Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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    ESA Committee
ISA seniors reorganized their
activities committee at the sen
ate meeting Thursday afternoon,
under the direction of Jack Rob
inson, newly-appointed activity
Living organization heads were
appointed to expedite this term's
program of encouraging partici
pation in activities. Betty Ann
Keup is in charge of dormitories;
Audrey Holiday, co-ops; and the
uerson to take charge of students
ying off the campus has not
been chosen yet.
Board Formed
They will form a board under
Jack Robinson to handle the file
cards, decide ,on activity policy,
and help individual representa
tives in each organization. These
representatives will be responsible
for notifying interested students
when positions are available and
for distributing file cards.
At the end of the year, they
will compile a list of each per
son’s activities in their organiza
tion, which will compete for the
Huestis cup, awarded by a fac
ulty committee to the house with
the most active students.
3 Appointed
Betty Ann Keup, Hildegarde
Roselund, and Ivan Kirschman
were appointed to serve on a
'fcpmittee to interest students
uW the campus in sending a rep
resentative to the senate meet
Students also presented sugges
tions for amending the constitu
tion which will be considered at
the next meeting, November 12.
Fill Palace Now Houses
Streptococci infections are the
reason why a large percentage of
the eight infirmary inmates are
where they are.
Fred Callison and Morton Rick
hart have now joined the ranks
of pill-palace patients. Others
who are patiently waiting their
day of freedom are: Adele Can
ada, Katherine Ross, Fritz Gie
secke, Bob Tramp, Jim Sherbert,
d Leon Benveniste.
. . . Emerald editor, .whose domain
will be invaded this afternoon
when as many of the ASUO as
can get in, mil crowd the jour
nalism “shack” for the SDX
Emerald “Shack Rat Shuffle.”
Sigma Chi Sweetheart
Narrowed Down to Five
The five finalists chosen in the
Sigma Chi sweetheart contest
Thursday night are: Betty Mc
Ta.vish, Tri Delt; Jenny Koyken
riall, Pi Phi; Jean Brice, Alpha
Phi; Barbara Bell, Alpha Phi, and
Virginia Wright, Gamma Phi.
After the vote Sunday, ballots
will be counted by the house
presidents of each of the houses
represented by the finalists. The
announcement will be made over
KORE at 8 p.m. Sunday.
At Second Glance
(Continued from pacjc tivo)
ever, once inside the army and
the various and numerous con
tacts that had to be made, this
chap began to realize that there
was actually something to the
temperament of others—moods,
feelings, and even convictions.
Slowly he began to see the rela
tionship of literature to this sit
An obscure method of deduc
tion, to be sure, but he saw every
one as a. potential author of his
own, ready to set down his own
Navitol A & D__».67c
Vitakaps Improved...$1.27
Codanol—Vitamins A B C D G . 98c
Squibb High Potency A B D G $2.98
Squibb Brewer's Yeast Tablets .. 49c
One-A-Day B Complex 44c
Groves' A B D Tablets. 23c
Benefax A and D Capsules.39c
Various Faculty
Changes Made
In addition to lengthening the
Christmas vacation and shorten
ing November holidays, the state
board of higher education Tues
day made a number of personnel
changes at its meeting in Port
Those affecting the University
of Oregon are:
Leaves of absence- —Dr. Harold
Bernard, assistant professor of
education, to military service:
Dr. Hugh B. Wood, professor of
education, to military service;
Earl E. Boushey, assistant pro
fessor of physical education, to
military service.
Marvin E. Krenk, instructor of
speech and dramatic arts, to mil
itary service; Dr. Lloyd Staples,
assistant professor of geology,
special war work; Paul R. Wash
ke, professor of physical educa
tion, to military service; contin
uation of leave for Herman Kchr
li, director of municipal research,
and leave for Harold Wyatt, act
ing director.
Appointments—Dr. P. A. Kill
gallon as associate professor of
education; Dr. Elmer Berry as
assistant professor of physical
education; Dr. Willis B. Merriam
as assistant professor of geology
and geography; Lieut. Robert G.
Davis and Lieut. Dwight H. Near,
Jr., as assistant professors of
military science and tactics.
Resignation—Ned B. Johns, as
sistant professor of physical ed
ideals. Then.he began to wonder
about Milton, Chaucer, Shake
speare and the rest that he had
joked over during school. And he
saw through them an under
standing of human nature. To
him that was one of the most
important things he had taken at
School now, as insecure as it
might be.
But he’s reading now, has just
finished Tolstoy’s "War and
Pearce,” and is convinced that
he forgot a long time ago about
merchandising, advertising and
even family relations. It has tak
en him over three months to fin
ish Tolstoy which is probably
worth more than just three hours
of credit towards a 2.75. And he's
just a buck-private with a gun
and a cynical attitude about his
"wasted” time while at school.
Dan Wessler, holding down the
villainous role of Tech in “Watch
on the Rhine” believes in living
his part, but probably not to the
extent of repeating what hap
pened earlier this week in one of
his classes. During lecture Dan
slid into intermittent slumber and
was awakened by mention of his
name by the instructor. Asked a
question, he suddenly answered
in a thick, gutteral Germanic ac
cent that he hate to carry during
the three acts of the play. The
instructor’s eyebrows slid across
her forehead, Dan muttered and
blushed. We’re waiting for a.
Weather Forecast
Friday: Mist.
Saturday: Mist.
Sunday: Bullseye!
Soldiers' Fag Drive
(Continued from pape one)
er to wind up the drive. Repre
sentatives will be responsible for
their own boxes, and will report
with the box contents to the USO
headquarters each day.
Members of the committee are
Florence Hamilton, Betty Bevil,
and Marion Schaefer. Other ap
pointments will be made later.
The campus USO is under the
student war council, headed by
Len Barde.
Longest biography in Who’s
Who is 129 lines.
. . . member of the ASl’O war
board who plans to gather pack
ages of cigarettes to transfer to
the I'SO for U.S. army men.
Power Personnel Man
To Interview Students
Leonard Ruecker, former bas
ketball manager at the Univer
sity of Oregon and now employed
by the Puget Sound Power and
Light company, will be in the of
fice of the University employ
ment secretary in the YMCA hut
today to interview applicants for
employment in this company.
Mr. Ruecker will interview all
those interested who did not get
to talk to Mr. C. W. Sherman,
personnel officer of the company,
when he was on the campus Wed
j Co-op Farm Fling Set;
Carey Band Slated
George Carey's orchestra \1
supply music for the all co-op
barn dance to be held in Gt
ger hall tonight. Overalls sad
calico are designated uniform; to
be worn for the dance which .1)1
last from 9 p.m. until 12 o’clock.
Gerlinger hall will be libe.vJly
sprinkled with pumpkins, scare
crows and numerous posters by
Doris Horton for the occasio n
Committee chairmen appointed
by Adele Higgs, head of the so
cial chairmen, are Paul Thurston,
decorations; Betty Jones, pro
grams; Betty McFadden, chap
erons; A1 Larsen, check room;
Wally Bullard, intermission pro
gram. The intermission program
will consist of talent from thv six
booperative houses.
New Anxiety
(Continu'd from page tzvo)
mans made meager gains at ter
rific cost, to the North Caucasus
where Hitler's armies are chiv
ing forward in an effort to reach
the Georgian military highway
and proceed to the Caspian st a.
The scene today appears favor
able for the Allies in one Sect on
definitely; Africa; in Russia
there are signs of both Russian
and Axis successes; little encour
agement can be found anywhere
in the South Pacific theater, but
the impending sea. battle may
change the situation suddenly—
which way remains to be seen.
The University of Texas has
opened two new buildings this
The Eugene Ice Arena in
vites you to its Hallowe’en
party Sat. night. There will be
skating until the witching hour
of midnight at regular prices.
1’. S'.—Cider and doughnuts will be
West 6th Avenue
Repair New
NOW is a good time to check
the wiring and plumbing fix
tures in the campus houses
... while workmen
and material are
still available.
Municipal Electric and Water Utilities