ties manager.
Although one o’clock permis
sion has been granted, it is im
possible to hold a dance because
of the University rule which al
lows dances to be held only when
there are no classes the follow
ing day.
Petition Rejected
According to Dean Onthank,
no living organizations may
(Please turn to page six)
Oregon Men Receive
Classification of Status
Talent Show
Set in Spring
Students will be given a chance
to display their various talents
in several fields of creative effort
at a program tentatively planned
for early spring term, according
to W. A. Dahlberg, acting direc
tor of speech and dramatic arts.
Parts featured in the program
will be those of dance, poetry
and writing, play-writing (one
act), editorials as well as news
and feature writing, dress de
signing, art, music, stage design
ing, and science.
Original and Creative
All students interested in such
a program of original and crea
tive work are asked to contact
Mr. Dahlberg.
Students with particular tal
ents are not required to major
in the field in which they would
like to act, according to Mr.
Annual Affair
■ Guest critics, who are author
ities in each field they represent,
will evaluate the program and
write criticisms of personal per
Cascade Train Wreck
Delays UO Southerners
A slide of snow and mud, hurtling down the slope of Salt
Creek canyon in the Cascade mountains about 87 miles south
of Eugene, Sunday night crashed into the dining car of a north
bound Southern Pacific passenger train, killing one and injur
ing 14. The wreck has delayed the arrival of California stud
ents at the University for over 24 hours, partially explaining
the low number of first-day regis
trants for winter term.
Cause of most of the casualties
was a tree trunk borne along by
the slide as it crashed into a din
ing car, killing Frank R. Pilcher,
51, of 519 South Ninth street,
Springfield, Illinois. Pilcher was
(Please turn to paoc six)
Mint Requests U 0 Students
Aid in Circulation of Pennies
By assisting the nation’s undertaking to return to circulation
the idle coins, especially pennies, which many persons are sav
ing or hoarding, University students can play an important
part in the war effort, according to a letter to the student body
from the director of the mint at Washington, D. C.
Because of the critical shortage
in this country of certain metals
that are now acutely needed for
cartridges, ships, airplanes, and
other equipment which members
of the armed forces must have to
win the war, these hoarded coins
must be replaced with scarce me
tals which are a necessity to the
war effort.
Taxes Scarce Metals
*|‘It appears that there is not a
mily in the country in which
some member is not saving pen
nies, prompted by the praisewor
thy purpose of accumulating sav
ings, and not realizing that in
(Please turn to Page Si^j
AWS, Panhellenic
Award Scholarships
AWS and Panhellenic scholar
ships awarded to “outstanding
and deserving students" fell to
the following persons:
Associated Women Students:
Ruth Helen Crymes, Mary Eve
lyn Campbell, Doris Margaret
Horton, and Audrey Holliday.
Panhellenic: Audrey Holliday,
Clarethel Roselund, Marge Dib
ble, Helen Luvaas, Helen Holden,
Eva Fleming, and Kathryn
Few Annuals
Left on Shelf
Fewer than 100 Oreganas re
main to be sold and late regis
tration sales still to come, Jeff
Kitchen, student activities man
ager, announced Monday. ASUO
card returns also exceeded ex
pectations, even though the foot
ball season is over.
Both athletic cards and annu
als may be purchased at the late
registration tables in Johnson
hall from 8 to 12 a.m. and from
1 to 3 p.m.
ASUO cards will be sold at
$6.60 for the rest of the school
year, while Oreganas will be
raised to $5.50 after January 20.
However a down payment of $3
will reserve a copy at the present
rate of $5.
Kitchen advised students wish
ing to secure an annual to make
a down payment during late reg
istration, emphasizing, “In all
probability none at all will be left
to sell at spring registration.”
He explained the unusual
amount of sales so early in the
year by citing such facts as con
tracts placed early, “an excel
lent editorial staff” and a top
ranking Oregana last year. He
also stressed that students will
receive their copies by mail at
home, if they are called from
school during the term.
Induction Rumor Debunked;
Reservists Get 'New Lease'
Despite rumors found rearing their ugly heads when Ore
gon’s men returned to the campus Monday, the status of re
serve classes appears to remain unchanged with the exception
that, in most cases, the reserve classes have a better idea of
when they will be called to the colors.
. . . armed forces representative
on the campus, who revealed that
no changes had been made in re
serve class status.
Ray Schrick Announces
Emerald Appointment
Position of news editor on The
Emerald, vacated by the resig
nation of Jack Billing's, will be
filled by Marjorie Young, former
assistant news editor, Ray Schrick,
editor announced.
The appointment is subject to
approval of the educational ac
tivities office.
Present indications are that
the men who are in the enlisted
reserve corps, with the exception
of the pre-mcds, technical, and
advanced ROTC seniors, will be
called at the conclusion of the
current term.
Army Air Corps
The army air corps will con
tinue to call men according to
the needs of service. There is a
bare possibility that this may be
more rapid than in the past be
cause of the ban on voluntary en
The marine and naval reserv
ists will, at some “future date,”
be called, placed in uniform, and
paid while they remain in school.
Present information would indi
cate that those men who are on
the University campus will bo
left here after induction. This is
not a guarantee, merely a sup
position based on present infor
Navy Y-!
Enlistment in the Navy’s V-.l
(Please turn to Page Six)
Emerald Prospects
'Must' Attend Meet
Emerald workers, including'
reporters, copy desk, and night
staff workers, will attend a
compulsory meeting in room 105
Journalism Wednesday at 8
p.m., according to G. Duncan
Wimpress, managing editor.
Students without previous
experience on the Emerald who
wish to .join the staff are also
asked to attend the meeting.
Fifteen Four-Pointers Listed
Among Fall Honor Students
One hundred fifty-three University students earned grades
that gave them a place an the honor roll for fall term, according
to the report from Chord L. Constance, assistant registrar,
to the report from Clifford L Constance, assistant registrar.
Straight A’s were given to fifteen students who qualified
Malcolm D. Almack, senior in architecture and allied arts:
Exec Comm Post
Open for Junior
Petitions for junior representa
tive on the executive committee
will be accepted by Carolyn
Holmes at the educational activi
ties office in McArthur court,
starting Tuesday and continuing
through to Monday, January 4,
Les Anderson, student body pres
ident, announced today.
Each petitioner must be a reg
istered junior and accompany his
(Please turn to page six)
Phyllis L. Amacher, junior in
business administration; Shirley
K, Anderson, sophomore in educa
tion; John Busterud, senior in eco
nomics; Paul E. Callahan, senior
in romance languages.
Upper Classmen High
Jack J. Jacobson, junior in
chemistry; Richard Jones, junior
in biology; Orville H. Marcellus,
junior in business administration;
Frances Montag, senior in busi
ness administration; Thelma C.
Nelson, junior in education;
Jeanne E. Parker, senior in ro
mance languages.
Charles Politz, sophomore in.
(Plccsc turn to page eight)