BiiiiiiitiiniinniHniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniinnnniniiititiinriiiiiininiintiiHrHiiiiuiiiiinKiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiitimiiiiimiiiiimiuiimmiiiiinimiiiiniiiininimiiimmimniiittiiimniuiiHiiii Brecon If Emerald Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. .Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. RAY SCHRICK, Editor; BETTY BIGGS SCHRICK, Business Mgr. G. Duncan Wimpress, Managing Editor Jack L. Billings, News Editor John Mathews, Associate Editor Member Pissociated Colle6iate Press ALL-AMERICAN 1942 UPPER NEWS STAFF Lee Flatberg, Sports Editor Marge Major, Women’s Editor Mildred Wilson, Feature Editor Janet Wagstaff, Assistant Editor Joan Dolph, Marjorie Young, Assistant News Editors UPPER BUSINESS STAFF Advertising Managers: John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davis, Russ Smelser. Dwayne Heathman Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager. L,ois Claus, Classified Advertising Man ager. Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertis ing Manager. Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston —Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland—Seattle. “We remember well when billion was of no use ex cept for counting the germs on a public drinking cup.”— Senator Soaper Says, The Oregonian. Weil, Ml. McQ . . . JF SANTA CLAUS has as much trouble delivering his pack ages as University students do mailing theirs, Christmas might not be such a happy time for the younger generation. Packages too large for a local mail box must be sent from the postofficc at Fifth and Willamette streets, since the sub station, formerly located in the Claypool-VanAtta drug store, has been closed because of lack of help. The University postoffice at the physical plant will not handle mail for students since this mail service has been set up exclusively for campus use and mail of University depart ments. There is no other substation between the campus and the downtown postoffice, approximately a mile away. * * * 'T'HIS leaves it up to the student, whether he would rather walk a mile each time he has a package to mail or whether he will drive down, wearing out precious tires and burning up soon-to-be-rationed gasoline. A neater enigma has not present ed itself to the student mind for some time. Surely the “students’ own” Co-op store could handle a much-needed substation, along with all their other absolutely necessary items, such as cameras, Oregon pennants, brass buckles, et al. SametttitUf, New* /Idded... COMRTHING new has been added to spirit of the stands and Oregon’s team. In conference standings, it is the Web foot’s first victory. On the sidelines it is the rally squad standing in V formation for the “Star Spangled Banner,” and in the stands it is the yell that spells win. Gridman Cruiser Ashcom sums it up, "Why, even when we came back for the second half with no score, the stands backed us with every thing they had. We couldn’t let them down.” * * * KASTKRN sports scribe second-guessed: Oregon "might be leading the conference if it had not staked its all on the initial navy game. Coming up to the Idaho contest, the Webfoots could have had a lot of doubts: as to when they would start "clicking,” and as for the stands’ spirit behind them following three straight losses. Those doubts are erased now by the one fell swoop of four 'touchdowns and the Saturday game spirit. 1'he team has found its feet again. So have the stands. • • • A/a