Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1942, Image 1

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High Schoo! Editors
j Ir ide Campus Friday;
1 See Story Column 4
New Social Rules
Distributed to Houses;
See Story Columns 3-4
Ducks Plan Wartime Homecoming Signs
. to decide various problems for the coming dancj . . . shown above are: back row, left, Bob Hen
derson, sophomore class president; Bob Aiken, co-publicity chairman; Virginia Campbell, patrons; Phyl
lis Horstmann, tickets; Harry Glickman, co-publicity chairman; front row, left: Bryce Sidesinger, gen
eral chairman; and Hal Brevig, entertainment.
New Orchestra, Contest Winners Highlight
Entertainment for Sophomore Whiskerino
What the sophomore Whisker
ino lacks in elaborate decorations
and expensive equipment it will
make up for with an entirely new
orchestra and short but good en
That about sums up the sit
uation as Whiskerino time draws
fcjr. The first all-campus dance
of the year is slated for spacious
McArthur court Saturday, Octo
ber 24, following the football
game against the University of
Idaho. Dancing will last from 9
p.m. until 12:15.
Carey Plays
George Carey’s 14-piece Uni
versity dance band will make its
campus debut Saturday, although
the band is scheduled to play a
few numbers in Thursday’s as
All candidates for Betty Co
ed and Joe College are to meet
in Gerlinger hall Thursday
night, at which time a commit
tee will narrow the contestants
down to four each. The men
#411 meet at 7:30 p.m. and the
at 8:15. The committee
consists of Dick Williams, edu
cational activities director; Ed
Walker, University ticket of
fice manager; and Lyle Nelson,
head of the University news
High Sheriff Jim Popp an
nounced Tuesday a final dunking
for those sophomores who have
Violated the non-shave rule will
(Please turn to page eight)
Today's Oregana Pix
Pictures of Phi Sigma Kap
^^.s and Alpha Delta Pis will
be taken today for the 1943
Oregana at the Kennell-Ellis
studios, said J. Wesley Sulli
van, editor.
Drive Staged
A memorial drinking fountain
to Walter Van Atta will be erect
ed on the northeast corner of
Thirteenth and Kincaid streets.
In a recent letter to members of
the faculty, Professor Warren D.
Smith, Dr. John T. Ganoe, and
Dean Ralph W. Leighton of the
University stated that $250 must
be raised among the faculty and
townspeople to cover expenses of
the project. So far $90 has been
Mr. Van Atta was for many
years a partner in the Claypole
and Van Atta drug store. He was
active in church work and a
friend of many of the instructors
on the campus. “He led an ob
scure life, but was a friendly
sort of fellow,” said Mr. Hol
mer, executive secretary for the
drive. Mr. Holmer further stat
ed that excellent spirit had been
shown during the campaign for
The fountain planned will be
large and probably built of stone.
Contributions may be made to
Mr. Holmer at the YMCA house
at 1225 Kincaid street. Checks
should be made payable to Mr.
J. O. Lindstrom, business man
ager of the University.
Kappa Phi Organizes
At Wesley Tonight
Wesley house announced Tues
day that at six this evening, in
the First Methodist church, there
will be an organizational meeting
of Kappa Phi, national Methodist
girls’ sorority.
Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy, of Sa
lem, will present the preliminary
plans for the establishment of
this sorority in Eugene.
Frosh Post Open
On ISA Council
Freshman representative of the
ISA council will be elected Tues
day, and all freshmen interested
in the office should submit a pe
tition signed by 50 independent
students to Leighton Platt, chair
man of the ISA senate, at Camp
bell club by Friday noon.
The petition will constitute
nomination for election, and
should contain the name of the
Elections will be on Tuesday.
The time and place will be an
nounced in a later edition of the
Perpetual T rophy Considered
For Display Contest Prize
With the winning slogan, "The Home Fires Are Burn
ing,” as the theme for Homecoming weekend, plans for the
sign contest have started rolling with the appointment oi
Jim Prior, Nancy Ames, Maxine Marsh, and Ed Atiyeh to the
committee in charge.
Campus living organizations will outdo each other in an at
Coed Capers
Go Patriotic
Besides furnishing one night
of “hilarious entertainment” for
a strictly feminine audience,
Coed Capers are doing some
thing "really worthwhile,” ac
cording to Janet Ross, chairman.
Funds from the event will go
toward two scholarship benefits
-—AWS scholarships, and a serv
ice-men's scholarship. The AWS
scholarship is awarded to help
worthy girls stay in school,
while the servicemen's scholar
ship will go into a fund to help
men who left school to go into
the service complete their edu
Janet remarked that “a large
turn-out is expected” to the
AWS-sponsored all-campus af
fair, November 12.
There will be a meeting today
of all committee heads at 4 p.m.
at the ADPi house.
Press Delegates
Convene Friday
Plans for the 18th annual Ore
gon High School Press conference
are almost completed, according
to George Turnbull, professor of
journalism. Delegates will start
arriving on the campus Thursday
afternoon and evening to be on
hand for the opening session Fri
day morning at 9 o'clock. Dele
gates to the two-day meet will
(Tlcasc turn to page eight)
Regulations Published;
Liquor Rules Stressed
The 1942 edition of the Univer
sity regulations affecting student
life is being distributed this week
to living organizations and fac
ulty members. Notable rules in
the new booklet are those relat
ing to social functions and chap
Chaperonage Fee
According to the regulations,
“For all social functions requir
ing chaperonage, organizations
shall pay a chaperonage fee set
by the student affairs committee
and approved by the president,
unless exemption from the fee is
obtained under regulations which
follow. The dean of women has
authority to exempt minor social
occasions from this charge.
Fees collected (present fee is
$5.00) shall be paid into a Uni
versity trust fund to be adminis
tered by the business office, to
be drawn upon by requisition cf
the chairman of the student af
fairs committee.
Dean’s List
All mixed parties and dances
shall be chaperoned by a couple
selected from a list in the dean
of women’s office. This couple
shall be paid a fee set by the stu
dent affairs committee for their
expenses and services from the
social function fund. (Present
fee is $5.00.) Liquor regulations
effective at the beginning of fall
term 1942-43 have been stated to
provide definitions at points
where former regulations were
vague and incomplete.
Liquor Rules
The rules now in effect are:
“1. The administration of the
University of Oregon considers
it contrary to the best interests
(Please turn to page three)
tempt to design and construct
the most appropriate and “eye
catching’’ display to welcome
Eugene-bound alums. They will
he allowed to use, however, only
$15 for material. This limit has
been enforced in order to insure
no elaborate or pre-war extrava
Tentative plans for this year’s
prize will include the presenta
tion of a perpjetual trophy, on.
which, each year, the winner’s
name will be engraved.
Eligibility of signs will be rec
ognized only after a complete no
tice of entry has been filed with
Bill Lilly, contest chairman, be
fore Friday noon, November ti.
With this application an itemized
expense account must be at
tached and a brief description of
the sign in order to assist the
judges in deciding the winner.
It is imperative that all signs
be completed by 6 p.m. Friday,
November 6. Judging will take
place between 7 and 9 that night.
Judges are to he announced later,
according to Lilly.
The Homecoming directorate
crystallized into final form Tues
day evening when Chairman Pat.
Cloud filled remaining vacan
cies in his staff. New appoint
ments are Uly Dorais, in charge
of the alumni service contest;',i
Pat Palmer, hospitality chairman,
and' Bass Dyer, director of spe
cial events.
Those already appointed are
John J. Mathews, publicity chair
man; Bill Lilly, sign contest
chairman, and Marion Harris, ex
ecutive secretary.
(Please turn to page eight)
Amnesia Hits
Three cases of amnesia result
ing from intramural football in
juries are in the infirmary. The
amnesia is of a type which only
teemporarily affects the memory,
making it impossible for the vic
tims to remember how or when
they were injured, according to
lone Wasen, infirmary nurse.
Three men and two women arc
now occupying cots in the pa
latial pill palace. They are Ed
Walters, who was admitted Tues
day, Wallace Clark, Douglas
Fetch, Ruth Eckhardt, and Lucy"
Jean Morris.
Bob Faw was released Tues*
Alumni Theme Song
(To be sung to the tune of “Keep
the Home Fires Burning")
Keep the home fires burning,
While our hearts are yearning.
And if our tires weren’t ail
blown out
Well, we’d all come home.
—J.W.S. i