Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    Drama Department Issues Call
For Volunteer Personnel
Many volunteer positions are open this year for worx
formerly done by NYA students in the University theater,
according to Mrs. Ottilie T. Seybolt, head of the University
drama division.
“The theater must depend primarily upon volunteers
this year, many of whom have an early chance to become
Coeds Greet
Band; Alums
(Continued, from page one)
day they will be greeted by this
bevy of smiling girls who will
take them on a tour of the cam
pus, and' see that they arrive at
living organizations for dinner.
The interfraternity council has
announced that the 28 “swing
sters” of the Dorsey band will
spend the night at the different
men’s houses, according to Pat
Cloud, Homecoming chairman.
Sitting Iloom Only
All tickets for the dance have
been completely sold with the
exception of balcony seats for
listening at $1.10 a person. The
dance will start at 9 p.m. and
end approximately 12:15. Late
permission has been granted for
the evening.
After much discussion short
silks have been definitely decid
ed upon and absolutely no flow
ers are to be sent.
Sign Entries Due
A final warning- was an
nounced by Bill Lilly, sign con
test chairman - all houses must
have their entries in by 12 noon
today. No sign can be judged
without an entry. These are to
be handed in to Lilly at the Sig
ma Chi house.
Two large good looking cups
are being donated by Russell’s
and Byrom & Kneeland’s—one to
the winning womon's living or
ganization who' have the most
original and appropriate sign, and
one to the winning men’s living
organization. These cups will be
presented during intermission at
the Homecoming- dance by Bill
Lilly and Pat Cloud.
“O” Men Meet
Saturday noon in Gerlinger
hall will be the annual get-to
gether of all lettermen alums at
the Order of the “O” luncheon.
“Because of the lack of trans
portation and as the army has
been turned into a filter center,
the alumni gathering after the
game at the Eugene armory has
definitely been cancelled,” stated
Cloud. •/
Three o'Clock Club
Three o’Clock club meets to
night. All loyal Emerald work
ers invited to attend.
The meeting is of special im
portance as it is to be a fare
well meeting honoring Frank
Loomis, Emerald linotypist,
who is moving to Medford.
part of its acting personnel; and
who will, therefore, be eligible for
consideration of any active roles
that are not filled by the regis
tered players,” said Mrs. Seybolt.
Various Types
Some jobs are constant
throughout the year, including
make-up custodian, costume cus
todian, typists, and office work
ers, while others, such as ticket
sellers and other assistants to
the business manager, exist pri
marily during the two or three
weeks immediately before a pro
Besides making the holder eli
gible for consideration of any
roles in major productions not al
ready filled by the regular com
pany of Guild hall players, each
job will offer its holder useful
and valuable experience, thinks
the drama director.
Accidental Breaks
“Many a successful actor in the
professional theater received his
first 'break’ by accidentally be
ing on hand when a fill-in was
needed and making good in that
opportunity,” she added.
At present, out of a long list of
volunteers who have signed as
script girls, Beverly Beals, June
Grantz, Gerry Stowell, and Peg
gy Brattain are helping with the
forthcoming' production, “Watch
on the Rhine,’ which opens Fri
day, November 13, one week
from today.
Box Office Assistants
Box office assistants on this
same production include Norma
Baker, Marilyn Odom, Ed Pren
tice, and Gale Edinger.
Additional aides will be needed
soon, so all persons interested
should give their names and tele
phone numbers to Keith Hoppes,
business manager, located in 103
Johnson hall, phone 700 or Uni
versity extension 217, it was re
Special Interests
Mrs. Seybolt is anxious to hear
from any students who have spe
cial interests in other phases of
the theater such as make-up, pos
ter design, costuming, and pub
licity writing.
According to Mrs. Seybolt, a
person need not be an actor to
be active in dramatics, for it
takes all kinds of people to make
up a theater group.
Phi Beta Announces
Pledging of 12 Girls
Phi Beta, women's music hon
orary, has announced the pledg
ing of the following girls:
Irene Clark, Ester Griffith,
June Grantz, Alfhild Wahl, Char
lotte Allen, Sigme Ekland, Mar
jory Junor, Betty Bennett, Eu
nice Hough, Gladys Stevenson,
Frances Brobert, and Dorothy
Ice Cream
Visit Our Modern Dairy Store
Toasted Sandwiches—Salads
Gustafson’s Dutch Girl
1224 Willamette St. Phone 1932.
Drama Studio
Holds Auditions
Drama students auditioned for
the first lower-division produc
tion in the history of the depart
ment, last night at 8 in the stu
dio cottage, under the direction
of Horace Robinson, dramatic
This is in keeping with the new
policy of encouraging lower-di
vision students to participate in
productions in order to give them
more experience. Approximately
half of the Guild hall plays of
the year will be opened to fresh
men, sophomores, and some jun
iors, according to Mr. Robinson.
Students, who were unable to
attend Thursday's tryouts, may
contact Mr. Robinson in the
drama studio Monday, Wednes
day, or Friday of next week after
3 p.m. for auditions.
Houses to Invite
Board Members
All men’s living organizations
have been sent letters this week
offering them an opportunity to
invite members of the procure
ment board on the campus to
luncheon or dinner dates during
their visit.
Several organizations have not
yet answered these letters, and
they are urged to do so at once.
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel administration, should be
informed of the date they wish
to entertain the officers.
Officers from the procurement
board will be on the campus until
November 13.
Girls Prepared
(Continued from pat/c one)
June Walker; Alpha Xi Delta,
Ruth Van Buskirk; Chi Omega,
Joan Dolph; Highland, Betty
Jones; Hilyard, Berniece David
son; University, Betty McFad
Delta Delta Delta, Flora Kib
ler; Delta Gamma, Nancy Mc
Lynn; Gamma Phi Beta, Gaynor
Thompson; Susan Campbell,
Marion Burlingham; Kappa Alpha
Theta, Leslie Brocklebank; Kap
pa Kappa Gamma, Bonnie Jean
Range; Pi Beta Phi, Marguerite
Keating; Sigma Kappa, Fern
Prickett; Hendricks, June Taylor;
Zeta Tau Alpha, Pat Stewart.
Orides has not as yet been cho
Chairman of clean-up, Berniece
Granquist announces the follow
ing: Alpha Chi, Barbara Isaac,
Peggy McGinnis; Alpha Delta
Pi, Jeanne Smith, Ruth La Fran
chi; Alpha Omicron Pi, Mary
Louise Uhls, Kay Lloyd; Alpha
Gamma Delta, Marjorie Earl,
Betty Ann Chatburn; Alpha Phi,
Phyllis Wifter, aPtty Van Hoos
ear; Alpha Xi Delta, Betty White,
Dorothy Manville; Chi Omega,
Dorothy Shepherd, Beverly Cam
eron; Delt Delta Delta, Flora
Kibler, Mary Lee Steel; Delta
Gamma, Janice Hough, Cecile
Noren; Gamma Phi Beta, Betty
Butler, Mary Ellen McCurdy;
Kappa Alpha Theta, Joanne Hol
stead, Dorothy Mott.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alysone
Hales, Mary Bush; Pi Beta Phi,
Janet Barringer, Carol Teng
wald; Sigma Kappa, Marian Mad
den. Mary Corrigan; Zeta Tail
Alpha, Marjorie Portallis, Mil
dred Watkins; Hendricks, Marcia
Allen, Mary Duffy; Susan Camp
bell, Carolyn Blaine, Betty Crabb;
Highland. Rose Mary Fishback,
Betty Jones. Representatives
from Kilvard, University, and
Orides have not as yet been cho
University of Minnesota stu
dents called into service before
earning their ^degrees are given
individual certificates.
Tri-Delts Work Long
Pledges Announced
Winner last week for the
most hours spent at the cam
pus Red Cross center was the
Delta Delta Delta sorority
with 14</2 hours.
A white washable bandana,
not wool, and a white dress,
blouse or skirt are the only req
uisites for the surgical dress
ing unit.
Violators Pay
Hack Penalty
These men are asked to be on
the steps of the law school
promptly at 12:30 today. Those
who do not appear are in line for
mill-racing. Lettermen are also
asked to be present.
Don Stanton, Bill Bodner. Bill
Hanna, Roger Welley, Ed Allen,
Ray Erickson ,Jim Snyder, Pat
Cloud, John Garrison, Dave Bur
rick, Jack McMahan, Kelly Snow,
Fein Seldom, Bill Ray, Everett
Lerwick, John Drummond, Nell
and' Huff, Don Bearisto, Roger
Barendrick, George Wilson,
Dutch Simmons, Ernie Hinkle, A1
Rouse, Frank Bosch, Jim Good
John Kelty, Bob Alzord, Kim
McKim, Clovis, Bob Parker. Rod
new Wagner, Jerry Woodward.
Bob Prowell, Ed Walters, Bob
Allegre, Ken Shetterly, Ray Velt
man, Bill Loud, A1 Popick, and
Sam Crowell.
Aid Grants Given
To Science Schod>
Two grants-in-aid were award
ed by the Penrose fund of the
American Philosophical society
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to
Drs. Clancy and Huestis of the
science department.
Dr. Clancy was given $1.50 with
which he bought an electrical
colorimeter to be used to study
the relation of hormones to the
eye color in the fruit fly droso
phila. The grant was mainly for
Dr. Huestis was given $400 for
study of the breeding of deer
mice and their hereditary char
acteristics. His research will con -,
tribute to the University’s stu%)
in genetics an investigation of
how the forerunners of these
characteristics are arranged in
different species.
Although there is no immediate
practical result from discoveries
made, Dr. Huestis said, they will
be able to get an entire picture
cf genetics and heredity.
Pledges announced Thursday
by the dean of men’s office were
Charles Russell, Phi Kappa Psi,
and Robert Forbes, Sigma Alpha
Harlan Fiske Stone, chief jus
tice of the United States, and Jo
seph Clark Grew, former am
bassador to Japan, received hon
orary degrees recently at Colgate
Ajfte/i the Qame
Bring Mom and Dad
in for a snack and a chat. We’re
glad to serve you always with
the best shakes, sandwiches,
and soft drinks in town.
Talk It Over at
Robertson's Cafe
550 East 13th