Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    ’Watch on Rhine’ Presented
Nov. 13,14,18,19, in Theater
Plans are well under way for the University theater
production of “Watch on the Rhine,” Lillian Heilman’s world
jrenowned drama, to be presented November 13, 14, 18, and 19
in the Guild theater, according to Mrs. Ottilie T. Seybolt, di
rector of the University drama division.
“Players have covered the first attack on timing of the
play and next week will concen
trate on the polishing and finish
ing touches,” said Mrs. Seybolt.
Sets Constructed
Stage sets for the unusual pro
duction are being coastructed un
der the direction of Horace W.
Robinson, assistant professor of»
•speech and dramatic arts.
‘‘Although written prior to
America’s entering the war, the
play, which deals with the pres
ent world crisis, is of vital con
temporary interest,” said Mrs.
Two Ysars on Broadway
After running on Broadway for
two seasons it is now on tour
throughout the United States.
Briefly, “Watch on the Rhine”
is the story of Kurt Muller, a
German, who returns to the Unit
ed States with his American wife,
hoping to leave her with her fam
ily while he leaves again for Ger
many. It concerns the trials of
a freedom-loving family who
are willing to sacrifice anything,
including their own lives, in their
desire to wipe out the evil force
of nazism.
Eleven Players
The cast of eleven players in
cludes Bob Farrow, Kay Daugh
erty Richards, Gordon Cochran,
Maxine McNeil, Bobby Joe Quig
ley, Jim Bronson, Louise Ross
man, Dan Westler, Marjorie Quig
ley, Preston, Phipps, and Vivian
“I think this shows the most
generous human interest of any
thing Miss Heilman has written,
for its characters are fine every
day people with a graciousness
about them that will appeal to all
types of theater-goers,” says
Mrs. Seybolt.
Season tickets for the three
planned University dramatic pro
ductions will go on sale for the
last time next Tuesday at the box
office in Johnson hall. Each
ticket is priced at $1 plus a ten
cent tax.
Fraternities Pledge
Pledging of four men was an
nounced Thursday by the dean
of men’s office. Those pledged
were Peter A. Torchia and Bill
X. Murphy, Sigma Nu; R. Emmett
Meade, Theta Chi; and Robert E.
Santee, Delta Upsilon.
Dance Group
Plans Recital
Elise Older, president of mas
ter dance, has announced that
the modern dance honorary is
now working on a program to be
presented as an informal studio
recital shortly after Thanksgiv
ing. All the returning old mem
bers and two new junior mem
bers, Margaret Brinkley and Mary
Alderson, who were accepted re
cently at the regular try-outs,
will be included in the program.
The dance group has a new ad
viser this year, Miss Josephine
Yantis, who is replacing Mrs.
Pirkko Roescker as instructor in
modern dance.
OPA Distributes Forms
For Gasoline Rations
Thursday the office of price
administration began distribution
of gasoline ration application
forms fcr America’s 27,000,000
motorists. Actual rationing be
gins November 22.
The blanks have a space for
tire records and for a basic gaso
line allowance of four gallons a
week. They soon will be availa
ble at filling stations and gar
ages. When filled out, the form
may be presented to a registrar
at local schools beginning No
vember 9.
No one will be given a gaso
line ration who has more than
five tires. Any tires ever the five
may be disposed of by calling
Railway Express, the agency ap-.
pointed for collection. Donors
will be paid’ for all tires taken.
Library Tabs Books
The library has been cataloging
books from the collection of the
late Ethel Sawyer. Miss Sawyer
served as librarian for the brows
ing room from September, 1937,
until her death, August 29.
The books will be known as
the Ethel Sawyer collection and
are to be housed in the browsing
room. They will be displayed for
the first time during Homecom
ing weekend, November 6-8.
Iron Rumor Disproved
Rumors to the effect that there
is a large deposit of iron in thj
mountains near the McKenzie
pass were spiked by Dr. Warren
D. Smith, geologist at the Uni
versity. He announced that the
geologic structure of the region
made it highly improbable that
any appreciable amount of ore
could be found in that area.
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