I1 . .. . ... . Bears Favored Over Webfoots Husky Win Gives Cal Nod Over Webfoots Sports Staff: Lee Flatberg Fred Treadgold Bill Stratton Fred Beckwith Ned Liebman Ace Calise By FRED TREADGOLD Co-Sports Editor, the Emerald BERKELEY, Cal., Oct. 30.—(Special 4.0 the Emerald)—Tension was high in this Bay city as time grew short prior to the opening kickoff which would send Oregon’s big invading juggernaut thun dering onto the green floor of the Memo rial Coliseum to loclc’ grips with the up and-coming California Golden Bears. A throng, upwards of 30,000, was expected to witness the battle between these two oft-defeated clubs. Boys “in the know” down here were hesi tant about placing any large bets on the game. It was considered strictly a toss-up affair, with perhaps a slight advantage going' to the Blue and Gold clan on the strength of their •showing' against the Washington Huskies last week. Jurkovich Smooth Stub Allison, venerable Cal. mentor, was expected by the rail-birds to loose a power laden offensive, paced by his ‘‘Big Berthas," Joltin' Jim Jurkovich. smooth-functioning halfback, and Frank Porto, line-cracking full hack. These two teamed up last week to man gle Washington 19 to 6. The Golden Hears, after a sporadic start, have shown definite signs of shak ing fheir lethargy and will bo out to clip MANNY VEZIE . . . . . . will help “Honest Jawn” wear a path in front of the Oregon bench .today in Berkeley. tin* Ducks’ wing's in their hid for grid fame. Oregon’s big' Green eleven, however, had much the same at titude, that of using the Cali fornians as a stepping-stone to regain some of the “face" they lost because of early conference • eversals. Ducks to Pass The much-discussed weak Cali fornia pass-defense was expect ed to receive a thorough trial by the “pass-happy" Ducks. This vaunted Oregon air show features two sophomores Bob by Reynolds, colored star, and Roy Erickson, green but promis ing youngster and was consid ered the best card which Oregon Boss John Warren could play. Both Reynolds and Erickson have proved their worth under actual game fire. With such capable receivers as Buss Nowling, All-Coast pros pect, and Big Jim Shephard, “sticky-fingered" wingman, the ■Thick aerial assault shaped up as fm even more ominous threat to the Bears. Oregon will !>e at full strength for the first time in almost u month. Hoy “Tippy" Dyer, victim of a shoulder in jury against Washington three weeks ago, lias shaken his lnlrt and will open at right' hftlf. Behemothic Dick Ashcom. a lower of strength in the Duck 4huo, is slated to open at one of 1 he tackle berths after a siege ia the hospital ward. With Ash com's added heft, the Duck for ward wall will tip the beam close to the 206-pound mark. The rest of the Duck starting' positions will remain static. Big guns in tlie Golden Bear front line are Brunei Christen sen, hulking renter; Bob Her rero, large blit erafty guard; and End John Ferguson. If the Ducks can halt the ram blings of Jurkovich, Porto, and cohorts, they will have nipped the Bear offense in the bud. That is n huge assignment as any of ^Washington's players will testi fy. Most of the California plays me run from an unbalanced line fcvlth a single wing-back forma tion as its basis. Revenge for Cal California worshippers haven't Pnahahle Oregon Shephard ... Moshofsky Rhea Bodner cuiweii . Ashcom Nowling .... . Roblin . Reynolds . Dyer Davis . LG C R G RT RE Q L H R H ..F.... JllneupA* California . Doerr _ Seaver . Herrero Christensen _ Gentner _ DeCoudres .. Ferguson McCarthy . Jurkovich . Graves . Porto Professional Football Functions Despite War Professional football, the game of smash for cash, lias undergone some changes this year. Most no ticeable at a close-up “bird’s-eye" view of the situation is the fact that all the gridders that per form for “dough-ray-me” are no doubt married or temoparily de ferred from military service. It does net seem likely that a guy who is strong enough to mix with the 250-pound behemoths that grace the average profes sional team’s forward fall, would receive a “physically unfit" clas sification from Uncle Sam. Of eodrse, the men that have been in the game for five or ten years have no doubt acquired a Mrs. somewhere along the line. Pursue Luscious Lettuce Some of the most able-bodied men in the country are still en gaged in a civilian pursuit of luscious lettuce, that green stuff the banks hoard. Throwing out forgotten the 19 to 7 humiliation that their heroes received last year in Portland by Oregon. It was in that contest that All American Tackle Bob Reinhard was rendered impotent by the fu rious charging and cagey mouse trapping of the Duck linemen. the fact that some of these pig skinners have dependent wives, it doesn't seem fair that physi cally fit men who weekly throw crashing' blocks, execute vicious tackles and flip the cowhide half the length of the greensward, shouldn’t be- serving our armed forces abroad or at heme, in the capacity of physical education in structors, at least. Some of the “pros" have gone into the service; Norm Stand lee, accepted in many circles today as the outstanding full back of his time, left a liigh saVaried job in the ranks of the Chicago Bears and enlisted in the army. Some of his team mates did likewise. Even by a stretch of imigin-.. ation. ycu cannot say that play ing professional football is aiding the war effort, certainly not from a public morale standpoint. Two years ago, the sport scribes of the nation prophesied that the sport of playing ball for money was giving serious competition to traditional amateur football, col legiate style. The men that are playing college football today are doing everything they can for the war effort. A great majority of them are enlisted in military re (Please turn to page six) Cal-Oregon Statistics Oregon and California have played 18 games from 1899 to 1941, and the Bears have quite an edge on the Ducks. The Bears have won 12 games and Oregon 6. None have been ties. California has rolled up a total of 240 points to the Ducks’ 116. Year 1899 . 1900 . 1904 . 1916 . 1917 . 1918 . 1921 . 1925 . 1926 . Ore. . 0 . 4 . 0 . 39 . 21 . 0 0 . 0 . 21 Cal. 12 0 12 14 0 6 39 28 13 Year 1927 . 1928 1935 . 1936 1937 . 1938 . 1939 . 1940 . 1941 Ore. 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 6 . 6 . 19 Cal 16 13 £ 26 20 0 14 7 Four PCC Contests Today; UCLA-Stanford Top Tilt King- Football takes another deep breath of autumn air into his lungs and limbers up for an other Saturday of action. I Here at Eugene, radio sets will be dialed to the California-Ore gon game which takes place in Memorial Stadium, Berkeley, Cal. According to the gents who lay cash down on the line for their favorites, Mister Stub Al lison’s Bears hold the trump cards, and thus have been estab lished as favorites, at 10-8 money. Duck Chances Our beloved Webfoots are banking their chances on: (1) A new-found spirit, an nexed in that 28-0 victory at hap less Idaho's hands last week. (2) Return to the lineup of Roy Dyer, veteran right halfback. (3) A well-conditioned forward wall, graced with men who have been riding the splinter circuit much of this season, due to in juries. The University of California, a notoriously slow - starting club, usually shakes off the lethargy in mid-season and “STUB” ALLISON . . . . . . Cal mentor who plays host to Oregon’s Webfoots today. starts driving along about the first of November. Mrs. Jurko vich’s famous son Jim will be guiding the Blue and Gold des (Please turn to Page Six) ICE SKATING THE SEASON IS HERE Buy Your Ice Skates Now. We Have a Complete Stock. $8.95 Up. HENDERSHOTT'S Eugene s Leading Sporting Goods Store HUNTING SUPPLIES 770 Willamette. Phone 151.