Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    uni.Hin.iii.iimmini.: n
Fijis Slap Phi Delts, Grab Title
RoblinAII CoastChoice
(United Press)
LE Ferguson (Cal.)
FT Stamm (Stanford)
LG Taylor (Stanford)
C Harrison (Wash.)
)iiG Lescoulie (UCLA')
KT lianducci (Stan.)
RE Susoeff (VVSC)
Q Waterfield (UCLA)
RH Kohi'in (Oregon)
X-H Me Cardie (USC)
F Kennedy (WSC)
Dick Strife
Manske (Pre-F)
Stamm (Stan.)
Khea (Oregon)
Harrison (Wash.)
Kuetz (Pre-F)
Verry (USC)
Beals (S. Cl.)
Falaschi (Pre-F)
Freitas (S. Clara)
McCardle (CSC)
Kennedy (VVSC)
John YVarren
Manske (Pre-F)
VVickett (OSC)
Khea (Oregon)
Harrison (Wash.)
Seixas (USC)
Verry (USC)
Susoeff (WSC)
Falasclii (Pre-F)
Mclnnis (OSC)
McCardle (USC)
Kennedy (WSC)
Manske (Pre-F)
Finlay (UCLA)
Taylor (Stan.)
Harrison (W) .
Ruetz (Pre-F)
Banducci (St.)
Nowling (Ore.)
Waterfleid (UCLA)
Roblin (Ore.)
McCardle (USC)
Kennedy (YVSC)
That hodge-podgery of gridiron
selections above is a chart of four
All-Coast selections made by
prominent and peerless pigskin
Some of the other football ex
perts on the coast had not yet se
lected their favorite moleskinners
as we went to press.
Of interest to Oregon, is the
mention cf three members of this
year’s varsity on the All-Coast
selections. Tommy Roblin was
the picker’s choice for the right
half berth, indicating that the se
lectionists realized his all-around
backfield ability. “Scrappy” Rhea
battled for the left guard position,
having competition from Stan
ford’s Chuck Taylor. Russ Now
ling was one of the candidates
for’ the right end spot.
It is interesting to note that
three men were unanimously se
lected by the sportsmen: Walt
Harrison, dynamic Washington
pivot-man, Mickey McCurdle,
TJSC scat back, and Boomin' Bob
Kennedy, Washington State full
back. Ed Manske, St. Mary's
Burly Bob Kennedy Still
Coast’s Scoring Big Wig
Alertness on the part of Washington’s goal line defenders kept
Burly Boh Kennedy, Washington State’s All-American pile driver,
from the dulcet touchdown land of milk and honey, but Burly Bob
isn’t weeping. He still is head and shoulders above the rabble, namely
the other scoring lions of the loop who are panting in the distance.
The 200-pound Cougar powerhouse has rung the bell for 69 coun
tersters in 9 games which gives him a neat 21-point advantage over
his nearest of scoring kin, Kandall (Buck) Fawcett, Stanford’s leath
er-toting wizard, and Joe (Great)
Day, OSC's fullback terror. Both
have registered 48 points.
Fourth place is still being
cuddled by Joltin’ Jim Jurko
vicli, Cat's now - you - see -
him - now - you - don’t half
back, with 39, to his credit.
Stanford lays claim to the last
member of the big' scoring five
in the person of Ward Sheller.
who has amassed 30 points in ten
© hnroll lor our winter term starting Momlav.
January 3. Special or regular courses.
• Secretaries and l’ookkeepers are important in
onr war effort. Prepare yourself to help vour
3(>4 K.ast l’roadwas
l’ltone 666
804 Willamette and 917 Willamette
Jewlite Comb
and Brush Sets
Genuine Leather
Tobacco Pouches
Coty's and Evening
in Paris Sets
Colonge Filled
Bud Vases
Leather Billfolds,
G Td Ep Tp
Kennedy, WSC .. 9 11 3 69
Fawcett, Stan . ..10
Day, OSC .10
Jurkovich, Cal. .... 9
Sheller, Stan .10
Snelling, UCLA
McCardle, USC .... 8
Hardy, USC . 4
Solari, UCLA . 8
* Field goal.
0 48
0 48
3 39
0 36
8 13 12 *33
4 1 25
1 25
0 24
W L T Pet.
Wash. State .5 1
UCLA .4 1
USC .3 1
Stanford .5 2
Oregon State .4 4
Washington .3 3
California .3 4
Oregon .2 5
Idaho .1 4
Montana .0 5
1 .833
0 .800
1 .750
0 .714
0 .500
2 .500
0 .429
0 .286
0 .200
0 .000
French Students at L.S.U.
French students at Lousiana
State university have collected
enough money from their own
group tQ buy an ambulance for
the Free French forces. The am
bulance will bear the name of
the university.
The Reveille
It's the most welcome
dessert for your
Christmas Party
Go to
54 10th 4V
‘A’ Volleyball Tiara
Annexed byPhiGams
Climaxing; a sustained and de
termined drive which carried
them unscathed through a rig
orous six-game scramble, the Fi
jis today perched atop the “A”
league volleyball heap as 1942
champs. The victory, executed
over a stubborn Phi Delt club in
three hair-elevating games, gave
the triumphant Phi Gams enough
points to assure them of a sub
stantial lead over the whole in
tramural set-up for the fall term.
Wednesday’s clash was one of
those good old fashioned spine
tinglers of “meller-dramer” vin
tage. The Fijis crept into the
lead in the opening encounter, re
pulsed a Phi Delt thrust, and
emerged successful, 15 to 13.
Number two encounter was a
“horse of another color.”. The
“barn boys” started out in slam
bang fashion and at one time en
joyed an 11 to 3 advantage, be
fore the champs began to cook
on all four burners. Once the Fi
jis got rolling they tied up mat
ters 14-all, only to drop by the
wayside in the stretch, 16 to 14.
Having once tasted the dul
cet drippings of victory, the
tenacious Phi Gams could not
lie denied. Led by elongated
Earl Sandness, in particular,
but with the whole outfit lust
ing for the win, the Phi Gams
frolicked up to the “A” hoop
throne, and plunked themselv^
in the plush cushion on tw
wings of a 15 to 12 count.
Ray (Spider) Dickson was the
shining star in the Phi Delt at
tack, even when their assault was
on the wane.
Roller Skating Everv
Night, 7:30 to 10:30
For Party Reservation
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25 W. 7th St.
Eugene, Ore.
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lows you to have and use the instrument while you are
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