Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    Photo by Bill Goldstein
. . . receive cigarettes collected in the recent fag drive from .Marian Schaefer, Florence Hamilton,
Mrs. Kelly, Eugene USO head, Dean Karl W. Onth ink, and Len Barde, head of the student war council.
Armed Forces Seek Men
For Meteorology Courses °
All University students interested in training for meteor
ology, whether they are now qualified for the advanced course
in the subject or not, are being urged to contact A. F. Mour
sund. head of mathematics department, or W. V. Norris, act
ing head of the physics department, in order to make the
number of possible Oregon candidates for the course known
to the University of Chicago
where the joint meteorological
board is located.
Students chosen for the course
will go to a training center
where they will be classed as avi
ation cadets, non-flying status.
Urgent Need
Because of the urgent need for
meteorologists, and in order to
more efficiently coordinate the
serices that unviersities can give
the armed forces, the university
meteorology committee has been
organized with Professor C. G.
Rossby of the University of Chi
cago as chairman.
This committee has set up a
joint meteorological recruiting
boards at the University of Chi
cago in order to centralize and
standardize th;e recruitment of
candidates for advanced training,
and in order to promote the prep
aration by all colleges and univer
sities, of the greatest number of
men and women for the advanced
Large Number
The advanced class which will
start in January urgently needs
Campus USO Drive Proceeds
Play Part in Send-off Party
Last Tuesday, November 10, the first of the cigarettes
from the campus USO drive were used for the draftees leav
ing Eugene at a send-off party given them at noon, according
to Rohda Harkson, chairman of the drive.
As the 28 newly-inducted soldiers from "Lane county were
given a farewell gift of cookies, candy, cigarettes and maga
zincs they seemed just a little
surprized, but a good deal hap
pier. Send-off parties will be held
about once a week.
Draftees Get Fags
Cigarettes from the drive will
be used hereafter only for draft
parties. The student war council
has decided against sending any
to Camp Adair. Soldiers can get
them for 6 cents while the draf
tees, not yet actually in the army,
are still on civilian privileges.
About 35 of the 2,022 packages
collected on the campus were
used, the others will be given out
little by little as the boys leave.
The magazines given were from
the box in Claypool’s drug store,
collection depot of the campus.
Magazines and books are still
welcomed by the USO commit
USOers at the station were
Mrs. Kelly, director of the USO
in Eugene, Dean Karl W. On
tliank, Dean Hazel P. Schwering,
Len Barde, chairman of the stu
dent war council, Florence Ham
ilton, Marion Schaefer, and Roh
da Harkson, chairman for the
USO on the campus.
Norma Trevorrow was to be
a member of the party, but, by
necessity was late. The photog
rapher took her bicycle to arrive
on time to get pictures.
At first shy and a little timid,
the future army men spoke free
ly about themselves, their mili
tary life to be, and everything
but their destination, which is
unknown even to them.
As his last gesture before leav
ing. one of the boys carefully en
trusted Miss Harkson with two
big folders, trusting in her to
mail them after the train had
The boys and the seeing-off
party were in good spirits when
the train finally pulled out. One
sailor leaned out of the window,
trying frantically to find some
one on the platform who knew
his only acquaintance in town.
When he did, he yelled back, “For
gosh sakes, tell her that her bro
ther came through and will be
back Sunday.”
The World’s News Seen Through
The Christian Science Monitor
An International Daily Newspaper
One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts
is Truthful — Constructive — Unbiased — Free from Sensational
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Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year.
Introductory Otter, 6 Issues 25 Cents.
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'W T
Photo by Bill Goldstein
. . . to Marguerite Keating, right, representative of the Pi Beta Phi
iremen, for the most original costumes at Coed Capers. Marge Dib
ble, left, AWS president, made the presentation.
Social Problems Series
Opened Sunday by Club
The first in the new series of
discussions sponsored by the
Newman club will be given Sun
day at 7 p.m. at the YMCA house,
by Father F. P. Leipzig of St.
Mary’s Catholic church, it was
announced by Ferdy Reiuke, pres
ident of the Newman club.
The subject of discussion in a
series treating of vital social
problems, is, “Sox, a Frank Dis
cussion of the Problem, and an
Explanation of the Natural Cath
olic Standards."
At the close of the discussion
an opportunity will be given the
students to ask questions. The
meeting will close with entertain
ment for all and refreshments.
Marian Schaefer and Helen Gil
son will be in charge of this por
tion of the program. All Catholic
students are urged to attend.
Others are welcome.
Pill Palace
Loses Three
Behind the greenish-cream col
ored doors of the University sick
bay all is quiet. The '“brawny”
men of Oregon—and women—arc
upholding the reputation given
them by Captain Collins of the
marines for being resistant phy
sical specimens. There were no
admittances Friday and three
people were released. Those freed
were Henry Ford, Bud Fenton,
and Dorothy Paddock.
Five, however, are still be
tween the sheets. They are Eve
lyn Webb. Barbara Bock, John
Bubalo, Willson Maynard, and
Bob Hays.
The Girls’ Rifle club at the
University of Nebraska are re
ceiving instructions on the skill
of handling rifles. They are
charged a fee of $1 to pay for the
a large number of students, and
everyone interested should make
inquiries and applications at
The committee is eager to re
ceive inquiries from all men and
women in college who are inter
ested in training in meteorolos'^,
whether they are now qualif*e/
for the advanced course or not,
so that they can be prepared to
offer accurate data in the future
regarding the number of avail
able trainees.
To qualify for the course the
prospective candidate must meet
the following requirements:
He must have completed his
sophomore year in college, have
specialized in the sciences of en
gineering, and must have satis
factorily completed thorough
courses in mathematics, includ
ing differential and integral cal
culus, and at least a thorough
one-year course in general phy
He must be a citizen of the
United States, between the ages
of 18 and 30 inclusive, of good
character, sound physique and||J)
cellent health. While the physical
requirements are less than those
for flying training, the candidate
must meet the standards pre
scribed for appointments in the
officers reserve corps of the
army. If he is married, he must
certify that his dependents have
sufficient means of support while
he is undergoing o/viation cadet
Aviation Cadets
Those chosen for the course
will enter the military service as
aviation cadets in non-flying sta
tus. They will receive free tui
tion and in addition receive the
regular pay and allowances of
an aviation cadet; $75 per month
plus $1 per day ration allowance,
and $1.15 per day quarters allow
ance, cr a total of about $140 ner
All successful applicants for
this training will be enlisted in
the air corps enlisted reserve on
inactive duty for subsequent as
signment to a future cadet me
teorology class and will conse
quently be free from induction
under the selective service act.
Those who satisfactorily com
plete the course, covering a pe
riod of approximately nine
months will be eligible for com
missions as second lieutenants in
the air corps reserves.
Students meeting the qualifi
cations and interested in this
course should furnish the nearest
training center with the follow
ing papers:
1. Application for aviation ca
det. Indicate therecn that JY
teorology training is desired.
2. Three letters of recommen
3. Birth certificate.
(Continued front paqe our)
ant Hathaway may be on hand.
General instructions for quali
fications to sign up and general
rules and regulations after en
listment will be discussed by each
of the women. Then the meet
ing will be thrown open to dis
cussion and questions.
This will be the only time wtfV
en students will be able to get
first-hand information about the
WAVES and WAACS and their
connection with university