Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 25, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon W Emerald
G. Duncan Wimpress, Managing Editor Jack L. Billings, News Editor
John J. Mathews, Associate Editor
Advertising Managers:
John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davis,
Russ Smelser.
Dwayne Heathman
Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager.
.Lois Liaus, Liassinea Advertising man
Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertll
ing Manager.
Associated Collegiate Press
Lee Flatberg, Sports Editor
Marge Major, YVomen’s Editor
Janet YVagstaff, Assistant Editor
Marjorie Young, Assistant News Editor
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston
—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland—Seattle.
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidayi and final
examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
WITHOUT sacrificing editorial independence
or their right to make independent judg
ments, editors and staff members of this news
paper agree to unite with all college newspapers
of the nation to support, wholeheartedly and by
every means at their command, the government
of the United States in the war effort, to the
end that the college press of the nation may be
a united Voice for Victory.
—Associated Collegiate Press.
fyosi the Bake, aj Ba&ufice?
* I 'HERE is more at stake than late permission in the ques
of New Year’s eve. Tire basic issue is one of policy—
vital now, vital to every student in the future.
It is the question whether war sacrifice should be made
just “for the sake of sacrifice,” or whether it should be made
because it will contribute positively to the war effort.
No student can object to cuts that are necessary, sacri
fices that we can make, that will hasten victory. If it is a
question of cutting leisure time to study more, of cutting the
superfluous for the essential, there can be but one answer. It
will be done.
JF, HOWEVER, it is a case of limitation without reason,
of so-called "sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice,” of some
thing that would be "nice” without material contribution to
the war effort, it should not be done. Just as it is useless to
bit yourself in the head with a hammer to say you are “suf
fering” for the war effort, so are some measures without
rhyme or aid to war service.
The Emerald does not believe 10:30 p.m. permission for
New Year’s eve is of positive aid to the war effort. Nor does
a landslide majority of the students. That one night of the
year studies are not the most important thing. That one night
of the year is part of the traditional America for which our
service men are fighting.' If students are kept in that one
night, it is primarily "for the sake of sacrifice” and not for
its contributian to the war effort. That is why student eves
focus on this question. That is the issue which faces the stud
ent affairs committee.
fjaunty Qeosi<fe M. Cohan...
JAUNTY George M. Cohan, a Yankee through and through,
died this month, lie lived to write “Over There," “It's a
Grand Old Flag," "Yankee Doodle Bov," countless other hits,
and died before he could see them welcome another victori
ous Yankee army.
George M. Cohan, number one for the Red, White and
Blue, once said: “Great actors are born. 1 know. I was born.”
He was cocky, versatile, and he gave everything to the show
business. At eight he was fiddling in an orchestra; at 13 he
played lead in "Peck's Bad Boy.”
Thus far we are unaware of anyone who will do for this
war and its times what Jaunty George M. Cohan did for the
last one. He supplied much of the spirit of that conflict. His
comments, his songs, his very life were typical of the era;
his figure was the living, breathing personification of the day.
He was the prototype of the Yankee Doodle Dandy.
George M. Cohan saw the cinema synopsis of his life in
the show 'A ankee Doodle Dandy (starring laities Cagney)
just five months before his death from cancer. The flag-wav
ing showman of “Give My Regards to Broadway" was cut
short by death. He won’t see the boys come marching home
from this war. But when they do, thev’ll be thinking and
singing his songs of the "grand old flag," and of a job well
done "Over There."
The Lines
Mark Daniel Mindolovich, alias
“Scotty,” alias “Spiritual” Dan,
alias “Dangerous” Dan, alias
“Anxious,” alias the “Mad Rus
sian” doesn’t like his nickname
A freshman from Portland,
Mindolovich is probably one of
the most promising cartoonists
ever to hit the campus. Example:
“Lend me a five, and I’ll pay
you back tomorrow.”
Recently the kid chanced upon
Kappa Peggy Klepper. It was
during a drawing class, and
“Scotty,” as usual, was sketch
ing people around him instead of
the model who was posing be
fore him.
r^ssy was one oi ms victims,
and “20-20” Mindolovich ob
served two (2) pins on her sweat
er even as he drew. This led to a
“Hey, what’s that top pin?”
the comic artist wanted to know.
“That’s my Kappa pin,” the
pretty KKG sophomore respond
“And what's that other pin?”
“Oh, that’s a Chi Psi pin.”
This came as a surprise to the
hoy. “How come—do you belong
to two sororities?”
Chi Psi pledge Arthur McAr
thur comes from SW Arthur
Way, Portland. “How that coin
cidence came about is a long
story,” barks the lodger, “but if
you insist. . .”
And a half hour later he unties
the ropes, and I get up and
Phi Psi pledge Bill Fagan had
a little trouble reaching a “Lou
ise” the other night. A series of
phone calls to the Gamma Phi
house across the river produced
nothing but a crop of busy sig
(Please turn to Page Seven)
Handshake of Yamamoto
Recalled by Beckwith °
Standing on the decks of two Japanese battleships, and
shaking hands with the admiral of the Nippon navy—sounds
rather irregular to say the least, doesn’t it?
Nevertheless, that was the experience I encountered some
nine years ago in San Francisco. The occasion was a sup
posedly friendly visit of the land-of-the-rising-sun’s admiralty
to the port of the city by the bay. ~ ’%
The general public, however,
was not permitted to go aboard
the two ships which lay in har
bor at pier 45, lining the San
Francisco Waterfront.
Thus it was only by coinci
dence that I ever shared the
above mentioned experience of
examining the twin men-of-war
and parading down a line of Jap
anese naval ambassadors. By
chace, we had a Japanese girl
that used to come in and do some
washing. Her name was Nikoma.
Nikoma’s husband new the vis
iting naval men, and thus,
through his wife, extended a cor
dial invitation to me to visit the
My combined curiosity and gen
eral high regard for any type of
vessel led to a quick acceptance,
and so with Nikoma’s family,
(there were eight boys in all) we
taxied down the Embarcadero to
pier 45.
A small gathering of news
paper men and Japanese friends
were already aboard as we
walked up the gangplank.
The first thing that I noticed
was that the ships were much
smaller than our American bat
tleships, and that all extra deck
space had been converted into
room for small guns. There was
a regular’ forest-like arsenal of
death-dealers on the decks of
those two grey-hulled warships.
There was, of course, certain
restricted quarters, that we were
not permitted to visit.
After the handshake with the
admiral, (a crafty, narrow-eyed
(Please turn to paoe six)
I . I
AfiUHsied ‘'Wilia+t Sficei- . . .
Charles Roy Reid, ’06
White hair parted in the middle, a long face with blue eyes
and a wide sensitive mouth—silver-rimmed glasses. In fact
a very poetic exterior that quite belies the engineering genius
that is contained in the active mind of Charles Roy Reid, ’06,
who is included as one of the big men in Who’s Who in
General superintendent of
Shawinigan Water and Power
Co., Mr. Reid holds a position of
u nusual distinction because
Shawinigan, besides being the
largest power company in Cana
da, is second only to Boulder dam
in yearly output all over North
Highly Praised
Professor E. E. DeCou praises
Reid as being ‘‘a man of capabil
ity and keenness of grasp in his
works, thorough and exact, of
the finest character and ability,”
and on the personality side, “very
kindly and friendly, pleasant, a
gentleman always.”
His skill in managing people—
as well as volts—probably came
in part from his activities while
at Oregon. Quite a BMOC (Big
Man on the Campus) Reid played
football, served as secretary for
the Oregon YMCA and kept
enough power on the scholastic
side to conduct a class in college
mathematics his senior year and
graduate Summa Cuum Laude.
Taught Here
Upon graduation Reid married
Edna M. Houston, '09, and stayed
on at Oregon for six years as in
structor and later assistant pro
fessor in the department of elec
trical engineering. His career as
a teacher stopped in 1916 when
engineering degrees were taken
out of the Oregon curriculum.
Reid now had opportunities to
put his skill to practical use and
proceeded to do so. In Canada to
which he moved in 1916 (al
though he still retains his United
States citizenship and a home in
Boston), Reid’s energy and in
dustry combined with that of
Shawinigan brought remarkable
results. He began as an electrical
engineer when the output was a
little 113,000 horsepower per
year; the two have grown until
last year the plant reached a
peak of 1,265,000 horsepower—
and Reid won the highest engin
eering position, general superin
He's no more one-sided in his
profession than he was in his
studies at Oregon. Among his
favorite pastimes are golf and
fishing and he has carried on his
University interest in sports by
becoming a member of the Mon
treal Amateur Athletic associa
(Please turn to page six)
•i* 'It it* *1? r4’ 'i? *4* '1’ *4* ,4’ *1? *4* *4* *4’ •l* *4* rt rl?•i? •4’ *4*r£•
To the Editor:
I am a chrome gpiper—I ob
ject to rain and cold wind. I object
tain things appearing regularly
in the Emeralifejflt don’t like
drinking coffee cpfnpound and go
ing without chewpng gum occa
sionally or stayifig in Eugene
over Thanksgiving; I don’t like
the Greyhound' Puses, I hate
war, Freddy Martin, and parsnips.
Until today nolle of this com
monplace has beep worth an ef
fort to the editor; of the campus
news organ. But -an occurrence
which has irked file, and I pre
sume others on tlie-Oregon ca'
pus during past! years, takes
place periodically jat each of con
to Grace Moore.,.| object to cer
certs in our series.
The occurrence; I refer to is
the predominance^ in the audi
ence, vocally, at least, of per
sons who, delight Severyone about
them and themselves with re
marks such as, “Two dollars to
hear a dog-and-cat fight!” Re
cently Paul Draper’s appearance
brought, “Woo! . Woo! . . .
and . . . “you forgot your coat,
Bud!” from persons too close for
comfort. After hig' first number,
and with still no well-rounded
Rita Hayworth as a dancing part
ner to divert the vcoon coat ele
ment, they settled down to the
business of being amusing to
those who laugh at -stupidity.
“. . . Now he is a sea-gull”
and “Like a cloud” illustrate $
nature of further comment. Ap
parently these observations were
far too clever to be discreetly
passed along to other devotees
of funny-men, so they were
forced upon all within range. The
remarks were not un-funny in
themselves—it is only that some
of us came to witness a pair of
extraordinary talents.
By way of constructive criti
cism and suggestion to Univer
(Plcasc turn to Page Six)
Juke Jive Aids Drive
Campus juke boxes at Syra
cuse university will swing out
for the war chest j drive. Some
stores have pledged 47 per cent
of the total receipts from the
machines for the two week drive.
Others have pledged from 22 to
25 per cent.
—Syracuse Daily Orange
New Course at U. of W.
A new Japanese language
course at the University of Wash
ington will qualify students for
army intelligence school at tt V
end of spring quarter. The court*/
will be taught selected students
two hours a day for ten credits
a quarter until June.
— The Washington Daily