Webfoot diggers’ Outline’ Presented. In New Streamlined Campus Calendar Victory Bell Considered For Victory Scrap Pile By BOB EDWARDS Big noise and little noise added together make bigger noise. Bells, don’t you hear them bells ... if the vote goes right today the Oregon victory bell may be consigned to the scrap heap according to the Sigma Nus. The Tri Delts will bring along the cowbells they collected in their travels in the rural districts of the county ... the only thing the farmer wouldn’t _let them take was the watering Sig Kaps, Alpha Hall Photos Billed Today Alpha hall and Sigma Kap- ' pa are slated for Oregana pho tos today, according to Editor J. Wes Sullivan. Signs Conform To War Effort Oregon’s men and women liv ing organizations will have a new requirement to win the Home coming sign contest this year. Bill Lilly, chairman, announced Thurs day that signs should promote America’s all-out war effort as well as the official 1942 slogan. Also in keeping with the na tional war effort is the limiting of funds to be spent on this year’s signs. As yet, the exact amount, has not been designated, but the announcement will appear in a later issue of the Emerald. Because of the difficulty in ob taining materials, it is going to take more planning, more work, and more originality than ever before, to make this year’s signs as successful as those of preced ing years, the chairman pointed out. For this reason Lilly would like each house to appoint its sign chairman, and be ready to start work as soon as the slogan is chosen. Last year’s sign contest win ners were Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Chi. AAA Faculty Member Directs Housing Plan Another facility member an swering' the demands of national defense is Harlow E. Hudson, in structor in architecture, who is directing a defense housing pro ject in Seattle. Mr. Hudson has been given a six-weeks’ leave of absence in or der to work on the project. Similar construction in Port land occupied his attention dur ing the summer months. Radio Workshop Broadcasts Drama The Radio Workshop will pre sent at 7:45 tonight on KOAC, a drama entitled “The Key,” di rected by Kenneth S. Wood. Members of the cast are: Ar liss Boone, Pat Howard, Louise Rossman, Mary Plowman, Rose Mary Sloane, and Jane Baker. Sound effects are handled by Bob Mundt, Jean Taylor, Wilma Fos ter, and Elaine Jackson. The story concerns the adven tures of a new nurse at a private hospital for the insane. The University of Texas has opened new engineering buildings this semester. trough. Automobiles of ancient vintage are being supplied from all sources but the Phi Sigma Kappa lads have a wrecking lot in their back yard. The Sigma Chis re leased a story about their scrap heap. They say that nine girls in three cars attempted to borrow a portion of their hoard. We won’t mention any names, but it is spelled with three Ds. The ADPis made the supreme sacrifice by giving up their and irons . . . their first scrap pile was given to the downtown scrap drive by their housemother. The Chi Psi pledges claim to have a locomotive cornered on the top of a hill ... all they have to do is figure out how to bring it home. A locomotive whistle would liven up the noise parade. Theta Chi sent out a crew of black boys at 2 a.m. in driving rain to gather the mortal remains of an automo bile . . . what price glory? The housing projects should contact Len Barde . . . the plumb ing shortage could be remedied by the collections of bathtubs about the campus . . . Fiji claims to have the corner on the mar ket . . . Canard club has one which came over on the ark . . . as yet no bathtub has been occu pied when collected. Prep Papers Arrive For Contest Judgment Entries in the annual high school press contest are arriving at the school of journalism and a faculty-student committee has begun judging them, according to Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of journalism. Each paper is analyzed from the standpoint of news coverage, news writing, editorials, features, balance, and typography. The committee furnishes each school with an evaluation of its entry, outlining its good and bad points. Best all around paper will be presented a cup, as will also the best pai |1 in schools with less than 500 students, over 500 stu dents, best monthly or bi-monthly mimeographed sheet, best week ly mimeographed paper, and best news stories in local papers. Dr. Clarence E. Ayres, Univer sity of Texas, says a sales tax is bad at all times. CLASSIFIED ADS • Lost PROBABLY taken as souvenirs were 2 "Duck” signs from Clay Pomeroy’s service station at 11th and Hilyard. Clay wants ’em back, please, and says to say “No questions asked.” SMALL, bright blue cigarette lighter, in vicinity of art school. Dunhill Bros. Insignia on bot tom. Reward. Finder please re turn to Barbara McClung, Pi Phi. Phone 947. 'When And Where’ Schedule Promises Ample Social Life Latest report on “who’s doing what when” among the Webfoots was issued Thursday by Mrs. Alice MacDuff, assistant dean of women. The social calendar follows: October 16, Friday October 17, Saturday October 20, Tuesday October, 22 and 23, Thursday and Friday October 23, Friday October 24, Saturday October 25, Sunday October 27, Tuesday October 28 and 29 October 29 October 30 October 31, Saturday November 2, Monday Mid-terms November 6, Friday November 7, Saturday November 10, Tuesday November 12, Thursday November 13, Friday November 14, Saturday November 16, Monday November 20, Friday November 21, Saturday November 23, Monday November 26, Thursday November 30 to December IS December 4 December 18 to December 2S December 29 Tri-Delt radio dance Sigma Nu fireside ' DU radio dance Kappa Sigma Phi Sig radio Phi Theta Assembly, 4 o’clock YWCA house doughnut sale Phi Sigma Kappa Pi Beta Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Delta Gamma Idaho at Eugene Whiskerino (Bryce Sidesinger) All co-op tea Alpha Chi Omega tea Kwama assembly—4 p.m. YWCA campus doughnut sale Send-off rally All co-op informal Campbell club fireside Phi Delta Theta Sigma Kappa Yeomen Oregon at Berkeley Delta Tau Delta Sigma Phi Epsilon Zeta Tau Alpha radio dance Alpha Delta Pi Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Alpha Mu Alpha Omicron Pi Orides Pledge dance Parade 4:50 p.m. Homecoming' week-end UCLA ilt Eugene Homecoming dance Frosh Mix (Kwarnaa, Phi Theta) Co-ed Capers Sigma Chi Gamma Phi Theta Chi Delta Upsilon Sigma Alpha Epsilon radio dance Chi Psi radio dance Phi Gamma Delta Campbell club Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Phi Highland Oregon at Los Angeles Chi Omega Kappa Kappa Gamma Tri Delt Kappa Alpha Theta Alpha Chi Omega Susan Campbell hall Sigma Nu Phi Kappa Psi Orides fireside Draper and Adler concert Rally dance Oregon at OSC Sigma Phi Epsilon Zeta Tau Alpha Rally dance—4 o'clock Thanksgiving Closed Y Christmas program Christmas vacation Registration EXCITEMENT! THRILLS! SPILLS! EUGENE ICE ARENA ICE SKATING DAILY 3:15 to 5:30-7:45 to 10:00 Sat. and Sun. Morning 10:15 to 12:30 A n y organization may rent tire arena for a pri vate party any evening between 10-12 p.m. for only $20. West 6th Ave., Eugene ISA Budget Requirement Met By Levy# Every independent on the cam pus was assessed 10 cents to make up the year’s ISA budget at the first senate meeting of the term in Chapman hall yester day. Funds are to be used in pro motion of independent social and political interests. One of the first expenses of the term was the purchase of file cards to be used in organizing a “talent bank” to encourage in terested students to participate in activities. All independents may fill out cards which are to be filed in the ISA office in Mc Arthur court and made available to anyone during the office hours of 3 to 4 p.m. Cards may be ob tained from local senators. Larsen Remarks Commenting on the emphasis ISA is placing on activities th^fc year, A1 Larsen, president, re^ marked, “The only way to further one’s position in campus life is to work with and for committees, groups, and organizations.” The following committees were appointed to consider initial ISA activities. Committees Agenda: Doris Jones, Margaret Davis, Ivan Kerschman, Jerry Quick, Harold Brevig, and Bill Murray. War activity: Aaron Jones, Jane Webster, Dan Beyer, and Keith Claycomb. Constitu tional: Malcolm MacCauley, Jean Mellis, and Hugh Muir. Betty Ann Keup of Susan Campbell was elected secretary. Thursday at 4 p.m. every two weeks was chosen as the tempo rary meeting date. Gifts to University of Michican in 1940-41 totaled $1,613,562. Roller Skating Every Xight, 7:30 to 10:30 For Party Reservation Phone 3250-J Paramount Skating Rink 25 W. 7th St. Eugene, Ore. BUZZ YOUR BEST AND BRING HER OUT TO Bev's Bar-B-Q Delicious Barbecued (| Sandwiches. Conve- | nient Curb Service. | 1900 Blk. on W. 6th j