jbea/i B'pjooJz At the Libe today I’m sure that I presented a most indus trious picture. There I sat bent over a heap of papers, pencil in hand, with an agonized look on my face. Contrary to popular be lief, I was not writing French verbs, nor was I translating Chaucer; I was making out a first-class Christmas list in a methodical, scientific manner. I submit for your approval. For the Gadabout: (that would be Dot Manners) An evening vanity in black rayon satin com plete with compact, purse, comb, and cigarette case personalized to the last piece with silver in itials. Second choice would be an or nament that would take her out of-this-world. Imagine a glitter ing sequin bow perched high atop her very blond hair, a fairly in expensive but effective gift. For the Sophisticate: (who else but Ely Merrilee?) Elbow-length evening mitts of black lacd to augment her black strapless for mal (the one with the lace bod ice and full net skirt). Naturally she would adore per fume, especially something sul try, like “My Sin” or “La Vierge Folie.” For which would you cast your vote ? Because she is a woman of dis criminating tastes she would love some dainty black lingerie. For the Debutante; (None oth er than Percy Horner) A nec’j lace of simulated pearls adjusti ble to choker or a longer length, With interchangeable bows. Or cuff-links to go with her tailored suits. The ones I saw had ear rings to match, which is a pretty smooth idea. For the Sports Fiend: (Easily recognized by her eagerness to attend swimming meets or foot ball games, whichever includes the current man). A white flan nel shirt to top her tennis shorts for winter games. And for those New Year’s day ball games she’d look keen in a beige wool classic on which the buttons make like little gold footballs. For the Collegiate Type: (The rah-rah girl) A masculine-look ing frame to surround the pic ture of her man, who is at pres ent giving- his all for Uncle Sam, would make her squeal with joy. If she smokes, why not give her tl box of one hundred match packs distinguished by stylized mono grams ? If she doesn’t smoke she'll ap preciate a set of-transparent cas es to house her sweaters (it keeps the angora ones from" the dark plain knits) or a varied group of colored bandanas. For the Feminine Type; A tiny glass clock which chimes out “I’m dreaming of a White Christ mas’’ on the hour for which it happens to be set, will positively inspire her to be prompt. A delicate evening shawl might take the place of a not nearly so becoming jacket. Third choice, almost as good as the first, would be a match ing nightgown and negligee of a pale shade, more inexpensive than you would think. eor tne lauist: (hirst witn the latest 1 A velvet ribbon Dog Collar embroidered with bright stones might catch her fancy; or ballet slippers, the newest in footwear, to display between acts at the opera. Undoubtedly she would cherish colored stockings to match cer tain outfits, though wo might not be brave enough to start such a fad. The Demure Type: Cologne and nil that goes with it in "Heaven Scent” or "Apple Blossom.” (Please turn to page 21) Let These Suggestions Solve Shopping Woes By MARY ANN CAMPBELL Even the gal who Has Everything will be delighted to have a pair of SLIPPERS with little Russian peasants on the toes, lined with polka dotted cotton, and as gay as bright dye can make them .... Several people lately have been wishing right out loud all over the public that some kind soul would see fit to give them YARDLEY COSMETICS in some form or another . . . . They d be more than delighted, as who wouldn’t . . . ? If your favorite roommate knits, present her with some YARN FOR A SWEATER. You know the colors she likes and how she’s been longing for a daffodil yellow number . . . Be sides the grapevine says wool yarn will be increasingly difficult to find . . . One present you’ll be tempted to keep yourself is a big CHIF FON SCARF to keep the winds off your curls when you’re all done up in evening clothes . . . The effect is plenty remarkable on the less glamorous gals . . . and on the really pretty ones, it’s marvelous . . . Considering the heat problems everyone is getting ready to worry about, your sorority sister or your Aunt Maude would both welcome a woolly waistcoat for winter evenings by the fire . . . And along the same line of thought, take a look at the won derful woolly slippers that are all over town. If she's going to get married or if her wedding was only a few weeks or months ago, present her with something she can use in the apartment . . . clever towels, tea or bath, will brighten the place up considerably . . . Gay linens, either with appliqued de signs or printed in dashing col ors, are also plentiful . . . There are innumerable clever boxes for cigarettes or love letters in Wood, metal, or pottery. Pottery ash trays never bo back to be exchanged after the holidays . . . Remember, too, no body ever has enough good-look ing vases . . . One in a Eugene shop is especially impressive . . . Persian pottery, done in very subtle reds and dark blues and gray and white . . . Sounds dull, but it isn’t, and the shape is so lovely you don’t need to put flowers in it . . . Unless she plans to do a lot of moving in the next few months, she’d adore some glass . . . either plates, or glass es to drink things out of, or mir rors to hang on the wall . . . And then, was there ever a bride Who didn’t welcome a cookbook with outstretched hands ... es pecially the 1941 edition of Fan ny Farmer’s Boston Cooking School cookbook, practically a MUST for every beginning cook. , £Blue SOAP FLOWER MIST \ DUSTING { POWDER^ I The fragrance most' beloved by women the world over s 11 fresh, clinging Blue Grass::: in bath preparations she'll adore using. Thes ^ 1 lovely Christmas box is nice enough to; use for letters or gloves. 5.50 f ± frit* plui tsxei - ' V-; •U: 1050 Willamette Phone 1084 THE ARDEN SHOP f That Ideal Christmas Gift HOTOGRAPH Use your Oregana sitting. Beautiful frames and mountings. If you wish, photographs mailed to your address, postage prepaid KENNELL - ELLIS ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHERS